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October: 2014 (Bryans Pov)

"And now the mysterious disappearance of an oil Freighter off the coast of New Orleans." the newscaster said.
I turned the tv off.
"Any news on the storm?" My mom asked from the kitchen.
"They haven't said," I called to her.
"Open up, Mary; I found another one," My dad called from the door to the.
I get off the couch and walk into the main hallway. I saw that Charles was standing at the door to the kitchen playing on his phone. My dad was at the front door holding a boy with brown hair wearing ripped clothing.

"Why was that kid left alone?" I asked my dad.
"I don't know," Dad said," Hows our other guests?" he asked.
"They're ok; they're sleeping," Mom said, moving the boy's hair out of his eyes. "The boy could have a concussion."

"Yeah, we should put him in Charles's old room." Dad said, readjusting the kid in his arms.
"What, why the hell?" Charles shouted, finally speaking.
"Come on, bud, you've outgrown that room," Dad said, carrying the kid upstairs.
Charles sighed and got back on his phone.
Dad likes this; he's always wanted to run a bed and breakfast. Guess he's getting his dream.
"I'll put some soup on, " Mom Called up the stairs. "Bryan, can you get some clothes for him, there's some in the laundry room," she told me and moved Charles put of the way to the kitchen.
I walked to the laundry room, and I grabbed some random clothes: a grey sweater, a white button-up shirt, and brown slacks.
I grabbed the clothes and walked upstairs.
I walk into Charles's old room to find the boy on the bed.
I place the clothes on the nightstand.
"Okay, little one, let's get you cleaned up," I said, and I saw Charles standing in the doorway.
"I'll help," Charles said, walking towards the bed.

The boy woke up.
"Who are you?" He asked his blue eyes full of fear.
" It's ok we just need to strip you down." Charles said no emotion.
"What?!" The kid shouted in panic.
"Charles, don't say it like that!" I yelled at my brother," And he means we need to change your clothes."
"Oh," the kid quietly said.
"Soups ready!" Mom called from downstairs.
"I'll change him you get him some soup." Charles said, but I stopped him from getting the clothes.
"No, I don't want him ending up with your 'Style'" I said.
"What's wrong with my clothes!?" He asked angrily.
I started laughing uncontrollably.

Charles turned and walked out the room.
"Who are you?" He asked me.
"Oh, my name is Bryan, the jerk you saw earlier is my Brother Charles," I said, getting the clothes.

I was cleaning my room when the power went out.
I tried to turn the light one but it woudltn work.
I walked out of my room and next to the stairs I saw.

I tried to wake him up, but he was out cold.

I walked to the stairs, but I heard mom in the bathroom.
"Yes......ok.......yes, all are welcome here," She said, having a one-sided conversation.
I walk to the door and pushed it open.
"Mom?" I asked.
"Bryan, come look come see his gift." he sighed.
"Look at all the pretties my little boy has given me!!" Se shouted and jumped at me. Bugs drawing all over the mouth and face.
I Dodged her and ran down the stairs.
I ran, but I ran into dad. And he looked at me.
"What wrong Bryan." He asked, and he put a knife up to his face.
"Dad?" I asked.
He became sweaty and tears in his eyes.
"I-I'm sorry I don't know what wrong with me," He muttered," Dont touch him; don't hurt my son." He grabbed something from his pocket," TAKE IT, GO!!" he shouted, giving it to me.
It's the keys to his car.
He collapsed to the ground, and I ran to his car.

Mrs.Murtz was knitting wings onto one of her dogs.
"Dont you only make wings for the dead ones?" I ask concerned.
"Just thinking ahead, dear, Agnes hasn't been feeling well lately."  Mrs.Murtz said, keeping her dog from moving off her lap.
"Ethel, are you ready!" Mr.Murtz called from upstairs.
Mrs.Mirtz sighed, annoyed.
"We lost our ride, Fred!" She yelled upstairs. "Bryan says his parents have vanished.
"WHAT!!" Mr.Murtz comes downstairs, his fancy suit not finished. "We waited six weeks for those tickets!"
"I guess we could walk," Mrs.Murtz Suggested.
"With your legs!" Mr.Murtz yelled. "It's three miles to the theatre!"
I cleared my throat, but they just kept fighting.

I guess I could leave head to California.

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