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Damon waited until his son, left the house to head to school, to visit Melrose.

It was what they had set in plan, Damarion suggested it was best if he was not around, since he knew his mother would put a wall up to be cautious around him, not that he minded, but he wanted to eventually find a way, to not be behind that wall, he had to be patient, and trust his father.

Melrose was spending her day, just in a daze, as she had been having trouble with sleeping, and she knew, her son was noticing her change.

The life in her eyes slowly draining, that it did not have the same sparkle as before. She would still smile, for him, but he knew, that it was fake-her aching was painfully obvious.

Damon had reached the door of the Fisher home and knocked on it not wanting to just intrude like he had last time, he had to be careful, he had to be patient for Melrose.

As he waited unwearyingly at the door, that slowly opened, if his heart was beating, it would have stopped at that moment, Melrose looked broken.

Her eyes no longer sparkling, her skin pale, and he could also get a scent of strong liquor smell coming off her like she was bathing in it.

"Damon?" Melrose croaked and Damon had almost found himself wanting to embrace her, her voice was so weak

"Rosie, I'd like for us to talk, please"

"Talk? We had already done that, what else is there to say between us" Melrose said a little snappy at the Older Salvatore

"Please, don't do that Rosie"

"Do what? What are your intentions coming here? We already finish- Damon pushed the door open wider as he walked in going closer to her. She was surprised at the sudden intrusion, but Melrose didn't feel like she needed to use her strength to push him out, instead, she just stepped back stunned," Damon what are-

"No, I will not let you do this, I understand you and I are not we were anymore, but we have a son, who is worried about his own Mother" Damon lectured

Melrose as she crossed her arm narrowing her eyes about to retort but Damon cut her off continuing," I don't want to believe that everything we had is over Rosie, my mind, is just full of everything we had been through, and it just keeps flooding in my head, and I like it, the memories, that I had forgotten, all of it, the good and the bad"

Damon stopped for a moment licking his dry lips, "It was like a switch inside my head, and honestly, I find myself wanting to just sleep to keep seeing them. You told me, that you didn't want to talk about the past, but I don't want to forget it, I can't"

Melrose was perplexed at the confrontation and confession from the Older Salvatore. She was confused about why he decided to just spring this all upon her, and she was not sure how to respond to it.

"Why are you- No, Damon, you can't do this, just because I came into the picture" she stepped forward "I do not want to be a leverage, for our son, if you want to be a part of his life, I won't stop you"

Melrose argued but Damon shook his head raising his hand gently on her cheeks," That is not the reason, I would never use you like a wager to try and be a part of his life. I am talking about us Rosie, these memories, are not just because I want it easy, I know it won't be, but I do not want to give up"

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