Chapter 8

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"Firstly, who are these cats?"Bloodscar mewed gruffly as he and Woodclaw sat opposite the cats. The Clan had not been surprised upon seeing the cats as Bloodscar was always persuading rogues or kittypets or strayed onto their borders to join BloodClan. But that didn't mean that Bloodscar didn't reinforce his borders carefully. If the tresspasser refused to join the Clan when he crossed the border for the first time, he would be allowed to leave without a fight. However, if the same tresspasser who had refused to join the Clan trespassed again, he either be killed on the spot, or brought back to the camp for a slow and torturous death.

One-eye narrowed his eyes at the question but replied,"Flora, Stripes, Twist, Fox, Rose, Arrow, Chirp and Rocky." He flicked his tail at each cat as he said their names before continuing,"Not all of them are from the mountains, some are from the forest and Chirp here is a house-cat." Bloodscar narrowed his eyes at them. "You all need to prove that you can hunt and fight well. If you pass the test, we will accept you."he finally meowed with a glance at Woodclaw, who nodded curtly. One-eye shrugged. "Alright."he mewed with a confident flick of his tail.


One sunrise later...

Bloodscar saw Woodclaw nodding approvingly at Arrow, the skinny black tom as he entered the camp, two mouse and a shrew in his jaws. A hunting patrol trailed behind him. The "test" that One-eye and his cats had to pass was simple. Each one of them, every sunrise, taking turns over the course of a few sunrises, would either lead one hunting patrol and be in charge of one battle training session. They had to bring back at least two pieces of prey every day and they also had to make sure that the training sessions proceeded smoothly. Woodclaw, Bloodscar or a few cats who were of higher ranks and were trusted by Bloodscar and Woodclaw, would be nearby, watching the newcomers and supervising the training session when necessary.

So far, the newcomers were doing alright. Arrow and Rose were already proving to be swift hunters whereas Fox and One-eye were strong fighters although they both still needed work on  their defense. The rest were coping well too, even the kittypet, Chirp. That surprised Bloodscar.


A few sunrises later..

"Let all cats gather here as members of BloodClan!" Bloodscar yowled loudly, his voice carried easily over the joined clearing behind the Twoleg nests. Woodclaw was once again settled on his spot. The newcomers stood behind him, chest puffed out and heads high. "The newcomers have passed the test and now, they shall be made warriors."Bloodscar continued,"One-eye, Flora, Stripes, Fox, Rose, Chirp, Rocky, Arrow, Twist, from now on, you shall be known as Savage-eye, Flora-" "Wait! Can Flora and I not change our names?" Stripes called from behind Bloodscar. The BloodClan warriors gasped at Stripes's rudeness and Bloodscar curled his lips. There was an awkward and tense pause before Bloodscar gave Stripes a curt nod, his eyes flashing with disapproval at the silver tom's interruption. "You shall remain as Flora and Stripes."Bloodscar growled before going on,"Fox, Rose, Chirp, Rocky, Arrow and Twist, from now on, you shall be known as Foxfang, Rosewind, Chirpspark, Rockpelt, Arrowthorn and Twistpaw. Twistpaw, you are joining BloodClan as an apprentice because you are only eight moons old. Your mentor shall be Woodclaw. He will teach you the ways of BloodClan's code and living." Immediately, cats yowled their new Clanmates' names and Bloodscar thought,"Good, my Clan is getting stronger" as he leaped off the rock, the new warriors and apprentice behind him nearly bursting with pride.


I've been less active so I have had hardly any time to work on this chapter. I had to stay up late to type it out and it's still rather short as I'm hoping for 1,000 words in one chapte if possible. Today was my English exam and tomorrow is my Math exam which I hate and I'm terrible at. Had to spend lots of time burying my nose in Math exercises. Anyway, I hope you've enjoyed this chapter and do vote on it or comment. If you haven't enjoyed it or found it too short, I would like to apologize and I promise that I'll make up for it with longer and hopefully better-written chapters after Nov 1. I won't be posting anymore chapters until after that. Happy reading.

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