chapter1: Cursed (redone)

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(here's the first revamped chapter if you enjoyed drop a vote. Ending is a little iffy to me but hope you enjoy. Chapter 4 will be out soon btw)

It was an average night in japan, the moon was suspended in the sky illuminating the night

The sound of gravel crunching filled an empty wooded clearing on the outskirts of tokyo.

The metropolitan technical curse college could be seen surrounded by trees. The light from the moon barely illuminated the buildings on campus.

A figure cloaked in darkness could be seen approaching the buildings walking down a path of gravel and dirt.

The figure was a teenage boy around sixteen years old with unruly soaked red hair, and yellowish orange spiraling eyes,

his complexion was fair and had rain dripping down his cheeks.

This is Y/n l/n the world's first and only male jujutsu sorcerer.

Glowing faintly in the night was his eyes as he calmly walked in no real rush while rain poured down on him.

The trees around shook slightly from the harsh breeze of wind that blew by which rustled Y/n’s red hair.

Gravel was kicked up slightly with every step he took through the path. There was something sitting with its back against the tree.

Y/n paused and stepped forward a bit finding a large plushie the size of a tall dog. It had mismatched pieces of fabric all over it and stitches across its body. 

Y/n: What are you doing out here?

For a boy his voice was surprisingly soft and gentle. 

His hand extended and strings shot out his fingers connecting to the plush, with a gesture of his fingers the plush sprang to life hopping upwards.

Y/n smiled as he puppeteered the plush causing it to walk side by side with him as he entered campus grounds.

The red head sneakily made his way inside the school building finding his way to the room the principal stayed at.

Y/n disconnected the strings and picked up the plush laying it down next to another plush against the wall.

Y/n: She needs to take better care of you two.

After that he simply left the room sneakily exiting the school via a window closing it when he was out before heading to the dormitories.

A few minutes would pass and Y/n found himself in his dorm which looked like a normal large dorm with a few posters up, on the shelves there were wooden puppets with their legs dangling off the edges.

Y/n lit a candle on his nightstand filling the room with a nice aromatic smell as a soft sigh left his mouth before he flopped backwards in bed closing his eyes.

(The next day- Y/n status: In bed)

It was early morning and Y/n opened his eyes when rays of sunlight poked through the window blinds directly onto his face causing him to wake up.

He sat up in bed stretching his arms over his head. A knock on the door gained his attention causing the red head to stand up and answer it.

Standing in the doorframe was an average sized girl with spiky long black hair reminiscent of a sea urchin. Her eyes are an emerald green color and her skin was a palish tone.

She was dressed in a black school uniform and a long skirt that draped past her knees.

Megumi: H-Hey, i was supposed to tell you that we have two new students joining us as first years.

A slight surprised expression etched itself on Y/n’s face as he grabbed his left wrist rubbing it.

Y/n: Really? Thought it'd just be us.

Megumi shook her head, her cheeks dusted a light shade of pink as she continued.

Megumi: The first. . Yuji itadori, she's a special circumstance. She is the vessel of sukuna.

Y/n: The queen of curses? How's she still alive? How'd that even happen?

Megumi: She ate one of her fingers. 

A deadpan was sent at megumi who smiled a bit at the expression Y/n made.

Y/n: She ate. . .a special grade cursed object? What is she a monk- Idiot?

Megumi raised an eyebrow at Y/n’s slip up causing him to flush and look away biting his bottom lip slightly.

Y/n: Sorry, still haven't curbed it fully. . .

Megumi: Even so, I haven't heard you say it in a while. Good job I guess. . Anyway yuji itadori is sukuna’s new vessel. .

Y/n: What about the second student? What's her name?

Megumi: Her name is nobara kugisaki, she's from the countryside.

Y/n: Does she know that curses over here are worse than the ones in the country?

Megumi: I'm not sure, but if she doesn't she's gonna learn quickly enough.

Y/n: She can probably handle it after all she wouldn't be here in the first place. .

Megumi: Do you wanna meet her? Itadori?

Y/n: Ehh. . .sure why not.

He stepped out the door and followed Megumi down the hallway until they stopped in front of a door.

She knocked on the door a few times before it was opened by a girl their age. Her hair was pink styled in an undercut, under her coal colored eyes there were two slits similar to eyelids.

Her skin was a fair tone and her body was somewhat toned with ample breasts, she wore a white panda t shirt and red pajama pants.

Megumi: Alright good you're still here Yuji.

Yuji: Oh, did you need something? 

Yuji tilted her head rubbing her left hand through her jagged pink hair as megumi pointed to her side at Y/n who raised his hand in greeting.

Megumi: This is Y/n. He's a fellow first year student. Y/n this is Yuji itadori.

Y/n: Nice to meet you.

Yuji: Huh? But i thought boys cant use jujutsu, at least that's what Gojo sensei said.

Y/n: It's truly a mystery, but I can.

The smile on his face wasn't smug but content as he stretched his arms over his head with a slight cracking noise.

Megumi: Now then itadori, the three of us are gonna be leaving soon and meeting up with the final first year.

Yuji: There's gonna be one more?

“Yep! There's gonna be four of you goobers!”

 A hand grabbed Y/n by the top of his head rocking it back and forth as another did thr same to megumi.

These hands belonged to a tall 5’11 woman with long white hair that draped past her neck cascading down her back.

Her body was slender with large breasts, her tone was a creamy color and she wore a dark blue zip up jacket and long matching black pants. The most notable thing about her was her blindfold covering her eyes.

Megumi: Gojo sensei. . Please let go.

The white haired woman in question puffed her cheeks out in a pout letting go of megumi before wrapping her arms around Y/n’s neck pulling him against her while he blushed with a deadpan.

Y/n: L-Let go!

Gojo: Aw c'mon! Pleeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaassseeeee let me hold on for a few more seconds.

A huff left Y/n who folded his arms under his chest with a slight scowl as gojo happily head him. 

Megumi: Let him go.

Gojo: Nope~

Yuji: So gojo sensei, when do we meet the other student.

Yuji itched her cheek looking up at Gojo who hummed kicking her foot against the ground.

Gojo: Right now.

Y/n: Well have fun with that.

Megumi: You're not coming?

Y/n: Nah i already have plans today.

Megumi averted her eyes that had a flicker of disappointment in them as she nodded while Y/n dug a finger in his ear.

Megumi: Alright.

Gojo: Welp off we go!

Gojo picked up yuji and megumi by ther scruff of their clothes and started dragging them away laughing as she did so while the two teens fought against her hold.

Y/n: They. .are gonna get into trouble. . Ah well. . .

The red haired boy started walking through the halls aimlessly as he did so. His mind decided to just go completely empty as well.

A sudden ringing in his pocket broke Y/n out his trance and caused him to reach inside and pull his phone out putting it up to his ear.

Yo Y/n wanna make a quick buck? Pop over its been a minute since we seen ya in the ring”

Y/n opened his mouth to respond before another voice was heard on the speaker.

“Y/n dear is that you?! When are you coming over again? me and kina miss you!”

Y/n: Hi Kiara. I might show up today, doesn't look like i have to do anything anyways.

The other voice chipped up as an excited shout ringed Y/n’s ears.

“Alright see ya round five since that's when the rounds start.”

Y/n: Yeah see ya kina.

The call ended and Y/n tucked his phone away into his pocket as a small smile crept across his face.

Since he has nothing to do Y/n just went on a walk through campus.

His feet ended up leading him infront of a large withered oak tree wit no leaves. Y/n put his left hand on the dried peeling bark as he stood Silent.

(Flashback- Five years ago)

For as long as he could remember Y/n was in an orphanage. He didn't really have any friends since he didn't talk to anyone and kept to his self.

Not to mention his appearance always brought the ire of others onto him because he looked different.

There was nobody who really loved him in that orphanage so there wasn't really any bother to send someone to pick him up from school.

A younger Y/n could be seen walking on a sidewalk with a bookbag on his back. His small hands gripped the straps as he walked ahead.

His eyes had bags under them that were a faint purple as he stared blankly ahead, thr red hair he was born with was more unruly and longer falling past his shoulders in a braid.

The attire Y/n wore was a school uniform with matching black tops and pants that had button's going down the middle.

As he walked a flux of cursed energy slammed into his senses making him look up across a cross walk to see a large slug like curse slinging itself across the street leaving behind a clear trail that melted anything in it.

His eyes went half lidded and he stepped onto the street crossing it while keeping his eyes on the curse which started to follow him.

For a few minutes Y/n let it until the sound of it's grimy body sliding across the ground finally got to him.

Since there was nobody paying attention he spun on his foot swinging his hand down causing a string to shoot out his finger and slice the curse in half following the motion of his hand.

The string retracted back into Y/n’s hand and he kept walking until he bumped into someone causing them to stumble back.

It was a woman with long black hair and a snake like curse wrapped around her arm fungi clad its scaly body and nasty yellow fumes left the lips of it.

Y/n: S-Sorry . I wasn't paying attention.

Two coal colored eyes burned a hole into him as the woman smoothed out her clothes.

???: It's fine. Your eyes are unique.

Y/n recoiled at the compliment and his face flushed slightly as he got a good look at this stranger.

Her hair was disheveled yet tamed at the same time with part of it tked into a small bun while the rest fell down her neck. Her skin was pale and she wore what looked to be modified buddist robes. Colored black with gold accents near the middle.

The curse hissed slightly as the woman leaned down slightly to his height.

???: You can see curses can't you?

Y/n leaned back a little as the curse neared his face its fangs getting dangerously close to him.

Y/n: C-Curses i dont know what you're talking about.

???: It's alright, you do not have to lie. I'm like you, we're both jujutsu sorcereress. . sorcerer in your case.. my name is suguru getos what's yours?

Y/n: It's. . .  .Y/n. . . L/n.

Geto: It's nice to meet you. A moment ago i saw you dispose of that semi third grade curse. Strings can be useful. More then just cutting as well.

Y/n: You can teach me?

Geto: Do you want me too?

She looked down at him as Y/n bit his bottom lip in thought before he nodded.

Y/n: Yeah. . I'd like that.

Geto: Well then, follow me.

(Flashback end)

Y/n blinked and stopped spacing out. He looked around for a second before a beep came from his phone.

He pulled it out and checked the time staring at the numbers on his screen.

Y/n: Might as well get going, that train ride is gonna be two hours at least.

(Timeskip- two hours later)

After stepping off a bullet train, Y/n was walking down a street in one of the prefectures of japan.

He glanced down at his phone to make sure he was going to the right place.

The walk to the fight club was around half an hour which Y/n took in the sights and got something to eat before he got there.

Y/n paused infront of a rather large warehouse that seemed long abandoned with vines and moss crawling up the sides.

Y/n: She really needs to find better spots for this. Well actually i guess it is discreet?

Shrugging his shoulders Y/n stopped through the barely opening rusted metal doors stepping into the building.

There was nobody really inside just a few people sitting up against the wall or shadow boxing. Y/n ignored thrmy and continued through the corridor.

He pushed open the doors and stepped into an office that seemed relatively big. He saw a whiteboard and saw his name marked down on it vs some random fighter.

Sitting on a sofa was a young woman around 20 with wavy purple hair that fell down her shoulders. The color of her skin was dark and she had green eyes that had amusement in it. Her clothes were a white shirt and jeans with a fluffy black coat overtop.

(Not the best but it's the only thing i saw. I almost used an image of yoruichi lol)

Y/n: Really kina slapping me in a ring the moment i get here?

Kina shrugged and let out a meh leaning on her fist.

Kina: You'll win.

Y/n: Anyway where's Kiara?

Right as he said that two arms wrapped around his neck. Looking over his shoulder Y/n spotted another woman albeit younger.

She has a slight gothic look, with pale skin, shoulder length black hair with a pink tinge on one of her bangs.

Her lips were painted black with lip stick and there was a piercing on her bottom lip. A black studded collar was around her neck.

The attire she wore was a pink croptop that exposed her stomach and black jeans that hugged her derriere. Two belts were around her waist keeping her pants up.

Kiara: I knew you'd come!

Y/n: Didn't i say i already was?

Kirara: You uh. . did. .

Her face flushed slightly and she averted eye contact for a second before tightening her arms around his neck.

Y/n: Goober.

Y/n faced kina spotting the look of amusement on her face as she chuckled.

Kina: Now then, ready to make some cash?

Y/n: How much?

Kina grinned leaning forward after adjusting herself on the sofa.

Kina: How about 50,0000 yen per fight?

Y/n: That's a decent amount. Screw it I'll take it.

Kiara: Your fight starts in six minutes.

Y/n: So soon after the last?

Kiara: Do you need a break?

Y/n: As if. . alrighty I'm ready.

To be continued. .

Alright that's the end of chapter 1 revamped. Hope you enjoyed.

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