21. Love Birds Reunited

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The moment she felt a hand grab her, Adaira instinctively opened her mouth to scream—only for another hand to clamp down over her mouth. Before she could start to struggle, she was dragged off her feet. But...she wasn't dragged around the corner, where the mob was. No, she was pulled into the shadowy doorway of a half-ruined house.

This...this isn't a rebel! If it were, he would already have screamed out loud about having captured the spy.

Adaira's heart plummeted. Good God! Had she fallen into the hands of some pervert who had seen through her disguise and wanted to take advantage of the chaos to ravish her? Hell no! She would rather die than—

"Stop struggling," a voice whispered into her ear. An oh-so-familiar voice that sent shivers of anticipation down her spine. "Or they'll hear us!"

Scratch that. He could do all the ravishing he wanted.

Ceasing her struggle immediately, Adaira twisted her head just far enough to catch a glimpse of the man who held her in his grasp. His face was hidden in shadows, but those eyes shining from the shadows...those warm, brown eyes with a hint of mischief in them...

Just then, the mob stormed around the corner. Adaira stiffened, and so did her captor behind her, tightening his grip on her. She didn't mind in the least.

"Get him!"

"Catch the spy!"

"Give me back my trousers!"

Accompanied by various angry shouts, the crowd raced past their hiding place. Adaira didn't dare to even take a breath. She remained stock-still in the arms of the man whose true identity she still wasn't completely sure of. Even when the mob was gone, she didn't dare to move. A minute passed. Then another. Only when the third minute had ended and there was still no sign of her pursuers returning did Adaira turn her head towards the shadowy figure of the man behind her, allowing his hand to slip from her mouth.



That was all she needed to hear. In the blink of an eye, she had whirled to face him and threw her arms around his neck until she dangled from it like a limpet.

"Miss Ambrose! You—"

"For you," she told him, "that's Adaira!"

Then she kissed him.

It was a fierce kiss. A wild kiss. A kiss like no other—probably because it was her first. She could feel the stubble on his unshaved chin brushing against her face. Rough hands that had obviously had only barely clung onto life in enemy territory swept all over her body as if to make certain she was really here, leaving trails of heat in their wake. And his lips...

Oh Lord, his lips! Sweet, soft, searing hot, and a lot of other beautiful adjectives that start with S. What? Hot didn't start with S? Who on earth cared! Because Adaira sure as hell didn't! Let alone spelling, those lips made her want to forget everything and anything around her! Was she indulging in hanky-panky in a warzone, with dozens of men still hunting for her? Irrelevant! Was she kissing a man she wasn't engaged to? Heck yes! Now that was enough time wasted with unnecessary words! Back to kissing the deliciousness that was his lips! Yum!

Adaira didn't know how long she stood there, clinging to her man as if he were the only thing keeping her afloat in a stormy sea. He held her with the very same fervour, his hands roaming all over her body in an effort to make sure she was really there. His lips didn't part from hers for a second until her head was dizzy and her body about to explode with passion. When he finally broke the kiss, there were stars dancing in front of Adaira's eyes. It was only his lips that released her, though. His arms remained firmly wrapped around her, and his eyes didn't leave her face for an instant.

A big, strong hand reached up, and a thumb stroked her cheek ever so gently.

"Adaira... Is...is it really you?"

She nodded, a smile on her face that was wider than any she had worn before. "Yes. Yes, it is."

"Are you absolutely sure? This isn't just a hallucination brought on by blood loss or lack of food? Because if so, I'm going to fast more often in the future."

His grip tightened, as if trying to keep her from disappearing.

"This is no hallucination." Reaching up, Adaira placed a hand over his, entangling their fingers. "I'm real. I'm here. Right here with you."

He closed his eyes for a moment. When he opened them again and saw she was still there, a determined light flashed in their depths.

"All right," he said, staring at her with an intensity that made her knees weak. "Then I have two questions."

"Anything for you."

"Good to hear. First question...why is there a man in underwear chasing you?"

"Um..." Adaira felt her cheeks flush. Dammit! "Anything but that!"

One corner of Captain Carter's mouth twitched. "So, does this sort of thing happen often? Should I be concerned?"

"Is that your second question?"

"No." Abruptly, his face sobered again. Tightening his grip, he leaned down to claim her mouth in another kiss. This one was different, though. Fierce, relentless, almost angry. When he pulled back only a second later, his normally warm eyes were flashing with rage. "My second question is: what the hell are you doing here?"

Those words hit her like an arrow through the heart. Taking an unsteady step back, she stared up at his angry face.

"You don't want me to be here? I...I thought you and me..."

"I'm not angry because you're here with me!" His hands slid to her shoulders, and he grabbed and shook her. "I'm angry because you're here, in the middle of a revolution, in a city full of people who want to kill you!"

"Oh!" Immediately, Adaira brightened. "That's all right, then."

"That's all ri... Did you hear a single word I said, woman?!"

"I did." Stepping closer again, Adaira snuggled into his chest and luxuriated in the warm feeling. "You love me."

"I didn't even say that!"

"Didn't have to." Looking up at him, Adaira batted her eyelashes. "Am I wrong?"

He stared at her for a long moment—then his expression softened, and he stroked her cheek again, seeming unable to resist. "No."

With a sigh, Adaira closed her eyes and leaned into his touch. This was it. This was why she had travelled thousands of miles. This was what she had been looking for. She was home.

"Where the hell did he go? Damn spy!"

"Let's check over there!"

"Yes, maybe he's hiding in one of the houses. Let's check one by one."

Or maybe not.

This isn't home, Adaira. This is a foreign land, where you are being chased by people who want to kill you and snatch your trousers. Lifting her gaze, Adaira looked up at the man that meant the world to her. And more importantly, they want to kill him.

Her spine stiffened.

Captain Carter seemed to read what she was thinking in her eyes, and the same thoughts were reflected in his.

"It's not safe here," he whispered. "We have to go!"

"Go? Go where?!"

"The same place I've been hiding in for the last few days. How do you think I managed to stay alive until now?"

Taking her by the hand, he ducked through a half-destroyed doorway out into an empty street and swiftly led her down the street towards an unknown goal. Adaira didn't resist. For one, the sound of their pursuers was already just around the corner. For another...he was holding her hand! At long last, James was beside her, and he was holding her hand! Why would she ever want to let go? Unless, of course, she could get her hands on the rest of him. Hmm...

"Adaira? Adaira!"


Blinking, she glanced over at him, only to see him stare at her with concern in his eyes. "You suddenly had a dazed expression on your face. Did you hit your head?"

Adaira felt her face flush. "No! No, I'm perfectly fine!"

"Then let's get a move on." He gave her an encouraging smile. "Let's get you home. Or what passes for it here, anyway."

For some reason, those words made her blush deepen further.


Home with him.

Tightening her grip on his hand, Adaira sped up. And it had nothing to do with the bloodthirsty mob still scouring the city for her.

At least not until she heard the gunshots.

Bam! Bam, bam, bam!

Abruptly, Adaira felt a tug on her hand, nearly pulling her off her feet.

"Down!" Captain Carter hissed, dragging her into his arms and ducking behind an abandoned street stall. There, they cowered as the thunderous footsteps of the rebels approached.

"Did you see him? Did you hit him?"

"Where's the spy?"

"I saw him hiding over there!"

Adaira tensed. Had the two of them been spotted?

Instinctively, her hand reached into the pocket that still held the revolver Lilly had given her. She had never pulled it out before, mostly because she didn't really want to kill anyone if she didn't have to. But now, if James was in danger...

"Where? Where did you see that British scum?!"

"There! Don't you see that shadow? They're hiding behind that—oh, never mind, I'll just shoot!"

Adaira's eyes went wide.

We have to get out of here! We have to get out of here, or we'll be—

Before she could finish that thought, a gunshot sounded.


A black shadow shot out from behind a cart a few yards down the street and disappeared into a demolished house.

Never mind.

For a long moment, utter silence hung over the area.

"A spy?" the rebel leader's voice rumbled not far away. He did not sound pleased. "A furry spy with four legs?"

"Ehem, well...spies are good at disguise?"

"You...Arē mūrkha! Get in line and don't fire again unless I tell you to!"

"Yessir! Right away, Sir!"

Behind the stall, Adaira slowly let out the breath she had been holding and relaxed her grip on her gun. Exchanging a glance with Captain Carter, she raised an eyebrow and pointed down a nearby alley. In answer, he shook his head and pointed the other way.

Without a word, Adaira followed his lead as he rose into a crouch and, remaining behind the line of dilapidated street stalls, headed off in the direction he had indicated. Only when they were far out of hearing distance did she dare to speak—or rather, whisper.

"Has it been like this all the time? Being hunted, I mean?"

"Well, it has gotten a little more intense since a certain someone decided to sneak into the Red Fort and steal a soldier's shirt and trousers." He sent her a half-amused, half-inquiring look. "You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?"

"That is defamation!" Adaira felt her cheeks flush.

"It is?"

"Yes. I first stole a soldier's shirt and trousers and then sneaked into the Red Fort. How else do you think I got in?"

"Ah, yes." He nodded wisely. "That does make a lot more sense. My apologies for impugning your honour."

For some reason, those words only made her blush harder.

"Ehem." Clearing her throat, Adaira decided it was time to change the subject. "So, if the rebels have been hunting you all this time, how have you been able to stay alive? Where have you been hiding?"

"Well, that, um..." To Adaira's surprise, this time it was he who flushed ever so slightly and avoided her gaze.

"James?" Tightening the grip on her gun, Adaira narrowed her eyes at the suddenly suspicious fellow next to her. "Where exactly have you been hiding?"


"Is this," I enquired, leaning towards Mr Rikkard Ambrose, "really the best place we could be hiding in?"

"Naturally. It is cheap, safe and far away from most rebels."

"Yes." I glanced around at the stable loft, then sent him a look that could scorch asbestos. "It is also right above a dung heap. Which probably explains the absence of rebels."


"Indeed, Sir."

"Would you rather risk going out there while the whole city is shouting about spies for some reason?"

"No. No, you're right." My shoulders sagged. "I just hate being stuck here. Karim and Adaira are still out there."

"Don't worry. We will be out there looking for them soon." Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Mr Ambrose's fists clench. "We would be out there now, if not for this nonsense about spies. If I catch the son of a bachelor who stirred up the city like a beehive and kept me from looking for my sister, I will strangle him to death!"

"Agreed. If I get my hands on that bastard—"

Abruptly, I cut off in mid-sentence.

Mr Ambrose's eyes narrowed infinitesimally. "Mrs Ambrose? What is wrong? Did—"

"Shh! Don't you hear that?"

Any other man might have opened his mouth to ask "What do you mean?". Mr Ambrose, however, simply froze and listened.


There it was. The sound of the stable door opening. From up here in the hayloft, it may have been faint, but, holding my breath as I was, I could still hear it. Just like I could hear the footsteps that started to move through the stable below moments later. My eyes widened and flicked to meet those of Mr Ambrose—who, unlike me, didn't seem to be perturbed in the least. Placing a finger on his lips, he pointed at a flail lying in the corner of the loft, probably left by some farmer who worked for the owner of this place. Then he pointed behind the only door of the hay loft. Gesturing at himself, he pulled out his revolver.

So, I will try the sneak attack with the flail, and he will do a frontal assault if I fail.

Nodding to show him I understood, I sidled over behind the door and picked up the flail. Without a hint of hesitation, I raised it high above my head and I waited. I didn't have to wait long. Soon, the sound of heavy footsteps proceeding up the stairs to the hayloft met my ears.

They approached the door.

Any moment now. Any. Moment. Now...

The door swung open, and, from behind the door, I saw the massive shadow of a towering figure fall into the room.

Here's my chance!

I jumped out from behind the door and, with all my might, swung down the flail in my hand at the head of the figure in front of me—only to stop about two inches away from a familiar turban.

Slowly, Karim turned around to pin me in place with his gaze.

"I always suspected that, deep down, you wanted to murder me, Sahiba," he commented. "But shouldn't you be a bit more secretive if you don't wish to be caught?"

"Karim!" Hurling the flail aside, I dashed forward and threw my arms around the big man to give him an even bigger hug.

"Just for the record," came the bodyguard's muffled voice, "I would prefer another murder attempt."

"Oh, shut up, you!"

He actually did. Probably due to instincts trained during long years in the employ of Mr Rikkard Ambrose. Speaking of whom...

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw my husband step closer and give his bodyguard a curt nod. "Since you have found your way back to us, I suppose I won't have to spend money looking for a new bodyguard."

Mr Rikkard Ambrose's version of a heartfelt welcome was truly inspiring.

To be honest, I really wanted to take a little more time to celebrate the big, grumpy bear's safe return. But two things stopped me. First, every minute we spent here was a minute we weren't looking for Adaira. And, second, this place stank to high heaven!

Time to get down to business.

"How did you find us?" I asked. I had to admit, this point had me slightly worried. If we were this easy to find, wouldn't the rebels be upon us any moment now?

Karim looked straight ahead, pointedly not glancing at his employer. "I went looking for the cheapest hiding place I could find."

I breathed a sigh of relief and nodded sagely. "Ah, yes. That would do it."

Mr Ambrose's eyes narrowed infinitesimally. "If you two are quite finished—"

"Not quite, darling. We'd be happy to carry on for a few more hours, if you don't mind."

"—then we could get back to the matter at hand. Meaning Adaira." He turned his chilly gaze towards Karim. "How are things outside? Can we go out to search?"

Karim frowned and shook his head. "I'm sorry, Sahib, but no. There are still people scouring the city everywhere, shouting something about catching spies."

"Tarnation!" One of my husband's fists hit the wall of the stable with a thud. "I do not often repeat myself, but if I get my hands on whoever started that infernal charade...!"

"I will happily help you exsanguinate that person, Sahib." Eyes flashing, Karim placed a hand on the hilt of his sabre. "On the way here, I had people pull on my beard three times to see if it would come off."

"And did it?" I enquired with perfectly innocent curiosity.

The look he sent me made it clear he was close to reciprocating my earlier attempt to brain him.

"So," Mr Ambrose enquired as if I hadn't spoken, "we had better keep our heads low and stay here for the time being?"

"Yes, Sahib."

For a moment, a long, long, moment, Mr Ambrose was in silent contemplation. Finally, he took a deep breath and spoke again.

"The rebels will need to rest or sleep at some point. That will be our chance to go out and look for Adaira. Till then we...we..."

"Yes?" I enquired.

He closed his eyes. A shudder went through his body, as if he were struggling with himself. When his eyes opened again, they were full of determination.

"...we rest."

Ah. No wonder it had been so hard for him to squeeze those words out.

"Come on." Linking my arm with his, I led him back to the corner of the loft where we had been hiding before. "Let me teach you the fine art of taking a break."

"Can I refuse?"

"What do you think?"

"I think that I don't want to wait longer than absolutely necessary." He threw me a glance before I could open my mouth. "And no, not just because I despise wasting time with waiting, Mrs Ambrose. I...I just think we don't have much time. For some reason, I have an ominous feeling, as if at any moment now, someone is about to die."


"One last time, James." Tightening the grip on her gun, Adaira stepped forward until she was right behind her intended, who at this time wore an expression like a child caught with his hand in the cookie jar. "Where have you been hiding?"

The question had hardly left Adaira's mouth when the two of them came to a halt in front of a large, suspiciously luxurious house. This one had been fortunate enough to escape the looting that had been happening in many parts of the city, and it was quite a beautiful domicile, with a small and well-tended garden.

Frowning, Adaira glanced between the almost ridiculously idyllic house and the scruffy army captain next to her. This didn't seem as bad as she had been imagining. From his tone earlier, she had expected some den of iniquity or something. This place seemed to be rather pleasant. Why was he so nervous?

"This is where you have been staying?"


"Oh, well." She shrugged. Better not look a gift horse in the mouth. "Let's go in, then."

Adaira stepped forward—only to be stopped in her tracks by the captain's hand on her shoulder. "No! No, let's not. Not yet."

Adaira looked at him, puzzled, and found he had a rather strained smile on his face. "What? Why not? You said this is where you've been staying, right?"

"Well, yes, but..." He cleared his throat. "There's something I should probably tell you before we go in."

"Tell me?" Adaira's eyes narrowed. "What do you need to tell m—"

However, she didn't get any further than that, because, the very next moment, the door of the house swung open, revealing an oriental beauty clad in silk and satin.

"Well, hello there, Captain," the woman's soft voice sounded. "I wondered when you would get back. I've been waiting for you for a long time..."


Oh my.

Taking hold of her gun once more, Adaira leaned over to her sweetheart with a smile. "James...is there something you would like to explain?"


My dear Readers,

Oh my... Keep your fingers crossed for Captain Carter's survival, everyone! ;-) Oh, and in case you're wondering why the publication time has changed a bit, over here in Germany we've switched to Daylight Saving Time.

Yours Truly

Sir Rob



Arē mūrkha!—Marathi for "Damn idiot!"

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