Chapter 35 (Final Chapter)

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Aphmau POV

"Hey Ross we did it!" I cheer, taking the vial of green water. He cheers along with me.

"Hey guys. What are you doing?" Sky asks as him and Jin walk down the steps and into the laboratory.

"Oh we are just making a poison." Ross says, making the guys freeze in their tracks. I smack my face with my hand.

"What he means to say is that we made a poison that we are going to put in the ocean to kill and disintegrate the bodies of the squids, making them finally extinct." I explain, making the two guys sigh in relief. Me and Ross take off our hazmat suits and hang them up before grabbing the vial with a glove and placing it in a case.

"How do you know this will work?" Jin asks. Me and Ross look at each other.

"We worked in this back when we had the first war. We both went and retrieved the papers and completed it." I explain to them.

"That's good. When do you plan to release this into the ocean?" Sky asks.

"Actually we have to do it now. The effects don't last long if the liquid doesn't enter the water." Ross says.

"We will be back in about an hour." I tell them before teleporting me and Ross to the squid kingdom. "ready?" I ask.

"As ready as I will ever be." He says. I open the case and release the vials liquid into the ocean. We both see the immediate reaction as the bodies of the dead or dying squids are heard, screaming and burning. I cover my ears from the horrifying sound.

"It's over Jess. We did it." Ross informs me, swimming over to me. He grabs onto me and teleports us to Mitch who is still at the base.

"Seriously. Why are you guys wet!" He complains, shoving us off of him as Mitch laughs.

"We went swimming." I say, standing up.

"Anyway, dinner will be ready in about an hour. Make sure to be there on time." Mitch informs us before going back into the kitchen. It's like he knew we were going to teleport to him!

"Let's get dry then. I'm gonna go and talk to Sky after changing so don't wait for me." I tell Ross before leaving to my room. As soon as I fully healed, I decorated it and made it my own room. I also placed a checkpoint so I get quick access here as well. I quickly change clothes before going into my office and grabbing a brown envelope and walking out and towards Sky's office. I knock.

"Come in!" He shouts. I open the door and walk in, shutting the door behind me.

"Hi Sky." I say, sitting in front of him. He looks up and smiles at me.

"Oh hey Jess. You ready for the last meal of the Sky Army?" He asks. I nod. Tomorrow morning everybody is going back to their normal lives so we are having one last dinner together. Obviously people are going to come and go through the days. The leaders have to stay here as well and manage the work that needs to be done.

"I'm ready. The squids are all gone now. It's all over." I smile before taking out the envelope and placing it in front of Sky. He raises his eyebrows at me before opening it and reading it.

"Jess? What's the meaning of this?" He asks. I smile sadly at him. "Why do you want to resign your leader position?" He asks, looking back up at me.

"I think Red would be a better leader than me since I can't stay. I have two other lives and I don't want to stress too much. Red has also been one of the first to join and has shown that he can be a leader." I explain to him. It's true what I said. Red has shown that he can be a true leader and take my place as one of the leaders of the Sky Army.

"If that is what you want then let's talk to him." Sky says before pressing a button for the intercom. "Can RedVacktor please report to my office. Thank you." As soon as Sky finishes speaking, he let's go of the button and starts reading through my resignation papers, signing where he has to. The only things left is where Red has to sign if he agrees to being the new leader. Soon, there is a knock on the door.

"You called for me?" Red asks, walking in. He sits next to me.

"Yes. We have a proposition for you." Sky says before turning to me.

"Hey Red, how would you like to become the new leader of the Sky Army in my place?" I ask him. His eyes widen.

"B-but what about you?" He asks. Sky hands him the forms and a pen.

"I resigned and I need a good leader to take my place. I chose you. You have shown leadership throughout this journey. Will you please take my position?" I ask him, smiling. He smiles back.

"It would be my honour." He says before signing the forms.

"Well then Leader, I will clean my office out for you to use. I will see you at the dinner." I say before standing up and leaving the office, going into Red's and cleaning it, basically sending everything into my storage.

"Dinner is ready." A robotic voice says over the intercom. I walk out of my office and meet up with Red and Sky who are walking down the hall.

"As the leader, you will have to sit with the other leaders. I will sit with everybody else." I tell him. Soon, we reach the double doors and we enter to see everybody talking to each other. I walk over to the Vacktors while the others go up to the leaders table. It's basically a table that's on a stage, overlooking everybody else.

"Hey Jess. Why aren't you up there with the leaders?" Pink asks, moving next to me.

"Why would I be up there?" I ask her.

"Because you are a leader." Green backs up Pink. Everybody else nods in agreement.

"Oh. I resigned." I say, making everybody gasp. "Red is now the leader." I explain.

"But why?" Katelyn asks.

"Because I have other lives. It doesn't mean I will never stay here again. It just means I get to focus on having a normal life with everybody." I explain. We all spend the rest of the lunch, celebrating Red's promotion and the last day of us being together.


"Have a safe journey everybody!" Sky shouts as everybody but a few people go their own way. All of the leaders, Nick, Cory and the Vacktors stayed.

"Bye!" I shout, waving before turning around and grab onto Cadenza, Travis, Katelyn, Laurence and Lucinda. We all appear in the guys house.

"You guys are back!" Dante walks up to us, helping everybody with their suitcases.

"How was your holiday?" Garroth asks, sitting down next to me.

"Hah! Holiday. We never went on one. We saved the world. I guess we do need an actual holiday though don't we Jess?" Katelyn says, turning towards me.

"For now, I just want to go back home." Everybody agrees with me.

We always visited the Sky Army, even meeting up as a full group every so often and just having fun like old times.

The superheroes all went back to their normal lives of fighting crime. I would usually help them if I was available which was most of the time.

Everybody on MyStreet celebrated our return, inviting everybody we knew. Obviously we never told them the real reason behind the party. We wouldn't want to make everybody worry about us anyway.

We all lived happily. MyStreet became a place for superheroes to come to freely, we ended up finding the Sky Army and we defeated Loki and the squid king in the final battle. This has brought us all together again, closer than before. Who knew my life would turn out like this?

Only Irene knows.

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