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Since Melrose's call with Elijah, her mood had improved much more than she expected. She found herself humming when doing housework, and was so distracted in singing along to the radio, that she did not hear her son, and friends enter the home.

Damarion chuckled at his Mother who was dancing to her favourite song she sang and danced to, The Wanderer by Dion and The Belmont's.

He watched her dance around to the song, and he looked to his friends, The Gilberts, Caroline, Stefan, Matt and Bonnie who was watching the young mother in amusement.

Stefan smiled at Melrose, who often danced around singing back then as well, and he felt nostalgic that never had changed. The group watched the Mother who was unaware of there presence and stood there the entire time until the song came to the end.

Melrose stopped finally noticing that she was not alone as she heard the sound of clapping behind her, making her jump turning to her audience," Oh goodness, how long have you lot been there?"

"Well, long enough Mum," Damarion said walking over to kiss her cheek

"Oh how embarrassing-so um" She cleared her throat as her face was bright red," What brings you all here so early? It's a Friday, don't you guys, usually, hang out?"

"We do, but I uh, is it okay, if we use the farm for a party tonight?" Her son asked sheepishly, not really sure if it was a good idea since he noticed how her moods been fluctuating.

Melrose smiled," Of course you can! I'll make sure not to step foot out of the house when you have a party, you wouldn't want your mother ruining it for you"

"Mum, who cares about that, its not like anyone else in school is even convinced your my Mum, they all think your my sister" Damarion said as she snickered

"Nope, I know when I shouldn't intrude, I want you to have fun, all of you, so feel free to use the farm to your liking" Melrose then raised her hand walking to her purse pulling out her credit card," Here Rio, you can use it to buy anything you'll need, also, don't waste it on alcohol, your great grandfather's liquor cellar can provide that for you all"

"Wh-Mel, you don't have to do all that" Stefan spoke up to her and she put her hands on her hips

"Oh, just take it.I will not take no for an answer, I want you all to have fun and that's final"

"Ms Fisher you are so awesome!" Caroline cheered at Melrose

"Thank you my dear, I try my best" She winked playfully," Just let me know if you guys need anything else. I trust you'll keep my farm in one piece?" She playfully scolded to the teenagers.

"You have our word" Matt answered as the others agreed

"Good, have a great time all of you, now go" Melrose raised her hands shooing them," Prepare for your party, don't make me waste your time"

They all laughed walking out and Melrose smiled walking to the kitchen, but not before getting tackled in a hug by her son," You are the best ever Mum, thank you"

She returned the hug," Anything for you my dear"

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