Chapter 10

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Aphmau POV

I open my eyes to see that I am underwater. Wait what? I thought I was in a glass chamber? Oh well. I look around to see many different squids with lab coats on in a machine room, talking. I follow them.

"The machine is ready. This time, it should work and won't get destroyed as easily. Go tell Squidward that we are ready to move out and capture the subject." Squid scientist says to the guard. The guard nods before walking down the hallway which I obviously follow. We reach the throne room which has a code. 1234. Seriously?

"Your highness, the machine is ready and we will go capture the princess as soon as possible." The squid says. Do all of the squids call and princess or something because I am not a princess at all.

"Than you. You may leave me now." Squidward says, making the squid guard leave. He then turns to his secretary. "Send out an army and attack her when she is alone." He orders. The secretary leaves and as soon as he does, I start to disappear.

I open my eyes and sit up to see Hyria walking in with some food and tea.

"Food!" I say, placing the tray on my lap. She just laughs at me before giving the other tray to the sleeping mudkip. I think he likes to stay in his mudkip form while in this forest.

"How did you sleep dear?" She asks me, making me stop eating and remember my dream. It was the same as when I saw the location of Loki's base.

"The squids are coming for me." I tell her, continuing to eat my food.

"Well this is troubling. How do you know this?" She sits down on the chair. I turn to face her.

"I had a dream about it. The King said that they will capture me as soon as I am alone." I suddenly feel scared.

"The spell on the chamber is breaking!" Hyria quickly goes out of the chamber and locks the door before taking out her staff. My blindness effect starts to come back but then I get an idea.

"Ah! Where am I?" He shouts, landing on the bed.

"Jin I need you to freeze time with Hyria. Please!" I beg him, shaking.

"Right!" I feel him getting off the bed and running out of the room. Time slows down, making the spell seem that it is not working.

"I know what is wrong with her but I need to cast a spell on her but I don't have enough magic. I need a demon to help." Hyria shouts. Before she could continue, I teleport Travis to me.

"Hey! What's going on!" Travis shouts.

"Come here child. It seems like she is out of control. We need to do this quickly!" Hyria shouts. Travis runs out of the glass room. "I need you to help me take the spell off of Jess. Hold your hand over the glass and concentrate your power on Jess. I will do the rest." Suddenly, my blindness is flickering on and off and I can see everybody outside of the chamber, including Quentin. Jin is sweating from the slowness spell he has placed while Travis and Hyria are glowing with power. Soon, the blindness is fully gone and I can feel the spell lift off of me, draining me.

"Well that was teamwork." I say as time starts to resume itself. I show my light to see that it's back to lilac. "Can I leave this room now?" I ask. Hyria nods. I quickly jump up and run into Travis and Jin, hugging them like my life depended on it.

"How are you child? Teleporting two people to you in less that five minutes using the Phoenix charm in the enchanted forest that cancels out the magic must have drained a lot of your energy." Hyria mentions to me.

"I'm alright. Just tired. Can I have a piggy back Jin!" I give him puppy eyes.

"Fine!" He exclaims before bending down so I could go on his back. He then stands up and turns to Hyria. "Thank you so much for the help." He says.

"No problem. Keep her safe now. The squids are starting their next ambush as Jess says and they are sending an army." Hyria informs us before teleporting us four onto... Mitch. I think she knows what we are going for. Jin lands standing up with me on his back while everybody else has fallen on Mitch.

"Seriously! You disappear then land on me as soon as I go to find you guys!" He shouts. I just laugh before coughing.

"Can I have a drink?" I ask Jin. He walks me to the kitchen and sits me down on the counter while he gets me a glass of water. Sky, Max and Barney walk into the room as soon as he gives me the glass.

"Jess!" Barney runs up to me and hugs me. I hug him back, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"I'm back. Sorry about what happened yesterday. I think Loki put a spell on the shield that effected me as soon as I destroyed it." I say as soon as I finish the glass of water that Jin has given me. He then walks back over to me and puts me on his back again as Barney goes and stands next to Max.

"I'm just glad you are okay." Max says. I stick my tongue out at him.

"Oh yeah! We need to double up security for Jess. The squids are sending an army after her." Jin mentions.

"Wait what?" Sky exclaims. "How do you know this."

"I dreamt it. As soon as I'm alone, they will send an army after me and capture me to use their better brainwashing machine on me." I tell them. Sky just sighs.

"Both of your bodyguard teams will stay with you at all times." He says. This will be interesting.

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