The Dismantling of Dominik Mysterio

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A/N: Before this chapter starts, I just wanna thank everyone for participating in the vote. This chapter is going to show the top two women I listed interacting with Jacen. Enjoy guys.

After SmackDown

The Judgment Day walk with Jacen and they all clamber into the rental car. Everyone is happy with how SmackDown went and can't contain their excitement. Well, everyone but Jacen can't contain their excitement. From the passenger's seat, Rhea turns and speaks to her friends.

Rhea: Did you guys hear the crowd tonight? They are loving this new storyline!

Finn: They sure are. Did you have to slam me on the crate?

Rhea: You told him you were okay with it.

Finn: It still hurt.

Dominik: No shit.

Damian: The spot looked great, you guys.

Dominik: Yeah, and that small abduction segment was gold.

Rhea: Thanks. Your segment discovering it was pretty good too.

As they all talk, Damian can't help but notice his friend remaining silent. From the driver's seat, he checks the rearview mirror and sees his silent friend sitting in the very back of the car alone with his head hanging low.

Damian: Everything okay, Jace?

Jacen: I'm fine. Great job today.

He says mostly emotionless. They know he means what he said. For the last half anyway. They know he thinks they did great, but he's still mourning. He didn't just lose a friend. He lost a brother. He's so distraught, he zones out and completely misses his friends talking about him.

Rhea: I don't care what he says. He is not fine.

Damian: Not at all. What should we do?

Rhea: I don't think there's anything we can do right now. He's only focused on work right now.

Damian: I've known Jacen for a long time. He'll open up eventually. Right now, he's coping with it the only way he knows how. Once he feels like he's honored Windham, he'll be back to his old self.


It's the next week and the Judgment Day couldn't be enjoying their storyline more. Jacen has started opening up a bit more, but only to Duncan and Alexa (who asked for time off to grieve) and Damian and Rhea. Last week was just a grueling week for him.

Damian: So what's the plan for tonight?

Jacen: I know I've got stuff with Dirty Dom here. I think they're leaving it up to you.

Rhea: I know I've got a segment. I've never played the damsel in distress before. This could be fun.

Dominik: Think the media'll like that?

Jacen: Who gives a shit what they think?

Finn: Some of the higher ups.

Jacen: If they have a problem, they can come talk to me about it. Otherwise, they can shove it and get out of our way.

Damian: I'll drink to that.

Finn: Speaking of drinks, isn't that Toni and Tay?

The group turns their attention to two women walking into catering. Sure enough, it's Tay Melo and Toni Storm.

Rhea: It sure the hell is! Toni! Tay!!

The two women whip around and find Rhea, who waves them over. Tay and Toni make their way over to the group and give Rhea a hug.

Rhea: What are you two doing here!?

She exclaims happily.

Toni: We're back in WWE now!

Tay: We're returning tonight!

Rhea: That's awesome! Shouldn't you be hiding it though?

Toni: They said we could tell certain people.

Tay: Like you and Jacen.

Rhea: Why us?

Toni: 'Cause you two can keep a bloody secret.

Damian: Welcome back, you guys.

Tay: Thanks, Damian.

Her eyes scan across the table and lock on Jacen's. He lowered his blacked out sunglasses when they had first come over, so she's able to look straight into his eyes.

Tay: I don't think we've ever met before. I'm Tay. Tay Melo.

She holds her hand out. Tay couldn't explain why, but he was making her feel nervous. She could feel her body shiver and shake as she stood with her arm stretched out. Jacen looks down at her hand, then back into her eyes. The Judgment Day watch closely as he stands up. Jacen towers over Tay. He steps around the table to where he's now face-to-face with her. Her breath hitches as she stares up at him, afraid to move a muscle. Then, his hand reaches up and grabs hers. He grabs it gently, yet firmly, and shakes it. He catches her off guard with a smirk.

Jacen: I'm Jacen. Jacen Calaway.

While they shake hands, Damian and Rhea laugh hard. The latter doubles over while the former chuckles behind his hand and shakes his head.

Damian: You're evil for that one, man.

Jacen: What? All I did was shake her hand.

Rhea: You know what you were doing, ya big lug. Don't let him try and scare you, Tay.

The two are no longer shaking hands now. Instead, they're standing next to each other and looking at the sitting group.

Tay: It's cool. Maybe I like being scared~

Jacen's eyes widen and he looks at Rhea. Mami Ripley laughs harder than ever at his look.

Dominik: Oh shit. Is someone taking a liking to the Undead Warlord?

Tay: I'll admit I've been watching you guys for a minute and...maybe someone caught my eye~

She inches a little closer to Jacen. Melo is definitely catching him offguard, but he's doing his best not to make it to obvious. She decides to up the ante by turning to face him and putting a hand on his chest. Tay moves closer to him and speaks while moving her hand around his torso.

Tay: Sooo....what does a girl have to do to be Queen of the Dead~

Deciding the best course of action is to flirt back, Taker's son responds.

Jacen: Spend a night with the Warlord in his castle~

Tay: Hmmmm...we'll see~

She winks, then joins Toni. The two say their goodbyes and go get ready for their segments. Once they're gone, the Judgment Day look at Jacen with stupid faces and smirks.

Jacen: I'm not the only one confused by that, right?

Rhea: I knew she's been lonely since her and Sammy split. I didn't know she was that lonely.

Finn: Seems like she's found someone she wants to be with...and it's you.

Jacen: Why me?

Rhea stops herself from speaking. She nearly blurted out "I don't know if you noticed, but you're hot." Good thing she didn't, she thinks to herself.

Damian: Why not you?

Jacen: Touché. I'm not looking for anyone right now. I've got too much work to do.

Rhea: Hold on, you're telling me that you'd rather be in that ring constantly than spend a night with Tay?

Jacen: I don't do one night stands, Demi.

Rhea: I know, I know.

Damian: She just meant that you could use something to relax yourself. Maybe a girl might help.

Finn: Couldn't hurt to see where things go with Tay.

Dominik: I say give it a shot. If not her, then someone else. Either way, you should start looking into a relationship.

Jacen: Why?

Rhea: Because you're too good of a person to keep struggling alone, Jacen. You need someone to be there with you during times like this.

Jacen doesn't respond. Instead, he sits in his chair and thinks about what she said. Maybe it's time for him to find a girl. And why not Tay? She clearly seems interested in him.

He doesn't have time to finish his thoughts as the Judgment Day all stand up. It's time for the mind games to continue.


The night starts off with a recap of the Judgment Day being attacked repeatedly last week. It shows the attack on Finn and the kidnapping of Rhea Ripley. After the video package ends, it cuts to Michael Cole asking "where is Rhea Ripley".

It then shows the Judgment Day locker room. Dominik sits with his head in his hands while Damian paces around.

Dominik: He took Mami...

Damian: We'll get her back. I promise you...we'll get her back.

Dominik: How!? We don't even know where to-

There's a knock on their door. They both look at one another, then at the door, then back at one another once more. Dominik gets up as Damian cautiously moves towards the door. The knocking sounds again, this time much louder. Damian slings the door open to find multiple WWE officials, including Adam Pearce.

Adam: Woah! Take it easy, we found Rhea!

Damian: Where is she!?

Adam: She's-

Damian: Where!?!

Adam: Follow us!

The officials all take off running. Damian and Dominik following closely. They all run to the parking garage. Standing on top of one of the production trailers is Draugr. He is standing next to a rocking chair with Rhea slumped in it. Draugr has one hand on the back of the chair, rocking her unconscious body slowly.

Damian: Get her down!! Now!!!!

Draugr: I'm afraid you're in no position to make demands, my dear brother. If wish to have her back, join me. Take your place with me at our father's side.

Damian: I'll never join you!!!

Draugr: How incredibly tragic. I had hoped this would be enough to convince you, but it appears I haven't taken enough from you.

Damian: Let her go or I'll come get her myself!!

Draugr: Such fire...such passion...

As the two brothers talk to one another, the WWE officials work on setting up a crash pad for Rhea. Damian knows he has to buy them more time, so he rushes up to the top of the trailer. Draugr continues to stand behind Rhea, staring at Damian.

Damian: Let her go.

Draugr: I will...once you join me. You've done quite well with this little group of yours...

He says, waving his hand around over Rhea and Dominik.

Draugr: But you could be so much more. I want what's best for you, dear brother. Sooner or later, they will stab you in the back. They know you're better than them. You're the best competitor in the Judgment Day, Damian. Soon, they will realize the only way to keep you from fighting against them is to get rid of you.

Damian stops. He looks down at the ground in deep thought. Meanwhile, Draugr tabs his index finger against the back of the rocking chair.

Draugr: I never wanted to hurt you, brother...but you've given me no other choice.

He grabs the back of Rhea's head and tosses her off the trailer. Damian rushes to the edge as Ripley falls. Luckily, Rhea lands on the crash pad that they finally finished setting up. Dominik grabs Rhea and holds her close to him while Damian glares at his brother.

Draugr: It will only get worse from here, brother.

Damian: You son of a bitch!

He charges the creature that claims to be his brother. They trade blows before Draugr catches a forearm attempt with his arm and counters with a headbutt. He then squeezes Priest's throat with his right hand.

Draugr: I will take away EVERYTHING YOU LOVE!!! I've taken away your demon. I've captured your queen. The luchador is next. The ONLY way to stop it is to accept your place at OUR father's side! Until then...

He plants his own brother flat on the trailer with a vicious Chokeslam. Draugr looks over at Dom before doing his throat-slice taunt.

The lights go out. When they come back on, Dom is left holding Rhea and staring up at where Draugr once was.


After what happened earlier in the show, Dominik demanded a match with Draugr. In the meantime, Iyo Sky stands in the ring along with Bayley. The two run their mouths as usual, especially Bayley. As the two taunt, they are soon interrupted by a theme song that gets the WWE Universe on their feet.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Toni Storm steps out onto the stage and smiles. Before anything can happen, Bayley is quick to taunt her.

Bayley: Toni Storm!? What are you doing back here!? And can't you count!? There's two of us and one of you, you idiot!!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Tay Melo stomps out and stands next to Toni. The two look at each other, then sprint down to the ring. A brawl quickly ensues with Bayley fighting Toni and Iyo taking on Tay. Bayley's role in the brawl quickly comes to an end after Toni hits her with a Storm Zero.

Meanwhile, Iyo goes for a clothesline, but Tay ducks underneath it. She boots the champion in the gut, then gutwrenches her onto her back before hitting a Tay-KO.

Tay and Toni stand in the ring after dominating Damage CTRL. The two walk over to one another and raise each other's hand.


When the two walk backstage, Tay locks eyes with Jacen, who is preparing for his next segment. He's standing in his ring gear and putting on his brown jacket.

Tay stares at him. The man she met earlier that was joking with her seems to have disappeared completely. The beast standing before her and holding his skeletal STP mask is the Draugr.

Toni: Go say hi.

Tay: Wha-? No way!

Toni: Do it, or I will.

Tay: You wouldn't.

Toni: I would to prove a point.

Tay: Fine, but if I get yelled at, it's your fault.

Toni: He won't yell. He's apparently the nicest guy here.

Tay: Fine, I'll go talk to him.

She makes her way over to him. As she gets closer, she notices the serious expression on his face. She starts to wonder if this is the best idea, but before she can say anything, he beats her to it.

Jacen: Tay, right?

His voice is dark and deep, just like Taker's. It catches her offguard once again. Luckily, she's still hyped from the pop the crowd gave her, so pretending to be confident won't be a problem.

Tay: Yep, that's me.

Jacen: Just checkin'. I'm shit with names.

Tay: Really?

Jacen: It took me six months to stop calling Demi "Rhea".

Tay: Wow. That's a pretty long time.

Jacen: Yeah. So, what made you want to be "Queen of the Dead?"

Tay: Uhhh...honestly, I couldn't think of anything else to say...

Jacen: Hm. Shame. The Warlord could use a queen.

Tay: Are you...

Jacen: Sorry, gotta go.

He says as he pulls on his mask as he leaves the gorilla. This mask is more of a natural bone color.

Tay: Where are you going!?

Jacen: You'll see!

He yells from behind the wall. Tay finds herself looking at the doorway where he left. Then, his music starts playing.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Tay leans against the wall in the gorilla and watches Jacen. As the lights go down, fog and smoke rises. In the midst of it all, out from the center of the stage rises the Visage of Death: the Draugr. He rises from the stage with his arms out wide.

He walks slowly down to the ring where Dominik Mysterio waits for him. After finishing his entrance, Draugr slow removes his jacket and his mask. The ref rings the bell and Draugr walks forward slowly. Dominik looks around nervously, then finds the courage to face him.

He charges at the Undead Warlord and throws several punches and kicks his way, but they don't faze him. Dominik tries to go for something better, so he runs, hits the ropes, and runs back to try and hit Draugr with a clothesline, only to be dropped by a big boot.

Draugr runs to the ropes, then sprints back, leaps in the air, and plants his leg down across Dominik's throat with a leg drop. He sits there for a moment before slowly standing back up. Once on his feet, he stomps on Dominik's skull. Not quickly or repeatedly, but slowly and methodically. Every move he makes is calculated.

Dominik rolls out of the ring and walks around to the side of the ring where the ramp is. There, Damian Priest walks down and tries to talk to Damian about the decision he's about to make. Before they can head up the ramp and leave the match, Draugr forces them to the ground with a Deadman Dive!

Draugr gets back to his feet and grabs Damian by the throat before pulling him to his feet.

Draugr: This is what he wanted, Damian! This is what you wanted! Now, you're gonna watch me end him!

Before he can fully let go of Damian, Dominik attacks from behind with a chopblock to the back of Draugr's knee. The attack forces Draugr down onto one knee, allowing Dominik to hammer away on Draugr. Once he's had enough, he grabs Draugr, throws him into the ring, and slides into the ring himself, just barely beating the ref's count.

Draugr gets to one knee and Dominik decides to keep up the assault. He plants three dropkicks to the skull and shoulders of the downed Warlord. Then, he gets a little too cocky and it costs him.

He walks over to the Legacy of the Deadman and slaps him across the face. He does it again, but his wrist is caught before the third can connect. Draugr stands up, twists Dominik's arm, and drags him over to the corner for Old School.

He scoops Dominik up and drags him to his feet only to hit him with not one, but three Bonebreakers.

Draugr covers Dom and gets the three count, but he's not done. He drags Dom back up to his feet, but before he can get Dominik prepared for a fourth one, Rhea Ripley walks down to the ring. She looks a little shaken, but she knows what she has to do. She has to help the man she loves.

Rhea slides into the ring and stands between the two men. Thinking he knows what she's up to, Damian runs over and grabs the ref, yanking him out of the ring before big booting him. He doesn't want anyone to get in their way of making an example of Draugr.

Rhea cautiously walks over to Dominik and helps him to his feet. He puts his arm around her for support. Draugr stares at Rhea and locks eyes with her. She doesn't seem as shaken anymore. happens.

Rhea drops down suddenly and hits Dominik with a low blow. She removes her arm and shoves him forward. Right into the arms of Draugr, who grabs Dominik and drives his skull into the mat with a Tombstone.

After the poetic dismantling of Dominik Mysterio, Draugr and Rhea head back up the ramp, Mami smiling the whole walk up. After a few minutes, the confused Damian helps the injured and betrayed Dominik backstage.


The group walk through the curtain and find that Tay is still there. She walks over to them with a smile.

Tay: You guys did great out there! I can't believe you turned!

Rhea: If you think that's surprising, just wait. It's gonna be a fun ride.

Tay: And you...

She says, turning to the larger man. Tay points a finger at his chest and walks over to him.

Tay: You were excellent.

Jacen: Thanks, Tay.

Tay: You remembered. I'm proud of you.

Jacen: Thanks.

Tay: Of course.

She compliments the rest of the Judgment Day before turning to leave. Jacen turns to his friends and smiles, then walks out of the gorilla.

Jacen: Hey, Tay!

The Brazilian woman turns around and looks back at Jacen. The Judgment Day members all poke their heads out of the gorilla doorway and watch. Rhea pulls out her phone and FaceTimes Alexa and Duncan while Damian FaceTimes Finn.

Duncan: What's goin' on?

Rhea: Shhhh...

The Brazilian woman sees Jacen and turns completely. She waits for him to get closer before speaking.

Tay: Yes, Jacen?

Jacen: I was wondering what you're doin' after the show tonight?

Tay: Nothing really. Why?

Jacen: I was gonna grab somethin' to eat and I wanted to know if you wanted to come with me.

Tay: Are you asking me out?

Jacen: Depends on your answer.

Tay: I would love to go out with you. Where are we going?

Jacen: There's a Mexican place nearby that's supposed to be pretty good. Wanna go there?

Tay: I love Mexican food. I'm in.

Jacen: Great. It's a date.

He says smiling as he walks by her. She turns her head and smirks. Once she's sure no one's looking, she runs to the locker room to change as quickly as possible. Meanwhile, the Judgment Day sit stunned until the lovable oaf of WWE breaks the silence.

Duncan: What in the actual fuck just happened?

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