Chapter 1

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We both ran towards each other, and when we were 1 foot away from each other, we smiled and hugged each other.

"I miss you!" I said to him while my head was buried in his chest. 
"And I miss you too."  He replied. He let go and he then touched my cheek with his one hand and his other hand was on my shoulder.

"Brother, it's been 3 years. Why didn't you contact me?" I asked, trying not to cry.
"Sorry, I had a lot of things to take care abroad so I had a busy Years and didn't had time to contact you." He answered.

"But don't worry, Ran. Big bro will not leave again, I can stay here for good." My brother promised.

"No! I-I d-don't believe you! You don't do your promises!" I gave in. I cried and said that. I took a step back after that. It made him let go.

"No, big bro will do my promise now." He said. I can feel that he's trying not to cry like I did.

"No! You said that 3 years ago before you left, you said you will only take a few months abroad, but you took 3 years!" I complained.

"Hey, you know, it's November 12." He said, changing the topic.

"So?" I asked.

"Did you know that today is the day the first snow will fall." He said then he sniffed.


"Yeah, come with me, I'll take you somewhere." He said.

We went to his car.

"Bro, where are we going?" I asked when we were in the middle of the ride.
"In a place where we can see the first snow." He answered.

"There's a place like that?!" I was surprised. I always wanted to feel the first snow, or should I say the first Frost.

When we arrive at the place, I saw a place, a garden like place, it's full of flowers, flowers that make it rainbow. I can see red roses, marigolds, sunflowers, green roses, Delphinium, and sweet violets.

I ran out of the car and looked at the flowers closely.

"You like it here?" Leo asked.

"Yes!" I answered instantly.

I ran up the hill and I saw the whole place, the flowers I saw was just for entering. I didn't knew there were more. It's a field, a stair-like field with a actual stair in the middle of the flowers.

"15 more minutes before the snow comes. Do you wanna play first?" 

"Yes, brother!" 

We played the whole time 'till time passes by and it's only 2 minutes before snow comes.

1 Minute.







As the snow touch my hand, my brother's body also hit the floor.


Another shot and I landed on the ground.



I woke up because of my brother's loud voice. He's face is just a few inch away from my right ear.

"What?" I asked him while rubbing my ear and yawning.

Jiovani Hiro Luken, Jio for short. My 8 years old brother. He was born on the same day my older brother died, November 12, 2012. 

Leonard Jiro Luken, Leo for short. My 20 years old brother. This year, he should be 30 this year, on October 22, 2022. This year is also his 10th year death anniversary. I miss him. Every moment of him and I are special to me. And every time I look at Jio, I see and remember all my memories with our big brother.

"Mom told me to wake you up. When I went to wake you the first time, there were tears on your face. Did you dream of big bro again?" He asked, even though he didn't meet Leo, he still know how sad I feel about big bro.

Mom and Dad told Jio everything about Leo, but they only told Jio that Leo died. They haven't told Jio how Leo died, which we all agrees because he's too young to know about it yet.

"I'm fine, Jio." I told him. I brushed my hair and just 

"Okay. Come down after you clean yourself, okay?" He asked and I just nod as a response.

Then he jumped out of my bed and ran outside of my room.

I got out of bed, I fixed my bed and went to my room's comfort room. Though I don't get my comforts here.

"Ran, your awake. Come eat your breakfast so you can go to school." Mom  said. I already took a bath and my things are all packed. Breakfast is the only thing that is missing.

Our class is going on a trip. For a week.

And Leo's Death anniversary is on this week. I just hope I could come back to visit his grave. But I also know that he wouldn't like it if I skip the camp that has 70% of my 3rd quarter just to visit his grave.

He always tells me to always put my education at first before anyone, and that includes him, my mom, Jio or any person.  

"Mom, I'm sorry, I don't think I can visit brother's grave this coming Friday. You know what brother says about my education." I told mom. Jio looked at me, he knows what I'm talking about because we taught him every lesson my brother taught me.

"It's okay, Ran. Your brother will be proud and will be more proud if he knows that. He and we will be proud of you and your baby brother Jio." Mom said and looked at Jio who is now, peacefully eating. 

"I'm not a baby anymore." He said, not looking at us, but eating so much.

Mom and I laugh.

"Okay. Let's eat before tears fall again." Mom said and she wiped her teary eyes. I agreed and also wiped my eyes.

Mom gave us a ride to school.

The school is crowded today. I can see 7 buses, 3 of them are full, 2 of them are almost full while the other 2 is still vacant. This is a camp of whole High School students so there are may of us.

I saw some of my friends waiting so I bid my goodbye to mom. Jio and i went off the car, I still take Jio to his classroom. We walked pass my friends, when and Jio tapped my hands.

"Go on. I can go to my classroom alone." Jio said.

"No, I can talk to them later after we go to your classroom." I replied. It's a responsibility.

"I can manage, but it looks like you can't. Go on and chat with them. Plus, we're in school, random guys don't enter here." He confidently said. I admire him, like my brother, he's brave. And like me, he's responsible. But No.

"No, Jio. It's a Responsibility. Even if this is a school, I still need to be alert. Plus, there are random people here today. So, don't start a debate cause I'm going to drop you to your classroom before I chat with my friends." I said fast. He's brave and confident but I'm his older sister, we're 9 years apart so I need to protect him.

His classroom is far from the gate so we need to walk meters away from the entrance. This is a big School so we can't really do anything about that. 

When we are in front of his classroom, I saw his friends shouting his name and greeting him 'Good Morning'[s].

He was on the doorstep when he looked back at me and waved at me as a goodbye. I waved to him back and walk back to the path we took earlier.

"Hey, sis."
"Yo, Ran!"

My best friends greeted me. They are my friends since my first year in this school.

"Hey guys. So, how's it going?" I asked them.

"We're fine, Ran! How about you? Oh, and, you still accompany your brother to his classroom?" Shanella asked. She is smart but a little too bratty and finicky. You know, the one who is very exaggerated.

"yeah! Isn't he too old for that?" Gia added.

"True. Let me guess, he grew up bossy?" Kiana added and they all laugh.

"Guys, you know what happen to my brother. Every time I look at Jio, he reminds me of Leo. So as much as possible, I want to protect him. So if there is a problem, ask away." I told them seriously. They know what happen to my brother Leo and they know what I have been through when they met me. They know all about it and they just say that?! It just...


"As much as possible..." I whispered very quietly.

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