Chapter 5 - Perfect for the role

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"Wake up! Wake up, you moron." Latha literally shook her son to wake him up. 

"Five minutes, mom." Vikram pulled the comforter over his eyes. 

"You have been saying that since 6 o' clock. It's 7.15 now. You have to reach the studio by 9.30. Get ready."

"Please. I didn't sleep properly last night." 

"Kids these days. Always glued to smartphones. Throw that away. Only then you will get some sleep." She opened his wardrobe and started selecting clothes for him. "You have to watch the performances of the Top 10 today. You have to be there. How else would we know who the best performer is?"

He finally woke up. "Okay. I'll come downstairs within half an hour." He assured her. As promised, he got ready in less than half an hour and went to join his mother for breakfast.

"Ready?" asked Latha.

"I was born ready mom." He said making her chuckle. "Good morning Subbu. How are you?" 

It had been five days since they had their previous conversation. Vikram had to attend a meeting in Mumbai. He was apprehensive to leave his mother alone. He gave a lot of instructions to the maid servants before leaving. He was glad that Shubha was there to keep her company.

"I'm fine sir." Shubha replied. "How are you?" 

"Good. Have your breakfast quickly. Let's go to the studio together."

"Actually, er,..." Shubha didn't know how to tell him.

"Any problem?" 

"I have to go to my lab. I mean, not my lab. The lab I used to work in. I will reach the studio by noon." She didn't tell him the reason. "Please." She added.

"Why do you want to go there?" He asked casually, not noticing the sadness in her face.

"I have some work. So I need to meet my old colleagues to sort things out." She didn't elaborate.

"Vicky. Let her go." Latha knew Shubha had to meet the enquiry committee that day.

"Okay. You will be there by lunch time. Right?" He asked her.

"Yes" She stood up. "I'll go now. Bye." She left.

Vikram had his breakfast slowly, listening to his mother's suggestions. "Don't concentrate on looks. We need a good performer." She said. "By the way, I talked to Dhwani's father yesterday."

Vikram's heart sank. He knew what they must have talked about. "What did he say?" He asked, pretending to be disinterested.

"He agreed to wait for a few months before we talk about the wedding alliance. It has only been one and a half months since your father, er, well, I think we should wait for a few more months before fixing a date for engagement." Latha spoke.

"Engagement?" Vikram was shocked. "Mom, I still haven't given my consent. I need some time."

"Sure. Take your time." She said. She was sure that he would say yes. Dhwani was his classmate in college after all.

"Okay. Bye mom." He ate quickly to escape from the conversation. He sat in his car, thinking about Dhwani. He considered telling the truth to Latha. But he remembered his promise which forbade him from saying anything. 'Need to put an end to this, soon.' He decided.

He used his phone as a mirror to comb his hair. He remembered his previous conversation in the car with Shubha. It brought a smile to his face. He wondered when she would take a picture with him. 

It was only after he reached the studio that he understood, Shubha wasn't entirely honest with him that morning.


Shubha sat in the cab, thinking about everything that happened at the research lab. She answered all the questions honestly. But sadly, she didn't have any evidence to produce. She was glad that one of the committee members was convinced that she was innocent. But clearly that wasn't enough.

"Madam, we are here" said the driver. She paid him and got off.

She swiped her ID card and entered the building. She walked towards the hall in which the auditions were being held. 

She saw few budding actresses sitting outside the hall, waiting for their turn. She found herself scanning each face carefully to see who suited Vikram the best. 'What am I doing?' She shook her head and requested the guard for permission to enter.

"You are here? I wasn't expecting you this early" said Vikram.

"May I take a picture of this group?" She said pointing at the group of people sitting there. "I will give an update saying auditions have started."

"Sure. But don't post the actresses' pictures. I want it to be a secret" said Vikram. 

She nodded. After a few minutes, she stood up to leave. "Where are you going?" asked Vikram.

"I think I am not needed here. So, I will wait outside."

"You can sit here and watch their performance with us. It will be fun. Six more to go." 

She sat beside him. The next actress entered the hall. She was wearing an extremely pretty outfit and stilettos. Shubha wondered how much her feet must have ached. She was glad she never had to wear high heels. She spent most of her life wearing shoes in her lab.

She watched as the girl performed. After the girl left, she looked at Vikram. He wasn't impressed. "She was good. Right?"

"Yes. She was." He answered.

"Why aren't you impressed then?"

"Because I am looking for excellence."

His reaction was same for two more actresses. The current one was given a prop, which happened to be a sparring sword. She was given a dialogue, which she recited in an emotionless voice.

Shubha sighed and started checking her mails on her phone. She suddenly heard the girl fall down. She ran towards her and helped her get up. She held the sword with one hand and supported the girl with another. "Are you alright?"

"Yes. I am fine." The girl was almost in tears for ruining the audition.

"No. You don't look alright." Vikram called one of his assistants to take her out and help her rest for a while.

Precisely at that moment, his mother's employee came to meet him. "How is it going Vikram? Sorry for disturbing. You may continue." He said looking at Shubha, who was still holding the sword.

"She is not here for the audition, Sumanth garu" said Vikram.

"She's not?" Sumanth looked slightly surprised. "Okay. For a moment I felt you found the perfect actress for the role. I mean, look at her." He said in a low voice.


"She is beautiful, graceful and has fierce eyes." Sumanth explained. "Isn't that what we wanted?"

Vikram turned towards Shubha. He gasped. His first thought was 'How could I not notice her? I am a fool.'

He stood there, staring at her without blinking. Shubha, who couldn't understand what's going on, felt slightly uncomfortable due to his gaze.

Few strands of her hair fell on her face. Vikram slowly walked towards her and pushed them backwards. "What are you doing?" She frowned.

He didn't answer immediately. He looked her from head to toe as if scanning her. "You are breathtakingly beautiful."

She gasped and looked at the door, which was at a distance of twenty feet, calculating how quickly she can escape from the hall. 

"Naresh ask the assistants to get the clothes for her to change. Let's see if she looks equally good in the other outfit. Her face is perf--" Before he could finish the sentence, he felt Shubha hit him on the shoulder and push him out of the way, yelling, "How dare you talk about me like that? I'll kill you if you touch me."

He didn't understand. She threw the sword away and tried to punch him. But he was ready. He blocked her move and held her hand in a firm grip. "Calm down, Kung Fu Panda." 

It occurred to him that she misunderstood his words. He burst out laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" She yelled trying to release her hand from his grip. "All men in the film industry are alike. You are no different. I swear I will cut you into half if you lay a finger on me."

"Naresh, Sumanth garu, did you see that?" Vikram asked them, enthusiastically.

"What a flawless dialogue delivery!" Sumanth remarked.

"And the fierceness in the eyes" said Naresh.

"Subbu, listen to me. You are going to be the lead actress of the film." Vikram announced. "You are perfect for the role."

Shubha, who was attempting to kick him, stopped midway and gaped at him. "What are you saying? Have you gone mad?"

"Sit down, Subbu. Let me explain. And for God's sake, stop looking at me like that. I don't intend to do what you are thinking. Not everyone in the film industry is like that." 

"Okay." She finally understood that she misinterpreted his words. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you."

"It's okay. Drink some water." He offered her a glass of water. "Before we start, promise me you won't hit me again. It still hurts." He said rubbing his shoulder, making her giggle.


We all are starting to understand how she thinks. Right? So which one among the following will most likely be her reaction?

A. Readily agree as it is a 'once in a lifetime opportunity'.

B. Hit him again and leave

C. Ask him if she will be paired with Chris

Don't forget to vote and comment. Thank you.

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