Chapter 16

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Aphmau POV

After a few hours of me stroking the hair of a sleeping Sky while trying to keep myself awake, I finally hear the squids leaving. You may be wondering how I can hear the squids. Well, they have been making so much noise that I now have a headache. I can also sense them finally leaving and teleporting in the water. I have learned how to sense when magic is being used near me so now I know when magic has been used.

"Sky. The squids are gone. Time to get up so we can find your amulet." I gently shake him awake.

"Five more minutes." He groans, cuddling more into my lap. I just shove him off. "I'm up!" He quickly sits up. I laugh before yawning.

"Let's hurry up and get back to the house. Everybody should be up by now and they must be panicking. Let's go." I stand up before helping Sky up. We both walk out of the comfort of the shrine and we start to go back in the direction of where we had ran just a few hours ago.

"It's a good thing I had some eye patches in my pocket." Sky says, starting a conversation.

"It is. If anybody but us saw you like that then they would have probably died." I reply to him. It's true what I said. Anybody who doesn't know Sky would instantly become effected by his eyes. They start to loose their mind and they go out of control. We learned this the hard way...

"Hey I think I see it!" Sky cuts me from my thoughts by pointing up a tree. In it is a shining budder amulet. How did it get so high up in the tree?

"Stay down here while I get it." I say before grabbing the branch above me and pull myself on this. I continue this process until I reach the top where the amulet is. I grab it before starting to climb down again.

"Jess watch out!" I hear Sky shout. But it was too late. I slip on the branch below me and start to fall to the ground. Before I could hit the ground, I use my wind to help cushion my fall but it doesn't help the pain in my back. It still hurts from when I was dropped down the stairs.

"I'm okay! I got it!" I say before putting it on, quickly hearing the others mind linking me all at once. They must have sensed when the link the opened for Adam.

'Where are you guys? What happened? We have been looking for you guys everywhere!' I hear Max shout through the link.

"I may or may. It have teleported us both to the squid kingdom while I was sleeping. We got trapped on an island for the night." I explain before yawning.

"Jess? Why are you wearing Sky's amulet?" He asks confused.

"Because I can. Anyway, I am going to go to Hyria's with Sky. I need to sort my sleeping problem out." I say before grabbing Sky's wrist and teleporting us to the outside of the forest.

"Is there a reason we are here?" He asks as the guide fairy comes. We both follow it.

"I need to talk to Hyria about my dreams. If I don't sort it then I can't sleep until I know it's safe." I explain. He hums in response. Soon, we reach the house. I wave to the familiars before knocking on the door.

"My child. This is a surprise. Come in. I will go make us some tea." Hyria opens the door and pushes us in before shutting it and walking towards the kitchen. I lead Sky to the dining table.

"Can I have my amulet back?" Sky asks. Oops I forgot. I quickly put the amulet around his neck. He sighs in relief.

"So what brings you here?" She asks as she sets the tea down in front of us. I sigh.

"Lately I have been getting dreams. I have been teleporting out of my body and into the squid kingdom. I have escaped several times since it wasn't my actual body but last night was different. I teleported both me and Adam in front of the kingdom and our body materialised there. I haven't slept since." I explain to her before taking a sip of my favourite tea.

"This is quite a problem. I will see what I can do. For now, go and sleep in the glass room that you was in last time. You need some rest. It should stop you from teleporting since I upgraded the room after the last time you were there." She says before walking out of the room. I finish drinking my tea before standing up.

"I'm going to go and sleep. Do you want to come with me?" I ask him. Don't be dirty!

"Sure. You need the sleep anyway and I feel uncomfortable sitting here on my own." He says, standing up with me. I lead him to the basement. I step into the chamber with Sky before shutting the door and running over to the bed. I fall face first onto it.

"This is where I was kept while I was under Loki's spell. Looks nice for a jail doesn't it?" I say before getting under the covers. He does the same.

"It is. Let's get some sleep while we wait for Hyria to come up with a solution. Goodnight Jess." He says before closing his eyes. I do the same.

"Night." I mumble before letting the darkness finally win the battle.

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