The Final Battle

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I will defeat Moon. I will become champion. I will claim my rightful title!

Those thoughts and so many others rushed through Hau's head as he ran down the bumpy road to his best friend's, also rival's and champion-of-Alola's house. His dark green hair flopped in the wind as he jogged, exhausted.

He remembered a year ago how Moon had defeated the Elite Four and then Professer Kukui directly after that, defeating him and becoming champion of Alola. Of course Hau had been happy for his best friend, but it angered him how he could have trained harder than her to become champion instead! He had promised her he would train at the Battle Tree, and battle her again when he was stronger than ever before.

Hau had finally finished his training and was ready for the final battle. His team now consisted of his amazing Alolan Raichu, his stoked Flareon, his underestimated Komala, his crazy Crabonimable, his new (kept secret until now) team member, and his first Pokémon, Primarina.

Hau could finally see Moon's house in sight. He didn't slow down one bit, despite his tired legs burning from the tough exercise. He was eager to finally prove to Moon who was the better trainer.

He finally gave his aching muscles a break when he slowed down as he hopped up the steps to the door of Moon's house. His pantings were now able to be heard in the silence. He sighed and placed his hands on his knees, bending over to catch his breath. After a few seconds or so, he hoisted himself back to straight posture and knocked confidently on the dark door in front of him.

Almost immediately, the door had opened. Moon's super-nice mom stood there, a smile on her slightly wrinkly face. It had been a few years since Moon had become champion, and her mom was starting to age, stated by her gray-ish scalp and slightly wrinkly face.

"Hau! How nice to see you here! Come in!" Moon's mother said in her still-sweet voice to Hau, making him smile. He said his hello's and thank you's and walked inside.

"Moon was just getting dressed, she should be out in a minute," Moon's mother explained to Hau as she offered him a seat at the kitchen table. Placed on the table were napkins, plates and silverware. It looked like a meal was about to be served. Hau wondered if it would be breakfast or lunch.

Moon opened up her bedroom door, yawned and stretched her arms out and greeted good morning to her mom. She noticed Hau at the table and cheerfully said, "Oh, Hau! Great to see you!" Hau waved and said his hello's to her.

Hau was offered to have a few waffles for breakfast. Hau never realized how great Moon's mother's waffles tasted. He couldn't stop eating them until he ate the majority. Finally, Hau explained why he had come.

"Moon, I'm ready to fight you in a battle for the title of Alola's Champion. Is there anywhere we can battle around here?" Hau announced. Moon replied confidently, "Your on, Hau! Right this way."

Hau was led outside to the large and enclosed backyard. Chalk had been marked on the grass to outline a battlefield. Hau went over to the right side of the field, Moon to the left.

Moon sent out her Decidueye and spoke, "Hau, you can have the first move." Hau nodded in acknowledgement and sent out his Crabonimable, ready to fight.

"Crabonimable! Use Ice Hammer!" Hau pointed at Decidueye and commanded his Pokémon. Without having to be commanded to do so, Decidueye flew up in a swift motion to dodge the attack. Moon yelled, "Spirit Shackle!" Decidueye stuck out its wing, using it as a bow to shoot a shadowy arrow at a confused Crabonimable. The arrow hit Crabonimable directly.

"Come back with Stone Edge!" Hau yelled. Crabonimable shoved its side into Decidueye, knocking it back. Stone Edge was super effective on Decidueye, causing it to faint. Unfortunately, the recoil took Crabominable down too. "Return, Crabominable," Hau stated as he grabbed the Pokéball. "Nice job."

The two had their defeated Pokémon return in their Pokéballs and they sent out their next ones. Moon sent out and Alolan Sandslash and Hau decided to send out his Alolan Raichu.

"Use Icicle Crash!" Moon shouted. Her trustworthy Pokémon summoned a great icicle from the sky and let it fall down on Raichu, inflicting some good damage.

"Use Volt Tackle!" Hau exclaimed. His Raichu tackled Sandslash with a great electric power, doing just as good damage as Icicle Crash did.


Moon had a slightly angered look on her face. She muttered, "Metal Claw." Sandslash rushed up towards Raichu in a flash and scratched it across its whole body with a large, hard, cold metal claw of doom. Raichu hollered in pain. It fell off its tail surfboard and had been defeated.

Hau stomped a foot on the ground. He retrieved Raichu from the field and sent out his Flareon next. "Use Fire Blast!" Hau yelled immediately. A large beam of fire shot out of Flareon's tiny mouth in the shape of a Japanese symbol. The fire blasted on Sandslash, inflicting extreme damage. It quickly was defeated by the new fiery opponent.

Moon said nothing. She had her burned Pokémon return as she sent out her Vaporeon to conquer Flareon relatively quickly. "Vay!" Vaporeon exclaimed happily just as well confidently.

"Use Aqua Jet!" Moon called out with not much tone in her voice. Vaporeon surrounded itself in a veil of water, then shot upwards like a geyser and towards Flareon, who was able to dodge with its incredible speed.

"Use Hidden Power!" Hau yelled when Vaporeon was back on its wet feet. Flareon fired up an electric ball of energy and shot it quickly at Vaporeon, a direct hit. "Alright!"

Hau had kept his Flareon on the field because did it not only have an Electric-Typed Hidden Power move, it also had another electrical attack.

"Hydro Pump!" Moon called. Her Pokémon nodded and shot a strong beam of water at Flareon. It hit, but Flareon endured the effective attack.

"Now use Zap Cannon!" Hau yelled. "You can do this, Flareon!" Flareon let out a cry of strength as it used Zap Cannon, a strong Electric-Type move.

The move hit directly, causing Vaporeon to faint because of its extreme effectiveness. The corners of Moon's mouth curved downward and into a disappointed frown, as she sent out Golisopod after retrieving Vaporeon.

"First Impression, and don't miss!" Moon yelled with a tone of anger. Golisopod was quick, despite its fat appearance. It bashed its body against Flareon, knocking it out in a split second. Golisopod moved back as Moon smirked. In unison, both of their right arms were moved across to the other side of their bodies to the front and they bent over, in a bowing position.

Moon came back up and smiled as she said, "How's that for a First Impression?" Hau laughed and replied with his arms behind his head, "Oh, not bad. Not bad at all!" At least Moon was still in a slightly okay mood.

Hau had his Flareon return and he sent out Komala, his underestimated koala Pokémon.

Komala, like always, seemed sleepy. It's eyes opened and it longed forward at any command, like when Hau exclaimed, "Wood Hammer, go!" Komala's log turned into a tree-like giant hammer in a second. Komala raised the almighty hammer and slammed it down on Golisopod, landing a critical hit.

"Now, Golisopod, come back with Pin Missle!" Moon called. Golisopod raised its arm and its claws seemed to turn to little misses, firing a few that turn, doing some damage on its opponent.

"Komala, use Sucker Punch!" Hau exclaimed confidently. Komala let go of its log in one hand, using it to punch Golisopod with a powered-up fist in the stomach. Sucker Punch did a lot of damage and defeated Golisopod.

Moon didn't say a thing as she sent out her next Pokémon in Golisopod's place, a Midnight Lycanroc. It shook its red fur as its odd eyes gleamed.

"Use Rock Climb!" Moon yelled. Her Pokémon howled and summoned a rockslide from the sky, falling right on Komala and knocking it out it one blow.

"Aw yeah!" She screamed.

Hau retrieved his Pokémon and sent out his faithful starter: Primarina. "Use Sparkling Aria!" Hau called out. His mermaid-like Pokémon raised up on its tail and spread out its arms. It began to sing a tune as a sparkling ball of water slowly grew above it. When it had reached an extraordinary size, Primarina released it directly at Lycanroc.

Lycanroc was immediately defeated by the attack.

Hau remembered for a second how hard he had trained with Primarina since it was a Popplio and he had started his journey. So much had changed since then... Moon became champion... Lillie went to Kanto... and Hau was there, a few years after, to beat the champion of Alola.

Primarina was his second-strongest Pokémon, right next to his new one.

Moon sent out her strongest and last Pokémon next: Lunala. She had caught the moon legendary a few months before she became champion.

Moon's eyes were now covered by her black, short hair. She began to move her arms around in an odd motion, then struck a pose as her Z-Ring glowed.

"Oh no," Hau murmured.

Lunala began to slightly glow, also. It moved its wings closer to itself and ducked its head, then with a shriek, released its wings widely, seeming to form a wing. The terrain around it began to darken the battlefield. Purple-lighted black stems erupted from the stoned ground and surrounded Primarina, who began to look very worried. The vines had hidden it in a sphere-like veil of darkness, and then... it just seemed to explode.

When it all cleared up, Primarina had fainted quickly from the devastating attack. Hau let a single tear escape as he grabbed Primarina's Pokéball, making it return. He gritted his teeth and grabbed his new Pokémon's Pokéball.

He threw it in front of him quickly, and out of it came the other legendary of Alola... Solgaleo.

Without hesitation, Hau moved his arms similar to the way Moon did. His Z-Ring glowed as did Solgaleo. "Corkscrew Crash!" Hau yelled as Solgaleo began to summon a tornado-like figure in front of it, this one looking like steel.

The tornado seemed to represent a nail or screw. "Now!" Hau screamed, in a final effort for victory. The nail tornado was fired right at Lunala, enveloping it in a gray storm. It closed in on Lunala... the just went away in a quick blast of damage.

Lunala lay on the ground, clearly unable to battle.

Moon just stood there in awe. She trembled.

Hau did the same.

In unison, they ran to their Pokémon. "Good job, Lunala. You fought well," Moon told Lunala. "Thanks so much, Solgaleo!" Hau exclaimed. The two returned their Pokémon and got up to meet each other.

"Great job, Hau... I guess your Alola's new champion," Moon told Hau. She stuck out her hand. Hau grabbed her hand but pulled her into a hug. Moon hugged him back.

"I'm glad I had this battle, Moon. I'll defend my title well, just like you did," Hau told her.

The sun was high up in the sky as the two friends parted. Moon was happy for her friend, and Hau had finally accomplished his dream.

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