Handcuffs and Cold Beds

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Raven's POV:

My kicking and screaming doesn't stop until I'm sat in an interrogation room.

A middle aged woman with curly blonde hair and pointy red nails sits across from me. "Hello Ms. D'Amore, I'm Ava Bianchi. I'm here to ask you a few questions."

I pay no mind to her stern expression. "Without my lawyer? Wow, you must think I'm high right now." I kick my feet up, making myself at home. "Have you ever considered trying some rock? Maybe it could fix that unflattering angry look on your face."

Her tight-lipped smile tells me she's never tried drugs and is offended I'd even suggest it. "Do you have a lawyer or do you want me to get you one?"

I rub my chin, "Hmmm." I draw this out until I can see the vein in her forehead pop.

"I don't think you understand, Ms. D'Amore. I already have enough evidence to arrest you. I'm only being generous by giving you a chance to cooperate."

Going to jail feels like something I should be afraid of, but I can't bring myself to care. I'm too numb. "I'm too busy to cooperate."

"You sure?" She leans forward on her elbows, gazing into my black as night soul. "I know everything you've been up to for the past two months. I'm your last chance. Even your own brother has given up on you."

Suddenly, the numbness is replaced by hurt. Xander is my world. The thought of me losing him makes me want to die. I don't even care that he stabbed me in the back, as long as he doesn't leave me. I can't handle loosing anyone else.

I won't let her know she's upset me though. "I'm sorry, but it just doesn't sound like me to cooperate. Honestly, I think you want someone to talk to. We're different in that way. I beg people to leave me alone, you beg people to speak to you. In fact, you're begging me to speak to you right now."

She narrows her eyes at me. "My patience is running thin Ms. D'Amore."

With Xander in mind, I steal one of her so-called important documents and her pen, quickly writing down my lawyer's number. Yes, I have one. You have to when you get into as much mischief as I do.

My lawyer, Antonio Bendetti, arrives in no time, looking dapper as ever. He sits down next to me and faces Ava, who quickly fills him in on my situation.

He doesn't look my way, which is a telltale sign he's upset with me. Oh well, he can join the club. He thinks that just because he's attractive and supportive I'll change my mind and want to date him. I've told him a million times it's not going to happen. Dating is out of the question for me, no matter who you are.

Antonio raises an eyebrow. "If you already have proof of what my client did, why are we here?"

The wicked witch of the police station turns her attention back to me. "She knows more. We want names and locations of everyone she's come across in the mob."

I scuff. "Not to tell you how to do your job or anything, but shouldn't you be going after the man who sold me the drugs? You know, the one who has the address of literally everyone you're looking for? I didn't see you geniuses going after him."

Ava smirks. "That man is an undercover cop."

My mouth drops. I've bought cocaine off of him many times. I want to make a smart remark, but my tongue is tied.

She looks so pleased it makes me sick. "Don't feel bad. He's very good at his job. We've been planning this for a really long time."

It satisfies me to turn her down. One thing I will never lose is my pride. "Yeah, I'm not going to cooperate. You better lock me up."

Antonio's wide hazel eyes meet mine. "Raven, you could go to prison for six years."

I shrug. "Maybe that's what I need."

Ava points to the files that I assume are her only friends. "With the evidence I've got, more like twenty years."

Antonio pleads with me. "Raven, think about your brother. Now is not the time to be selfish. He needs you."

I punch him in the gut. "Don't you dare talk to me about my brother. He's the reason I'm in here."

Ava stands up and yanks me out of the room.

The pain on Antonio's face will haunt me forever. It seems I'll never stop hurting those who are trying to help me. I wish he would've listened when I told him not to care about me. I've warned him that you can't be put back together if you're missing parts. I'll always be fragmented, broken.

To make matters worse, I have a roomate.

When the door to the cell I've been dragged into is locked, a girl with dark hair and light blue eyes gets up from her bed. "Who are you supposed to be?"

I stare off. "I don't know."

Thankfully, my response shuts her up for a second.
I use the opportunity to crawl to the top bunk for sleep.

She waits until I'm comfortable to start annoying me again. "Whatever, as long as you keep to yourself we'll be fine. My boyfriend doesn't like it when people challenge me."

I flip away from her. "Are you still talking?"

She keeps going, as if she has a point. "My boyfriend pretty much runs this place."

"You have a boyfriend with a small penis, I get it."

I guess this offended her because she goes on. "I can assure you that's not true. He's the biggest penis and the best sex I've ever had. Like, it's unreal how..."

"Maybe I should ask to be his roommate."

I feel her gaze on the back of my head. "What's your name?"

"What's your name?" I fire back.

"I'm Isabella."

I sit up. "If I tell you my name will you leave me alone?"

She nods.

"Raven. Now, goodnight."

"It's time for breakfast."

I'm so disoriented, I thought it was still nighttime.

I shrug. "I've decided I'm done eating, but you have fun."

She chuckles. "If your plan is to starve yourself, you won't last long in this place."

Why is it that everytime I want to be alone, someone insists on staying? Yet, everytime I want someone around, I'm alone? It's exhausting.

I feign shock. "Oh no! You mean my plan to stay in this prison forever is ruined?"

More chuckling. "What'd you do? How'd a girl like you end up here?"

I don't care enough to ask what she means by 'a girl like you.' "In my opinion, I didn't do anything, but I'll be in here for murder if you don't stop talking."

She huffs. "You're friendly."

"Are people usually friendly in prison?"

I hold back from celebrating as she finally calls for a guard and asks to go to breakfast. "I think we'll get along well Raven."

I throw myself back on the bed. "Oh yay, I'm finally content."

Sleeping is a joke. My thoughts are too intense to let me rest. I keep thinking about Xander. After some contemplation, I realize the detective, who's name I've already forgotten, was right. He's officially given up on me. I can't blame him, I'm honestly surprised he believed in me as long as he did.

Then, I contemplate further. Anger takes over as I think of what he's done to me. He had me arrested. My own brother sent me to jail. I don't care what his reasoning is, that's messed up. It's even more messed up knowing that I could go to jail for over twenty years. I'll be old when I get out. When I get out, I'll be too old to have kids, a family. I wasn't sure if I even wanted those things, but knowing they've been stripped away from me stings. I'll miss out on everything; birthdays, weddings, graduations, births.
All of this because I was in pain and drugs were the only thing that gave me relief. Xander of all people should understand that, but no. Now that he's gone straight edge, he seems to have forgotten what it's like not to be. He says drugs are killing me, I say they're what's keeping me alive.

I can still remember the day Xander quit drugs...for the first time.

***I'm sitting in the dining room, studying for an upcoming exam. I've been studying for hours, never quite feeling prepared enough. The front door opening takes my attention from my textbook.

My mom rushes in and yells my name as if she doesn't see me right in front of her. "Raven! Raven!"

I run to her and force her to look at me. I squeeze her shoulders, sensing her panic. "I'm right here. What's wrong?"

She shakes her head. "It's Xander. He's in the hospital, he ummm overdosed."

My body goes numb. My baby brother overdosed. I didn't even know he messed with that stuff. I expect that from Enzo, but not him. My blood boils, he's following in our older brother's footsteps. I'm going to kill Enzo for getting Xander involved in the dangerous world he lives in.

"Is he okay?" Tears threaten to spill, but I bite them back for my mom's sake.

Her face falls. "We have to go."

I spent months with Xander in the hospital, despite being told he probably wouldn't make it. However, God performed a miracle and Xander made a full recovery. I was so happy that he said he wanted to quit after he left the hospital, but I still picture him pale and lifeless like he was that day. I picture it everytime I see him and sometimes even when I don't. ***

I come out of the trance with tears in my eyes. My heart is beating too fast to sleep, so I do the logical thing and go through my roommate's stuff.

Sadly, but not surprisingly, she's boring. All she has is a picture of who I assume is her brother, a large diamond ring that I assume is a wedding ring and an envelope with the letter R on it. The letter is most likely from her dumb boyfriend she won't shut up about, but I'm bored. So, I guess I'll have to read it. I'm respectful like that.

I take care not to rip anything as I tear the seal.

The letter is as disappointing as I thought it'd be.

To my dear Isabella,

I know I'm not supposed to, but I love you. Last night was incredible. You're incredible. I want to see you again tonight. I'll be quieter this time I promise.


I scuff and fold the letter back up. That's so embarrassing for her boyfriend.

After what feels like years, I finally succumb to sleep. Lucky me, I have a nightmare about one of the worst days of my life. The day I met Calvin Angelini.

The gunshots, haunting screams, blood all over my body and police sirens are clear in my mind. When I awake, I'm met with the same piercing blue eyes I saw that night. His spearmint breath has my heartbeat soaring.

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