Secrets Among Girls

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She was a blur of brown hair and a gray hoodie. Just a door down, a quick lock of the door and a plop of the bed, but it took Feister by surprise to see Brooklyn appear out of thin air. The locked door, despite Mush and Kid Blink weren't home, only indicated this was serious. Well, serious in Brooklyn terms because that can range from just about anything. And yet, it's still calmer and less of a headache than the boys.

"How did you know?" Brooklyn asked quickly.

"You're gonna have to elaborate."

"That you were ready."

"Ready as in..." Feister trailed off.

"Assuming you didn't wait to say-"

"OH MY GOSH!" Feister shouted. She had to do a double take to make sure this conversation was actually happening and not some weird fevered dream she was having at the moment. Did she get her wisdom teeth pulled out? Yes, she got it done not long after the those meds are strong. "Brooklyn, you do realize my knowledge on spicy time involves your twin brother, right?"

"I'm not asking for details, I'm asking in general. Again, assuming you didn't....during that first trip to The Cape, even though we all speculated, it's no one's business but rings aside, how nervous were you?"

Ok so, she wasn't under the influence of strong pain meds. "Is this about Albert bein' spotted with that model hangin' over his arm?" Feister asked with a raised eyebrow. Because that gossip column was far from the truth. The model had been doing all the flirting when Albert was obviously trying to avoid her. But being the first draft pick has its disadvantages. It's no secret the redhead had been destined to go pro, there were many scouts showing interest and it appears that spotlight isn't going away anytime soon.

Brooklyn shrugged and began to play with the sleeves of her oversized hoodie. Which was obviously Albert's. "Maybe.....I mean even before that I thought about it cause it's kinda weird we haven't given how long we've been together and..I dunno. I'm scared he'll leave me for someone with more romantic experience cause all I have under my belt is a elementary school crush that left me crying and a not relationship that was a dumpster fire. Unless you count my hockey books I'm clueless. Well as in, physical and not - sorry, I'm rambling." her fidgeting then changed to the necklace she only took off when necessary. It was silver and had two charms, an A, and his jersey number.

"It's ok," Feister replied kindly. "We all need to let things off our chest every now and then." she knew that better than anyone...more or less. Hey she gets out her emotions one way or another in the end. "Ignoring' the finer details. It just kinda happened. Yeah it was awkward, clumsy even. Technically we didn't know what we were doin' and it was definitely uncomfortable at first on my end but I wouldn't change what happened. It was perfect in its own special way and I think he was more nervous than I was. Scared he'd hurt me and stuff."

The way Feister spoke came so naturally. Like it was no big deal. But Brooklyn immediately noticed an absent look in her eyes. There was no doubt that she was remembering that night. "So it wasn't...planned."

"Nah. I think when you plan it, it only makes it worse. Look I'm not sayin' to jump Al as soon as he gets back, nor do you have to cause he doesn't care if you have to be married before all that romantic stuff happens. But say it does, pretty sure he'll know you're forcing' yourself. Don't think, just go with the flow. Trust me, when the moment comes your brain will turn off and your limbs will take over. I know you'll be ok, he'll take good care of you."

Admittedly, she has wondered what that kind of thing with Albert would be like. She imagines how it might start out, what he'd do, what she'd do. Then it brings up too many questions. Day or night. Would it be raining? What about lights? A lamp maybe. Music. What if anyone was home and so on. Then she starts worrying if she's a bad kisser. Which isn't the case because, well, Albert isn't exactly subtle. Especially when it really gets going. Nothing too out there of course just whispers of sweet nothings and little touches that send sparks across her skin.

"I know he will, I think I'm scared I'll do something wrong.'' Now that she's voicing it out loud, maybe that's why? Maybe the problem is her because she's...herself and Albert's like one of the book boyfriends come to life. It'd be a lie to say she didn't binge read all the books where she related to the main character and tried to pinpoint how Albert would fit in her life as the guy every girl in the hallway can't help but look at. Then she realized that's her life and then she may have spiraled while Feister definitely questioned how she ended up hearing that bomb of a rant.

Well, not that she voiced it, it was all in Brooklyn's head she was getting judged by one of the most judgmental people on the planet. Which was all her brother's doing by saying Feister's terrifying but nice once you get to know her and blah, blah, blah. And now her mind is swirling cause none of this is the point now is it. The point in all of this is they're still in the typical high school stage where everything is sweet and innocent. Though that may be too strong of a term to use cause that boy knows how to kiss. Breath taking, skin tingling, deep whispers that make her melt right into his arms. All those athletic muscles, the easy going smiles, and the way he can act all normal like he didn't just kiss every sense in her body away and leave her wanting more....

"Brooklyn, trust me, there is no wrong a girl can do when it comes to that for guys. Like I said, it's different for everyone. All you gotta do is relax and feel."

Brooklyn mentally shook herself out of the little daze she was in. which was easier said than done cause their goodbye kiss had been pretty good. He knew where her most sensitive points on her neck were and didn't hold back.

"There's nothin' to worry about. You'll get too caught up in the moment to care, all you'll want is just to be near him," Feister said with a shrug. "Of course, there's no problem with waitin' till you're Mrs. Dasilva. That doesn't make you old fashioned in any shape or form. Same with jumpin' off that cliff, doesn't make you a party girl. It's like everythin' else in life, we go at our own pace." there was a small pause. "Secret time, fore I ever realized I had feelings for Mush I started to feel left out when the boys started talkin' bout their first kisses, dates and so on. Before I knew it, we weren't talkin' bout the things we used too, or not as much anymore cause all those boy-mones kicked in. Obviously, there's a lot of stuff I couldn't relate too, so that caused me to try harder with fittin' in any way I could."

"But you already did by that point."

"Try tellin' young me that. I started doin' more dangerous tricks on skateboards. Albert had to carry me back to the Lodge when I sprained my ankle. Well I insisted on walkin' back cause the pain wasn't that bad, I wasn't a sissy, I could handle it. I made it about five steps before he scooped me up and ignored all my protests."

"Bet my brother was so happy to see that."

"Blink claims his head was gonna explode," Feister laughed, cause looking back she only now realized that she'd always be their girl. No matter how much time passes or when they all get married and have kids, she'll still be in their lives. "So with all that bein' said, don't force yourself cause you have too, it should be a special moment between you two like a secret promise or however your weird music taste goes."

"And this is why we don't translate foreign to English." it's moments like these Brooklyn's grateful to have Feister in her life. She never sugarcoats anything, tells you flat out even if it hurts your feelings. Brooklyn's been fooled too many times by girls who she thought were her friends. Despite the awkward first meeting she quickly learned Feister is a human reality check.

"Thanks Feisty, I'd be lost without you." Brooklyn's never had someone she can call a sister.

It was strange on both ends but something they both needed. Feister because she's been surrounded by boys her whole life and didn't know how to navigate the girl world, and Brooklyn was always getting bitten by snakes. It was a bond no one expected but it turned out for the better. And along the way, Brooklyn had someone she could sort out her feelings with. Most of that being Albert with the whole does he like me or is he just being nice thing. Now look where they are....she's thinking about taking....steps further.

Someday, soon or in the future, she would like to break down those barriers with Albert and see where the night, per say, will take them. But Brooklyn also knows if she attempted to make the first move she'd freeze up and then he'll stop and flawless steer said night into one filled with movies and cuddles. Which isn't a bad thing but something she does feel bad he's been living like a monk for the past four-ish years. Well not completely like a monk assuming he - and she will not let her mind go there oddly enough.

Just as Brooklyn was about to flop down, something struck her mind. "Feisty?"


"These are clean sheets, right?"

Feister grabbed the nearest pillow and smacked the freckled girl with it.

"I'm hoping that was clean as well." but Brooklyn was laughing. When she was hit she caught the scent of the dryer sheet. "Actually, I think the whole room needs to be sanitized."

"You're the worst, you know that right?" Feister was laughing too. Though she did roll her eyes while doing so.

"Any other questions or are you all set? If we go any further I'll start feelin' awkward."

"Movies and face masks? I got a big box of the good popcorn."


───── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─────

"Why is this America's pass time if it's the slowest game on earth?"

"How am I supposed to know, I only went to smack talk the enemies."

"Of course you'd do that."

Was what Mush heard when he walked into the apartment. Kicking off his shoes and tossing the keys into the dish he headed towards the living room to see Feister and Brooklyn were side by side on the couch. The coffee table had a giant bowl of popcorn and some beauty products to the side. The game was playing on the tv though it was obvious neither of them were paying much attention given what was said just seconds ago.

"Now what's this," he said while leaning over, arms resting on the back of the couch. He placed a quick kiss on Feister's cheek and proceeded to steal some of the popcorn in her hand. "They were playin' the game at work but I didn't see Al. Guessin' he still hasn't come out yet?" Mush works part time at a popular sports bar. He's been there since he began college as a busboy but got bumped up to serving drinks after a few years. Obviously Feister wasn't happy about the fact party girls would be hitting on him, but she got over it fairly quickly cause their wedding was shortly after that anyways. And hey, he makes good tips during the weekends.

"Not yet," Brooklyn replied, sounding a little disappointed. He has shown up on screen but he hasn't stepped up to plate. It isn't often rookies are thrown out there even if they're insanely talented, but when it does happen she pays extra attention. Not because Albert looks good in his uniform and there's something about the way he walks up and does his little ritual with that look in his eyes that has a mixture of seriousness, smug and cocky. Ok fine, that's totally why she pays attention. So she likes the way he looks, it isn't a crime.

"Give it time, they can't keep him on the bench forever," Mush reassured. Then he swung his arm around and plopped a paper bag in Feister's lap. "Don't eat them all in one sitting." but he knew it was useless to tell Feister Meyers not to eat street dumplings. Or any Asian food for that matter, but for some reason she had taken a liking to the dumplings. He kissed her again, only this time he just caught the corner of her lips before walking off to the kitchen.

"There's peach lemonade in the fridge!" Brooklyn called out before turning back to the TV, where, luck would have it, they showed Albert sitting in the dugout. It looked like he was chewing gum while talking to Jay, most likely about the game if she were to guess. Of course, the cap sat backwards as it always did and in that second, her heart ached to be back in his arms. As much as she didn't like this long distance thing, she was happy he was doing what he's always wanted.

"He'll be back soon and you can do all that sappy couple cuddlin' and sayin' how you're gonna stay locked up in your little blanket fort," Feister said. "And hey, maybe that little blanket fort will be-" she was cut off when she was smacked by a pillow. Hard I might add. Maybe she taught Brooklyn a little too much in the art of pillow fights. "Ok, point taken."

But the blush on the freckled girl's cheeks said otherwise. Maybe. Just maybe. But there was no rush to take certain steps anyways. She didn't feel ready but she did feel bad that Albert had been living like a monk. More or less cause monks don't have girlfriends and whatnot. "I miss him."

"Yeah, it's gotten a little quiet without him around. I think Race will explode fore he crosses into east coast territory." Feister laughed. "Actually, I think you three are gonna have a Boy Meets World moment, you know when Cory comes back from that road trip and Shawn is all like, he's my best friend and blah, but Cory ends up going straight for Topanga."


"Reruns are playin' when we were at the hotel,' Mush answered as he settled beside Feister and reached for the dumpling she had just pulled from the bag.

"You gotta stop stealin' food I'm about to eat," Feister sighed.

"Shut up you love me." Mush winked.

"And you both make me sick." Brooklyn shook her head. But in the same breath, she wished she could lean into Albert's arms right now and fall asleep. This new arrangement was going to take some getting used to. At least she had him for the holidays. And then it'll be back to preseason training in the new year. More or less...all she really hopes is he stays in New York. she couldn't imagine leaving the people who have become their family. Of course wherever he goes, she will, but moving to another state is a different story. Mentally, she crossed her fingers he'll have a long career in Manhattan.

───── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─────

Author's note

Did somebody order Feister and Brooklyn sisterly bond? Cause I know I did. While moments like these aren't shown often I love writing them together. They're the closest out of all the girlsies. Naturally, Brooklyn will have these kinds of worries, even more so now that Albert will be rising up the athlete ladder. I'd never break them up of course, they're the sweet fluff ship. It just seemed natural for Brooklyn to go to Feister for this advice despite some things. Not to worry though, it's still same old fun times and whatever else I usually throw your way. As always I hope you enjoyed, thanks for reading and I'll see you soon.

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