1. Into the books

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I carefully unwrapped my present from my dad. I spotted the words Erin Hunter before ripping the paper off with a jerk.

"Yes!" I hugged the book to my chest. "Broken Code number six! Thank you!"

The artwork was amazing, like always. I carefully set my book on the pile of opened presents and got to my knees, about to stand up and put my gifts away, before my mom put her hand out to stop me.

"Al," she said. "This was your uncle's. Take good care of it."

Uncle Jay. The man who had introduced me into the amazing world of Warrior cats when I was eight. My father's only brother.

Uncle Jay was my favorite uncle. We shared a Firestar-Cloudtail relationship.

Uncle Jay and I had spent long hours over the summer at his farmhouse in Texas pretending we're Clan cats. We got my younger siblings Scott, Jake, and Megan into warrior cats as well, and they loved it as much as I did.

We would have long adventures protecting FarmClan from 'intruders' and 'invasions'. We would gather supplies for our 'dens', which in reality, was just doing chores. But Uncle Jay made it fun.

But then Uncle Jay got sick. The doctors figured out he had hidden his HIV status and had developed AIDS. Flu claimed him in under a week.

The animals were sold off and we sold our beloved farm. I took to emerging myself into the world of Warriors. I even created a character in his honor, Jayheart.

"Alex," I looked up at my mother. "Yes ma, I'll take very good care of it. I promise." She handed the small package to me. I delicately opened it.

Inside was a silver chain with six stained glass pieces resembling the six Clans. StarClan and SkyClan were side by side in the middle. ThunderClan and WindClan were to the right on the wearer's side and RiverClan and ShadowClan were to the left on the wearer's side.

My mom took it and clasped it around my neck. Energy surged through the necklace, just enough for me to notice.

I hugged my parents and took my stuff back to my room. I placed my new books on the bookshelf and sat down on my spiny chair. I took a deep breath.

I glanced at the clock. 10:07 PM. Luckily, it was the Friday before Spring Break. So I had a whole week and extra weekend to read my new books.

I jumped onto my bed, picking up the book that had fallen to the ground. It was well-loved, due to my reading habits of rereading my favorite books. I glanced again at the clock and sighed, putting the book on my nightstand.

I got comfortable, hugged my stuffed Jayfeather to my chest, and closed my eyes.


I could sense I wasn't alone. My eyes snapped open and I took in my surroundings.

I was in a misty forest. The mist swirled around my feet. I couldn't see the sky through the trees that seemed to go up forever.

"Alex." I spun around. I knew that voice.

"Uncle Jay?" I asked. He nodded and opened his arms. He looked young, pre-sickness. He looked like the way he did when he taught me about the Warrior code, about fighting. About the warriors world.

I ran to him and hugged him. He smelled like forest and rainwater. "Uncle Jay..."

He pulled away, gripping my shoulder. "Alexander, you need to listen to me. Four generations you will go,
Through so fast as melting snow
Seven traits that you must learn
For your reality to return."

"What?" But Uncle Jay was fading. "Make me proud. We will be in touch." He smiled at me. A gust of wind blew me back. "No!" I screamed, trying to reach him. "Uncle Jay! Come back!" My eyes slipped shut.

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