2020 Fire Awards

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Hello and welcome back to hell. I'm your host for the year, and my name is Pandora.

For this year, I decided to change it up. I realized I had so many rules, it was boring. So I decided to change things up and hope that we can actually finish this this year. Anyways, let us get on with this!

I realized that there are new authors joining Wattpad everyday, and maybe they don't have any stories. Maybe even they're scared to share them, and that is perfectly fine. So, for those of you who fall into this category, you get to write short stories for the Awards instead and get your own chance to win different prizes than those submitting their already written stories.

With that little note aside, let's begin!


1. This is meant to be fun, so don't rain on anyone's parade or try to put them down. If this happens, whether publicly or privately, tell me because they'll face consequences.

2. Don't try to bribe the judges, or cheat your way to success. It's not fair to people who prefer to try.

3. Have fun. This isn't meant to put a wedge between you and someone else because you won and they didn't. That isn't what this is about.

4. Good luck.

Like I said, lot less rules. Anyways, as you have noticed, the other years are all combined into one chapter. I'm going to do that now, because then it's much easier when combining everything. However, reviews will still get their own chapters.


Participant Forms:

Username(OR pen name OR name):
Book Title:
3 Tags:

P.S. tags is people, not the ones in your story and you have to add them else you can't enter.

Judge Form:

Username (OR pen name OR name):
Two categories:
3 Tags:

(I got rid of those stupid passwords, mostly because I forgot them all and then again because, well, they were stupid)

Short Story Form:


For genres, I'm accepting all kinds for both judge and participant. Can't wait to see some new faces and old faces in the 2020 Fire Awards!



The Prizes are even better this year.

1st Place Winner of The Fire Awards:
- a follow and shoutout
- new cover
- 1st place sticker
- mockup
- added to FA Winners

2nd Place Winner of The Fire Awards:
- a follow
- shoutout
- 2nd place sticker
- mockup
- added to FA Winners

3rd Place Winner of The Fire Awards:
- a follow
- shoutout
- 3rd place sticker
- added to FA Winners

Fire Awards Participants:
- added to FA Participants
- participation sticker

Short stories prizes

First place
- a follow and shoutout on this account
- a cover, in case you want to publish on your account
- 1st place sticker on your cover
- mockup of your cover
- added to FA shorts

Second place
- a shoutout on this account
- a cover, in case you want to publish on your account
- 2nd place sticker on your cover
- added to FA shorts

Third place
- a shoutout on this account
- a cover, in case you want to publish on your account
- 3rd place sticker on your cover
- added to FA shorts

Short Stories Participants
- added to FA Participants
- a cover, in case you want to publish on your account
- participants sticker on your cover


Judge Rubric

Cover: /10
Did it catch your eye? Did it make you want to read the book more? Was the cover relevant to the story? Was the cover just right in your opinion?

Title: /10
Was it short and sweet? Was it long and boring? Did it have any relevance to the story? Did it give you an idea of the story? Did it just give away everything or give you just a general idea like it should?

Plot: /40
Was the plot rich? Were there plot holes? Did it skip around a lot? Did it click together perfectly and sound/feel just right?

Characters: /10
Did the characters have a backstory? Do the characters have a personality, a theme? Were there a bunch of well thought characters? Were there a couple characters that didn't belong there?

Humor: /10
Did it make you laugh? Laugh out loud or just a small laugh? Ask someone(random) to read the part you thought was funny, did they laugh too?

Enjoyment: /20
Did you enjoy this book? Would you read it again? Would you recommend others to read it? Or would you want to just get rid of it? Are there any improvements the author can make next time?

Total: /100
Say characters got 3 out of 10. Divide 3 by 10, not 10 by 3. The answer you would get for that is 0.3. Multiply that by a hundred and you would get 30. Do this to the rest of the points. Then, add up all your points together. Once they are added together, divide them by six. Then get rid of everything after the decimal and you have the total.

What could the author improve? What was your favorite thing about it? How well do you think they would do in this competition? Would they be one of the first to leave, or would they have a chance of hitting the gold?

Once the reviews come in, new chapters will be made. Good luck everyone!

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