R.I.P Bray Wyatt

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(A/N: Before we start this chapter, I just wanted to say once more RIP Bray Wyatt. He was one of my favorites and I plan on doing this as a sort of tribute to him. Please enjoy.)


The mood is a grim one. The WWE Superstars all gather on the stage to pay their respects to Terry Funk and Bray Wyatt. With heads bowed, they stand in silence, mourning their friends. Both of the RAW and SmackDown rosters are there, gathered in their entirety. After a few moments, chants of "thank you Bray" fill the arena, followed by the arena singing "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands". The fans have their flashlights turned on, mimicking the fireflies that used to accompany Bray down to the ring every week. Everyone is there, from Rhea Ripley to Duncan Blake (SuperSaiyan4Life). There's only one man that's missing, but that is soon resolved when gong fills the arena and a familiar theme follows.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

A large man in a long, black coat, a hat, and a skull mask walks down to the ring carrying a lantern.

This man is Jacen Calaway, or as the WWE Universe knows him, Draugr. Draugr has been on both sides of the ring with Bray. They had many matches together, both as adversaries and as rivals. A few months ago, the two were set to go back to teaming together. Then Brag got sick. Since then, he carried on doing what they did best as the New Faces of Fear.

He walks down to the ring and sets the lantern on the apron. Draugr then turns to the steps and walks up them. He ducks through the top and middle ropes, then goes to grab the lantern. Draugr takes the lantern in his hands and walks to the center of the ring. He puts it on the ground, then removes his hat and mask. He stares back up at the titantron and looks at it for a few minutes as the music fades out. Draugr then drops down to one knee and holds his arm up towards the titantron and the lantern.

(A/N: Like this, but with the lantern in his hand.)

The fans applaud the sign of respect. He stays down on one knee for a few minutes, then stands up. He stares forward before grabbing the lantern and bringing it up to his face. Draugr stares out at his fellow coworkers. His breathing gets a little shaky, but he keeps his cool, then blows the light out. The lights go out as the show cuts to commercial.


Everyone prepares for the night, except Draugr. He stayed out in the ring for a little while longer. When he finally comes through the curtain, his friends the Judgment Day, Duncan Blake and his wife Alexa Bliss, Liv Morgan, Montez Ford and Bianca Belair, and Cathy Kelly are there to great him. Jacen stands still, visibly shaking. His body shakes a little while everyone watches closely to see his reaction. Tears stream down his face before he completely crumbles to the ground, falling to his knees and sobbing uncontrollably. Duncan, Damian, Rhea, Liv, and Alexa all drop down to comfort their friend. A few of them start crying with him. Hunter comes over to the group, tears filling his eyes as well, and places a hand on Jacen's shoulder.

They all took the news hard, but no one took it harder than Jacen. He was like a brother to Bray and Bo. When Bray got sick, Jacen visited him constantly. Now that he's gone, Jacen has to take what would have been tag team storylines and make them into solo storylines. WWE executives asked him if he wanted to take some time off, but he refused. He decided the best way to honor Bray's legacy is to keep doing what they did best: be the true faces of fear.

After their emotional moment, the group breaks off, leaving Calaway, Blake, Priest, Bálor, and Mysterio to talk.

Damian: That was a great sendoff, man.

Duncan: Yeah. Hunter has given us control of what the main event should be.

Finn: It should be something great. Something to truly honor Bray.

Damian: How about his two former tag partners against the Judgment Day? You'll have Bliss in your corner and we'll have Ripley.

Duncan: Handicap tag match? I'm in. What about you, Jacen?

Damian: Jace, does that sound good to you?

After a few moments of silence, Jacen speaks.

Jacen: Let's tear the roof off this place.

Main Event

There has been a multitude of great matches but it's now time for the main event. The Judgment Day stand in the ring and await their opponents. The first to show up are Duncan and Bliss.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

They get out on the stage and both do Duncan's signature roar.

The power couple smile at one another as they walk down to the ring. Blake points at Finn and the rest of the Judgment Day and begins trash talking while walking down the ramp and to the ring. Then, a gong hits before being followed by a familiar piano key.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Once again, Draugr walks down to the ring in a long coat, a hat, and a white STP mask. In his hand is a new lantern, one that had belonged to the Fiend. This tribute to Bray is more on the morbid side, but it fits the Draugr persona better.

He gets into the ring and stands in front of Damian Priest and Rhea Ripley. Draugr gets close to them, raises the lantern, then blows it out. The lights come back on and Damian can be seen staring into the eye sockets of the STP mask. They stare each other down for a long while until the referee separates them. Draugr and Priest walk to their respective corners and stare the other in the eyes while they walk. Draugr and Priest exit the ring, allowing Duncan and Finn to start the match.


The match has been a grueling one. Both teams are leaving it all in the ring. Even Alexa and Rhea started battling it out on the outside of the ring. Currently, Duncan is in the Judgment Day's corner. Bálor and Mysterio routinely tag each other in, trapping Duncan in the corner. After wearing him down, they pull him towards the center of the ring and try to go for a double suplex. Despite their best efforts, they couldn't get the big man up. They both stop and punch Duncan in the gut a few times, pulling him further into the center of the ring, but the big man refuses to go up. Instead, he tightens his grip around them and hits them with a double suplex by himself!

All three men lay flattened out. Draugr stomps on the steel steps to get Duncan's attention. At the same time, Damian Priest does his best to get his teammates to come to him. Both men reach out their hands and are tagged in. They both slowly ended into the ring and stare at each other. This didn't last for long as Damian runs forward and hits a clothesline, but Draugr looks unfazed by it. Priest hits the ropes before colliding with Draugr again, but once again, nothing really happens. He goes to the ropes one last time. When he runs back, Draugr hits him with Bray's signature shoulder tackle, using his entire body to squash Priest to the mat.

By this time, Finn and Dominik are back on their feet, both leaning on the ropes. Draugr runs at Bálor and boots him in the face, knocking him over the top rope with a big boot. Meanwhile, Dominik gets off of the ropes and runs at Draugr. The Son of the Undertaker ducks beneath the clothesline and counters with a uranage.

He turns around to face Priest, but is met with a hand wrapping around his throat. Damian squeezes but it's not enough. Draugr reaches his hand up and grabs Damian's throat. The two try to strangle the other. Eventually, the Undead Warlord overpowers the Archer of Infamy. He strangles Priest, then boots him in the midsection. Draugr hoists him up on his shoulders and slams Damian down with a Bonebreaker powerbomb.

Draugr goes over to the corner and grabs the top rope. Deep inside, he begins to get emotional, but he does his best to hide it as he taps his foot on the ground. He then grabs the top rope and leans backwards, turning himself upside down. Draugr releases a large roar full of emotion while he does.

He then drops down and walks across on his hands. Draugr crawls upside down over to Damian Priest while the latter gets to his feet.

Draugr rolls over and drags Damian up to his feet before planting him down to the mat with a Sister Abigail.

He quickly covers Damian and pins him to three. The bell rings as Duncan and Bliss join him in the ring. They stand together over the fallen members of the Judgment Day. Duncan, Bliss, and Draugr celebrate their victory before the former two head for the ramp. Alexa climbs out first, but as Duncan approaches it, Draugr grabs his wrist and spins him around. Duncan is turned around right into a Sister Abigail.

The crowd is stunned into silence. They watch helplessly as Draugr grabs Duncan and throws him over the top rope, following after him closely. He lifts Duncan up and hits him with a uranage onto the announce table, slamming his spine down onto the covering.

While Duncan's lifeless body slumps to the floor, Draugr clears the table off. He hoists Blake back up, then puts him through the table with a Bonebreaker powerbomb.

Alexa tries to get in between the two to prevent any further carnage, but Draugr stares her down and makes her back off. The Undead Warrior reaches down, grabs Duncan, then throws him into the ring. He slides into the ring and turns the man upside down. Alexa begs and pleads for him not to do it, but Draugr ignores her and Tombstones Duncan into the mat.

He crosses Duncan's arms over his chest, then leaves the ring. The whole wrestling world isn't sure what to make of this. The only thing on everyone's mind is "why, Draugr, why".

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