Chapter 44 - The Filmmaker's new dream

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LAST PART of the story. Please leave a comment at the end. Let's end this story on a happy note.


4 months later

"Vikram, wake up. Wake up, you sleepyhead." Shubha shook her husband to wake him up.

"Five minutes Subbu." Vikram pulled the comforter above his head.

"It's Naveen's wedding today" said Shubha. "He's so worried about the wedding that he has gone half mad already."

"Men go mad only after getting married" said Vikram. "Like me."

"Excuse me! What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing. It's rubbish. I tend to speak rubbish in the morning, right after waking up." Vikram tried to cover up.

"I will let it slide for now. We'll discuss it later. After returning from the wedding." Shubha smiled sweetly.

"Please have mercy, my Queen." Vikram got off the bed and bowed. "Do not punish thy humble servant." He embraced her.

She smiled. "Okay. Brush your teeth, take bath and get ready."

He looked at his clothes. "What are you wearing?" She showed him her saree.

"It reminds me of your wedding saree. Remember how happy you were to have Chris performing all the rituals as your brother?" He winked at her.

"All my friends laughed at me. Who would make their favourite actor, their brother? Except me." She chuckled.

Vikram went to take bath. Shubha opened her wedding album and started viewing the pictures. She stopped at the picture of Latha applying turmeric to her face. She smiled remembering their conversation that day.

"Amma, will my face turn yellow, like a jaundice patient?" Shubha asked Latha.

Latha smacked her head. "I will make sure that your face is clean. This is just a ritual." The ladies smeared the turmeric paste to her face, occasionally teasing her and making her blush.

"I never thought I would get to witness this day" said Shubha, trying to blink away tears. "Thank you, amma."

"Shubha, no. I won't allow my child to shed tears." Latha wiped Shubha's tears. "Smile. Come on. What will people think? That I am being a typical mother-in-law, making her daughter-in-law cry?"

Shubha laughed at this. The twins Dhruva and Disha smeared the turmeric paste on her face. The still called her Shubha akka though Vikram asked them not to.

"It's our turn now." Dhwani looked at Pragathi, who was busy with her phone. "Wait. Let me upload this picture."

"Pragathi garu, don't forget the hashtag. TheVibhaWedding." Rukhsar reminded her.

"Yes. I almost forgot." Pragathi included the hashtag, which was trending everywhere. The girls smeared the turmeric on Shubha's face. "Let's take a picture and make Vikram jealous" said Pragathi. They embraced Shubha and clicked a picture.

They forwarded it to Vikram. 'We got to embrace her before you could.'

They received a reply from him. 'Hahaha... I already embraced her.... Twice.'

The girls gasped. Shubha hid her face. The rest of the morning was spent teasing Shubha.

"Darling. I can't find my perfume. Can I use yours?" Shubha was brought back to the present with Vikram's voice.

"That's ladies' perfume."


"You are a man."

"So what? Fragrance doesn't have gender. We created these stupid rules and restrictions." He said, making her run towards him and embrace him. "Whoa! Why this sudden surge of affection?"

"Nothing." She broke the hug after a while. "Now, get ready. We also have to attend the event."

Vikram's father, director Bhaskar was given 'Lifetime Achievement Award' posthumously. It was an emotional moment for the family, especially Latha. She was happy to see her husband being remembered even after his death.

"What if we are late for the wedding?" Shubha was worried.

"The wedding is more important" said Vikram. "We will just reach the award show five minutes before our award is announced, collect the award, and return. You take care of Rukhsar until then. We will be gone for only half hour. If it gets delayed we will return without collecting the award."

"But it's your father's--"

"Dad would have done the same. He wouldn't have cared about awards. Naveen's wedding would have meant more to him. If I am not wrong, he will be watching over Naveen on his special day" said Vikram, with a child-like innocence in his voice. "And we are from the bride's side. We can't afford to leave her alone when she needs us."

Shubha caressed his face. "What did I do to deserve you?"

"Well, you married me. I'm all yours now." He grinned. "You're looking at the album?" He started turning pages. He stopped at the picture of Shubha trying to eat chocolate, while her hands were decorated with henna design.

"Look at this. You look so funny here. My chocolate-lover Shubha. What if I hadn't come to your rescue on that day?"

"Then I would have held the chocolate with my hands, ruining the henna design. And then amma would have scolded you for not helping me. What a scene it would have been." Shubha giggled.

"Our wedding was so beautiful, that I wanted it to go on forever. Remember how everyone took your side and almost threatened me? It was partly scary. Yet so touching."

"Of course. And the seven circles around the fire, with our fingers entangled. It was so beautiful." She turned the pages and stopped at the picture where Chris and Dhwani performed the rituals as her family.

"I gift my sister's hand in marriage to you, and hope that you would take care of her. Be with her through thick and thin. Never hurt her. If you do, you will have me to answer to." Chris warned Vikram.

"Me too" said Dhwani.

"Me three" said Naveen.

"Also me" said Latha.

"Mom? Aren't you supposed to be on my side?" asked Vikram.

"She's my child too" said Latha.

"I promise you all, I will never hurt Shubha. Her happiness will be my priority.... Always" said Vikram. He tied the Mangalasutra around her neck. She looked at him, her eyes glistening with tears of happiness.

"Let's view the pictures later. We'll be late" said Shubha. She closed the album and placed it inside carefully.


"Aren't you supposed to be with Vikram garu?" asked Rukhsar.

"Yes. But who will take care of you and all the arrangements if I go with him?" Shubha was slightly less cheerful. She knew Vikram and Latha needed her presence. She wondered whether they would be able to keep their emotions in check. But she couldn't leave her friend alone. She was torn between her loyalty to her friend and her love for her husband.

"It's just a matter of half an hour. Everything's set here. Go. He needs you" said Rukhsar.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. He needs you more than me. Be with him."

Shubha left. Not before giving a lot of instructions to the makeup artists.


"Our film industry has witnessed several legends. Late director Bhaskar garu is one such legend who will be remembered forever. The man who served the Telugu film Industry for decades. It's an honour to present this award to him. I would like to welcome Mrs. Latha and Mr. Vikram up on stage to accept this award."

Latha stood up. She walked slowly towards the stage. She was dressed the way her husband would have wanted her to. Simple and graceful.

Vikram followed her. He maintained a distance of few feet. He wanted everyone's focus to be on her. Latha accepted the award. She remembered how her husband always dedicated his awards to his family. "I would never be me, without you. You are a part of me." He used to say.

She shut her eyes. She felt someone place a hand on her shoulder. She opened her eyes to see Shubha. "You are here?" She was surprised.

"I reached just now. Couldn't leave my family alone" said Shubha. "Amma, time to say a few words."

Everyone in the hall were waiting for Latha to speak. "Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for honouring my husband, Bhaskar garu, with this award. I am sure he will be watching us. If he were here he would have told you all how honoured he felt. Not because you have recognized his efforts. But because you all gave him an opportunity to serve the film industry and tell stories that need to be told. He didn't just love cinema. He worshipped it. He used to say that cinema is not just a form of entertainment. It is also a medium which has the power to change the society. We are loved and followed by millions of people. We are idolized by millions of fans. It is a blessing. When we are receiving so much, it is our duty to give something to the society. Let's all vow to make a difference. Let's try to make films that inspire people. Let's try to make films that love our culture as well as respect other cultures. Let's make sure that our films have a good social message that touches hearts. That's what my husband dreamed about. I am glad my family," she looked at Vikram and Shubha, "gave everything they could, to fulfill his dream." She held their hands.

They received a standing ovation from the audience.


Naveen's wedding was a perfect picture of bliss. Vikram, Shubha and Dhwani were from the bride's side, while Latha, Chris and Pragathi were from the groom's side. Naveen's father was also invited. But he chose to skip the wedding. Rukhsar felt bad. Everyone tried to cheer her up.

"I can't believe I am marrying a woman whose IQ is--"

"Stop right there." Vikram interrupted Naveen. "Don't talk about IQ. Please. It's a sensitive topic." He said looking at Shubha.

Rukhsar smiled at Naveen. "Who cares about IQ, when you are a superstar?"

"Oh my Dumbledore!" Shubha gasped. "Madly in love."

The wedding started. It was a beautiful church wedding. Rukhsar wore a floor length white gown with a beautiful tiara. She chose not to use a veil because Naveen disliked it. He wanted his bride's face to be visible.

Vikram held her hand and helped her walk the aisle. Shubha was her maid of honour. The wedding started.

"Do you, Naveen Kumar, take Rukhsar Khan to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Naveen was asked.

"I do" said Naveen.

"Do you, Rukhsar Khan, take Naveen Kumar to be your lawfully wedded husband?" asked the priest.

"I do" said Rukhsar.

They exchanged rings. "I now pronounce you husband and wife."

"Yay!" Shubha clapped her hands. The wedding feast started.

"My best friend married your best friend" said Vikram.

"No. My best friend married your best friend" said Shubha. "Look at Naveen. Can't believe he is the same guy who used to run away from love."

"Love changes everything. It gives the power to fight every problem. Like how your love changed me. From the guy who used to panic about simple things, to the man who can shield himself and everyone who placed trust in him." Vikram squeezed her hand. "By the way, may I have the honour of dancing with you, my Queen?"

"I like the way you asked." Shubha nodded. They started dancing.

"Your dance steps have improved. I'm impressed" said Vikram.

"Advantage of joining you and the kids in the Tuesday Night Dancing Session." Shubha replied. "By the way, I met an actress yesterday. She used to be in top position 10-12 years ago. Her name is Riddhi."

"Who? Riddhi Agarwal?" asked Vikram.

"Yes. The lead actress of the film in which you played the hero's teenager cousin. She is facing few financial issues. I offered her a role in our next movie. I know she's your favourite actress" said Shubha.

"How do you know she's my favourite?"

"Science of deduction, sir. I won the challenge."

"But how?"

"I found an old video. Your interview for that film. You were looking at her in awe. That's how I knew. I know she is not in touch. I took Chris garu's help and tracked her down.Can't let my husband's favourite actress suffer due to lack of work."

"What did I do to deserve you Subbu?" Vikram caressed her face.

She looked around. "What are you doing? They'll see."

"Let them see. You are my wife." He stepped closer.

"A wife who hasn't had the privilege of going on honeymoon with her husband." Shubha complained.

"How can I deny you this right? I have already planned our honeymoon in Kerala. I promised I will take you there again. So, is Kerala okay?"

"Of course. I love that state" said Shubha.

He slowly led her out of the hall. They sat by a huge tree, staring at the moon.

"Thank you Subbu. Without you I would never have lived my dream." Vikram kissed her forehead.

"You taught me to dream. Without you I would never have believed that I could be happy again." Shubha rested her head on his shoulder. "You are my biggest dream. A dream that turned into reality."

"And you are my sweetest dream. A dream that wakes me up with her smile every morning." He wrapped his arm around her.


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