Freeing Feelings

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"Are you a cheerleader or a track star," Logan said once he caught up to Tinsely. He caught hold of her arm to stop her from taking another step. "You're a lot faster than you look," he joked. But when her face remained blanks he cleared his throat. "Are you ok?" he took a step closer, voice laced with concern.

"Why does it matter?" Tinsely asked. "Secret's out. This is the part where you act like I don't exist. I'm just the one in a million girls who fell for Logan Dasilva's charm and good looks. And I hate myself everyday for it because I don't want to be another bunny in the bracket."

"Nice rhyme," he chuckled. With an annoyed look Tinsley started to pull away. "Ok, ok, I'm sorry. I'm not good at these things. Ty's the-"

"Would you stop doing that," she caught off. "I hate it when you compare yourself to him. You two may share the same face but you're the one I like." her face softened as she hugged herself, avoiding eye contact. "I've liked you since we were fifteen, on that camping trip for school. We all got our own little s'mores kit but Kyle Kent and his buddies stole mine. And that's when you came up and threatened to knock their teeth out." she heard him let out a low chuckle. Just the sound made it hard not to look up at him and smile. "You were the first one to hit their growth spurt so you pretty much towered over them. But Kyle was stubborn so he threw my baggie in the fire. You said I could share yours."

"You ended up burnin' most of yours. You were tying off friendship bracelets with Riley that you didn't notice your marshmallow had slipped and caught on fire." he stuffed his hands in his pockets, rocking on his feet. "You gave me this on on the bus ride home." pulling out his keys he held it in the palm of his hand, showing off the faded and slightly frayed bracelet.

"You still have it?" she whispered.

"I couldn't part with it," he admitted. "And for the record, I may have liked you since we were fifteen too...I just wasn't really sure what it was I was feeling. For you that is."

"And now?"

"I've been fighting it off every since that night in your room when we almost kissed."

"So what's stopping you?"

"Stopping what exactly?"

"From doing this." without another word Tinsely closed the gap between them. Bracing her hands on his broad shoulders and leaning up on her toes she pressed her lips against his. In an instant he cupped her face, kissing back with twice the force as he backed her against the wall. They were in the middle of the hallway for crying out loud. Anyone could walk by and see them. But Tinsely couldn't find it in herself to give a flying care. She's been dreaming about this moment for years. Wondering what it would be like to feel his body pressed against hers. It was everything and more. She could feel every little ridge of his muscles, the callous on his hands scraped against her skin as he gently held her face.

Wanting this moment to last forever but also needing air, she pulled back, keeping her eyes focused on his t-shirt. Until he lifted her head. Deep brown eyes meeting her crystal blues. Something fluttered in her heart. The flood gates were wide open. There was no coming back from this without getting burned. "If you're gonna break my heart, do it now."

"I don't plan on it princess."

"Which part? Doing it now or breaking my heart."

"Neither. You've always been in my life Tins, I can't let you go."

"So what does this mean."

"For starters I want to kiss you again. And secondly...I think I owe you a few dates."

"You're not scared of my dad?"

"I know how to take a hit, don't worry your pretty head over it."

───── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─────

"Only you could pretend you have zero interest in a girl and then suddenly come out confessing your feelings like some cheesy rom-com movie book or whatever mom watches."

"You know a normal person would be happy their brother is in a relationship," Logan pointed out as he watched Tyler pace back and forth in front of the bed. It was well after family dinner, everyone had left and it was the part of the night where one winds down. Logan does that by taking off all his clothes and leaving only his boxers on. He was in his room so he could do this without any complaints from the females (Nixie). Tyler was a different story of course. They did share a womb together. It doesn't get more up close and personal than that.

"Yeah well you're not normal."

"I'm not the one who has beef with a flee filled fur ball," Logan reminded, his hand idly petting Sugar Plum. The calmest of the three cats. The little black creature usually doesn't come to him for attention, but felines are a strange breed. When they act affectionate you take it without question.

"Getting back to the point," Tyler sighed. Unlike his brother he was wearing plaid pj pants and a well worn t-shirt. "I'm happy for you. Really I am. It was obvious you had some sort of feelings for Tins, what that was I was never sure. You've always been the dive in think guy, and that's the scary part."


"I'm glad you're finally settling down-"

"I'm not marrying the girl."

"Exactly. C'mon dude, she's basically family without the blood relation part. I need you to see how serious this is, not just for the two of you but for everyone else in our family," Tyler said, heaving a sigh. "I'm happy for you. Seriously you don't know how long I've been waiting for the day your playboy antics come to an end. That girl has been crushing on you forever. But for once in your life stop and think about the possibilities of this going wrong. Sides will be taken Lo. I can't take sides, and neither will Riley. Oh who am I kidding, the girls will huddle around Tins and who knows which end the guys will be on. Noah looks up to you, you really want to ruin that."

"Has anyone ever said you need to turn off your head," Logan asked, not giving a single care in the world what Tyler was rambling about. Many years spent together he's learned to tune his twin's voice out. Which is also technically his voice. But there's just a smidge of a difference in their voices.

"Did you hear a word I said?" Tyler asked.

"I feel like Sugar Plum is plotting my demise by acting so cuddly," was Logan's only response.

"What's going on in here," Albert asked, walking into the the room. He fully knew what the conversation was about. Because he had been ease dropping for a good chunk of it. Brooklyn would've smacked him, saying to keep his nose out of such matters. Luckily Brooklyn was passed out from exhaustion of the day. She was buried deep in their bed to the point he thought the blankets had finally eaten her.

"Trying to knock some sense into the helmet head about the possibilities of how bad this may go if he and Tins breakup," Tyler replied. "Meanwhile he's going on about how Sugar Plum is secretly psycho. Well, screw you Logan! That's the calm cat."

"You are your mother's son," Albert chuckled.

"HA! Mama's boy," Logan laughed.

Tyler started to raise his hand. Probably to point a certain finger but Albert had lowered his fist. Taking him by the wrist and pulled him down to the bed. "Yeah, he's a mama's boy," Albert agreed. "When you were still in the womb we knew Ty would be the calm one. While you," he looked to Logan. "You caused your mother so much discomfort. She blamed you for her morning sickness and weak bladder."

"How did she know it was me and not him?" Logan asked.

"The day you get your wife pregnant, son, is the day you'll learn when to pick your battles. If she wants stir fried rice with garlic and oil sauce instead of teriyaki, you get her the damn garlic and oil sauce. And then listen to her yell at you for letting her eat stair fry at four in the morning."

"Dad, where is this going?" Tyler asked with a heavy sigh.

"You're just like your mother Tyler. You're both overthinkers, worryin' bout odds and ends and what'll happen. While guys like me and Logan over here, we don't do much thinkin'. When we know somethin' we go for it. Jump in and deal with the consequences head on. The first time you stepped on the ice I could see the spark. It's the same one I saw when Ty hit his first ball that wasn't on a stand. I felt it when I first saw your mother. With guys like us there isn't anythin' that can stop us from goin' after what we love. That's why your uncle Mush couldn't scare me away. But that's how I wound up here, talking to you boneheads."

Albert couldn't help but smile. "You mean well Tyler, but there's no stoppin' your brother from potentially screwin' up your friend group. And Logan, Ty is only looking out for you. He can't help it if his brain is constantly runnin' with worry. You two may be twins but you couldn't be more different in every way. We're proud of you. I'm proud of you both for followin' your own paths. You don't have to be the next me, Tyler. And you don't have to feel like the black sheep Logan. I'd hate it if you two were only playing baseball because of me. I don't expect either of you to do that. Just like how I don't expect Nixie to skate."

"Yeah dad, we all know you rather her play softball," Logan said with an eye roll. "Though, I wish she had. Those outfits are way too revealing."

"Thank you! Your mother says I'm insane. There's no reason that get up needed to have a cut out showing her entire side."

"And the slit, don't forget the slit going to almost her belly."

"Would you two leave her alone," Tyler sighed for the millionth time that night. "It's skin colored fabric."

"Oh yeah, he's totally a mini mom," Logan laughed.

As Albert was about to say something, Tyler suddenly jumped up and scrambled to the spot beside Logan. Looking down he saw Paprika had big brown innocent eyes. She softly meowed and proceeded to hop on the bed with ease. Shaking his head, Albert picked up the little creature, cradling her in his arms as he stood up. "Don't go pullin' an all nighter. Mom needs our help at the store."

"Ah c'mon we did that the other day," Logan groaned.

"No that was typical restock. It's our favorite time of the year boys."

"You mean that giant shipment that comes in and we have to count what's there and what's already out on the floor before moving said shipment to new boxes and piling them in the back room that looks like a tornado blew through?" Tyler asked.

"Yup," Albert said happily.

"What if we already had plans?" Logan asked.

"Cancel 'em. There's no getting out of this one boys. Trust me."

"How many editions does one store need? I mean, why so many editions in the first place? You've got the abs, you got the still questionable redesign, and then you've got the special cartoons. But if it's a cartoon cover that may look innocent but who knows if it really is innocent," Tyler rambled.

"If a book takes place in college and or the characters are eighteen that's on you for not realizing it," Logan pointed out.

"Yeah well I did not need to know my mother was reading that stuff when she was our age."

"Or maybe don't pick up random books that are left opened in common areas," Albert advised. "And stop acting like it's the end of the world. Let's face it, neither of you are monks. Which reminds me-"

"No go popping out our spawns until we're married. Yeah dad, we know."

"You're gonna be the first one to have a spawn," Tyler said to his brother. "Not me. And Nixie isn't allowed to get pregnant."

"Agreed," Logan replied.

"Well, at least we're all on one page bout somethin'," Albert said. "Figure skatin'," he muttered as he walked out. "Of all things she had to choose figure skatin'. Soft ball is just as fun. But the ball is bigger. Why is it bigger than a baseball when girls have smaller hands. Make it make sense."

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Author's note

Another fun chapter down and locked in. The love confession and kiss were sweet to write and I loved the brotherly moment at the ending turned into a nice little father sons talk. When going into this I always knew which twin would be most like with a few tweaks of course. But I'll admit, I have way too much fun with Tyler's on going feud with Paprika. Yeah, I know this is on the short and sweet side, but I promise the next chapter is nice and long. For now, I hope you enjoyed, thanks for reading.

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