The fight

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Jon's pov (profanity)
I sat there with the old guy staring at me.
I sighed. This is going to hurt.
I started rocking my chair side to side, trying to loosen my restraints.
I fell onto the ground on my side. The chair broke, but now I'm going to be in pain for the rest of.....whatever this is?

I got out of my broken chair. I stood up I walked out of the dining room. I remember the layout of the first floor from my search. I walked down a single hallway, and I saw Jack standing at a window doing nothing.
I walked forward slowly.

I ran into the nearest room, the pantry in fear.
"Stupid floorboard," I muttered.
"Boy? Why did you leave the table?" Jack sid, along with footsteps, I could hear boots on the old wooden floor walking towards my door.
"Dont you want to be part of the family?" He said with an odd calmness. "My baby boy has a gift to give you."
The footsteps stopped in front of my door.
I held my breath.
Please go away; please go away please go away.
The footsteps walked away.
"And after you came all the way here just to rescue my boy." Jack said, walking from my hiding place.
His boy? Does he mean this Bryans family? No wonder he doesn't talk about them?

I carefully step out of the pantry, and I look around. Bryan's father is gone.
I close the door gently. I walk back towards the basement door.......then!!!

Jack burst through the wall.
I ran away from him and into the dining room. The old man was gone. How he got out is a mystery.
But Jack ran after me with a knife; he was screaming nonsense.

"GET OVER HERE!" he shouted at me. I ran around the table, but he was fast. I toppled the table and everything on it onto him and ran off.

I kept running until I was in the lounge then I looked over the fireplace.

A shotgun and a belt of ammo. I grab it and almost rip it off the mantle I grabbed the ammo put it over my suit. I shove a shell into the chamber.
I look into the mirror next to the door.
"Forgive me, Bryan," I said before I opened the door, and I saw Jack.
He started running to me. I pointed the shotgun at him closed my eyes and.

I open my eyes, and I saw Jack smiling like he won the lottery.
"Safety on Johnny," He said before trying to punch me, but I ducked, and he hit the door.
His first went through the wooden door.

"DAMN IT," he shouted, trying to get out of his arm prison.
I look at the shotgun, and I see the safety. I turn it off.
I aim the shotgun at the struggling man and.....

Bryan's father fell to the ground, blood all over the floor. A bullet wound in the back of his head.
I back away.
"Hello, buddy, are you there?" I heard Evans's voice coming from Jack's Jacket.
I walk over to the dead father of my best friend.
I see the walkie talkie sitting in the puddle of blood.
I reach for it then...........

Jack grabbed my hand

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