Chapter 3: Ain't gonna be the same.

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Alright chapter three already? I'm on a roll anyway vote if you enjoyed id appreciate it, it's partially the reason why I update so quickly.

Chapter3: Ain't gonna be the same.

It was the middle of the night around three in the morning as Y/n walked through his home with messy hair and sweaty skin.

He was wearing nothing but red colored checkered pajama pants while his upper body was on full display showcasing a well trained physique that has broad shoulders and a eight pack.

Y/n poured himself a cup of coffee into a mug from his spot in the kitchen. He took a sip while also looking at a Newspaper he held in the other hand.

Y/n: Hmm? More aliens settling down on earth huh? Human woman certainly are something . . . .maybe i should have a few flings? It has been a while. . .

The sound of someone muttering to themselves outside got his attention and he pulled the blinds to one of his windows up looking across the street at Mark who was up standing on the roof.

Y/n: What is that idiot doing?

He had a look of curiosity on his face as he sipped from his coffee, watching Mark step off the roof but instead of falling he floated in the air.

Mark: I did it!

The teen shouted ecstatic as he shot up into the clouds. Whilst Y/n looked up as much as the window let him.

Y/n: Well he's getting a hang of things. . .

Setting his coffee down and newspaper Y/n pulled a shirt on from a plastic hamper before heading outside shooting into the sky as well after his little brother.

Mark seemed to not be able to control himself as his body flailed barely missing an airliner that almost hit him as he reached even higher into the clouds as he screamed. Due to the high altitude the teen lost his breath and his darkened before he started to fall.

A hand grabbed onto him keeping him high in the air above the clouds as he regained his bearings. He blinked his eyes and bent his body to look at Y/n who was holding him by the ankle upside down.

Mark: Y/n?

Y/n: Don't go rushing into the sky before you even know how to fly properly dumbass.

Mark: My bad. .wait you're not mad?

Y/n: Why would I? You've been waiting your entire life for this haven't you?

Mark: Well, I mean yeah. But, I took off what if I got hurt of something? Also why aren't you surprised?

Y/n: Because I knew you'd get your powers. Also falling from the sky ain't gonna hurt ya. See.

Mark screamed as he fell through the clouds trying his best to make himself fly up or atleast stabilize himself but it was all for naught as his body crashed into the middle of the street right outside his house.

Y/n: . . . Yeah, he needs to learn the basics before he even tries.

Y/n floated down to the ground looking at the unconscious mark who laid on his back in a small crater that had spiderweb cracks going across the Pavement.

Mark was lifted up and thrown over Y/n's shoulder as the boy flew up to marks open bedroom window and climbing through. He tossed Mark on the bed before flying out and back to his house.

Timeskip. . . .

In the andromeda galaxy not too far away from the Milky Way was the planet of Mora, it was one of the most exotic planets Y/n has been on that had no aliens living on it. He floated in the sky looking around at the environment.

The skies were colored green, but shrouded by storm clouds as rain poured from the sky making contact with the seas which glowed bioluminescent light.

In the sky were multiple floating Islands with stone fortresses on it with rain water pouring off it pooling underneath into small ponds.

Y/n: Cecil, you're becoming a pain in my ass, sending me to a whole ass new galaxy on a planet that has nothing on it. . You better be thankful you have alien tech to keep in touch with me a otherwise I'd rip you a new one for this.

The young viltrumite had a visibly annoyed expression on his face as his eyes gazed down at his arm showing a digital device which shows Cecil who hasn't seemed to age a day.

Cecil: Stop complaining, we've gotten a signal asking for help from this place a few days ago.

Y/n: And why exactly should we care? it's in a different galaxy.

Cecil: Just see if you can find the source.

Y/n: Fine. .

The screen turned black and Y/n dropped his arm as moving glint of light caught his attention barely being seen thanks to the raging storm around him.

Y/n: What's this?

Dashing forward Y/n slammed into the ground right infront of a large black sleek metal sphere that was his size rolling slowly over the jagged rocks in the clearing.

When he got close he put a hand on the metal before the ball suddenly let out a high piercing frequency that made Y/n shout out in pain covering his ears.

Y/n: Agh?!

He pulled his leg back and sent it forward making his foot connect with the metal throwing it through the sky with such speed and force it broke the sound barrier with a loud boom.

The horrid noise stopped and Y/n pulled his hands away from his ears before blinking his eyes owlishly.

Y/n: . . . . . .Great, now I gotta find it again.

His feet were lifted off the ground and Y/n shot through the sky with immense speed. The Annoyed Y/n zoomed through the skies of Mora crossing over the planet multiple times until he finally found the sphere laying in a small crater.

Y/n landed on his feet around 15 meters away from the sphere which was still releasing that high frequency sound but it was all warbled and not as loud.

His eyes raised as the sphere started to transform as the sound of an engine humming filled the air. After a few seconds the sphere has completely changed into a humanoid droid state. In the middle of its head was a singular glowing blue eye.


In the blink of an eye the droid was in Y/n's face with it's fist reared back and shot towards his face with the help of thrusters underneath its elbow that increased its speed and force.

A shockwave occurred when Y/n caught the fist as the ground under his feet ruptured creating large fissures.

Y/n: . .So you're stronger then I thought. . .


A afterimage was left behind by Y/n who dodged a right hook, he returned a left jab to its stomach making a fist shaped dent as well sending it skidding back instead of all out destroying it.

Y/n: Intriguing. . .

A crack filled his ears as the droid finally hit him across the jaw which threw him through the air but Y/n caught himself and forced his body to a stop whilst in the sky.

A drop of blood dripped down his chin which Y/n touched with his fingers in a bit of surprise.

Y/n: . . . .Been a while since I seen myself bleed outside of fights with dad.

Droid: You will be prevented!

That frequently came back louder then before disorientating Y/n who gripped the sides of his head as his teeth gnashed. This allowed the droid to slam it's foot into his stomach blasting the viltrumite across the ground where he rolled.

Y/n: Ugh! Gotta be kidding me!

While he was trying to pick himself up the droid extended both it's hands as its arms contorted into cannons that rotated at high speeds creating a ball of swirling energy at the top that was released as a beam at Y/n creating a large explosion on top of him.

A groan spilled forth from Y/n's mouth as he climbed to his feet. He looked down at himself at his clothes that had holes burnt in them.

Y/n: Ughh. . .your physical strength and speed, that knowledge of high frequencies, the attempt at using a massive amount of heat to try and burn through my hide. . I know what you are.

The droid twitched as it used thrusters from its palms to throw itself up onto its feet as sparks kept off its body slightly.


A scowl crossed Y/n's face as he readied himself getting in a stance spreading his legs slightly and raising his fists.

Y/n: C'MON!

A trail of blue fire was rapidly approaching him as the droid used its thrusters to fly towards him extremely quickly as he ran towards it at equal speed.


The droid slammed it's fist into Y/n's stomach getting a slight grunt from the boy who grabbed its head and yanked it down to receive a knee.

Y/n: That all you can say?!

The droid was kneed twice more in the head before it ripped itself out throwing a high kick at Y/n who took it sending him skidding back a few feet.

Y/n squinted his left eye in a bit of pain, this thing was definitely stronger then he thought it would be.

Y/n: Not bad. . .

The droid threw a roundhouse kick that was ducked under by Y/n who grabbed it by the ankle before spinning in a 160 throwing the droid which flipped twisting its body as it landed on its feet.

Before it could react it took a punch across the chest launching it flying as Y/n put more strength into these hits.

Y/n grabbed the droid by its leg pulling it close forcing it to take a punch to the jaw as the force behind it carried its body into the ground creating a crater under it.

Y/n: To hell with this thing!

Pulling his foot back Y/n sent it crashing into the head of the droid blasting it through the sky and into the ground far away creating an explosion of smoke and sparks.

He swung his arm blowing the smoke away looking around but there was nothing there except some pieces of metal laying there.

Y/n: . . . Should have just ripped it in two. . .too late now i guess. . . .

After collecting the metal pieces that he held in his hands. Y/n bent his knees slightly before shooting up into the sky taking a deep breath as he rocketed into space and towards the direction of the solar system.

Timeskip. . . .

The sound of whooshing air could be heard as Y/n came barreling down from the atmosphere covered in fire, lasers were homing in on him courtesy of an armada of green skinned aliens wearing suits with rifles in their hands.

A grin was stretched out across the viltrumites face as he slammed down in the middle of the armada throwing all of the aliens to the air.

Y/n: Helpless like ants.

In the blink of an eye the aliens hit the ground dead with holes punched through their stomachs.

However that wasn't the end, the other aliens including the leader saw Y/n and a portal ripped open behind them.

The experienced hero let them retreat back to their home world before turning his attention onto those that were fighting before he arrived.

"oh my God, that's h/n ain't it?"

Y/n turned his attention onto one of the heroes who approached him, the teen wore a yellow and blue suit with a mask that left his lower face and hair exposed.

A smirk crossed Y/n's face and he crossed his arms as the hero rubbed the back of his neck bashfully.

Y/n: Looking spiffy kiddo, what do they call you?

Invincible: T-Thanks H/n, I'm invincible. . .God that sounds. . . . Terrible. . .

Y/n: Invincible, I like it, way better then conquest. . .

Invincible: What?

Y/n: Nevermind that, oh you're with these guys. . .

Invincible blinked under his goggles and looked behind him at his comrades.
The first was a teen his age with reddish hair, she wore a pink suit with a insignia in the middle.

Y/n: Oh yo eve haven't seen ya since i was mentoring you and the othersp. .

He waved at her as she smiled and waved at him.

Atom eve: Nice seeing you again.

Y/n: Hey, Rex'Splode . . Still a dick?

A grin was sent towards a scowling teen who wore a red and yellow outfit with orange tinted goggles who only flipped Y/n off.

Rex'Spode: Oh screw you, it was one time!

Y/n: Looks like a yes. . . alright duplikate, robot, monster girl, everyone's here it looks.

Duplikate rolled her eyes, she was Asian wore a purple suit, had a light skin color. Standing beside her were clones of herself which mirrored her movements.

Duplikate: We could have used your help earlier .

Right beside her was a orange mechanical robot that had glowing green eyes.

Robot: It would have been useful.

The green brute turned into a little girl with auburn hair tied into a pony tail as she agreed with what robot said by nodding her head.

Monster girl: Yeah .

Y/n: A thank you would be nice. . . .also invincible you come with me.

Invincible: Wha? What for?

Y/n: Humor me.

The white wearing hero shot off into the sky with invincible following him. They were moving at the same speed heading south.

Invincible: So. . . .?

Y/n: What happened during the time I was gone?

Invincible: . . .The guardians of the globe have been killed, dad is the only survivor. . . whoever attacked them put him in critical condition.

Y/n: He'll live Mark.

Invincible pressed his lips together in what seemed like doubt as he flew beside Y/n silently for a few seconds.

Invincible: You haven't even seen him yet. How do you know?

Y/n: Mark I've seen dad get his organs ripped out and come back from that. I've seen him near death with every bone broken with internal organ damage and seen him recover within a month. He'll be fine trust me.

Invincible: Alright. . .I will.

Y/n: Atta boy. . . .

A few minutes later the two of them made it to a secret hospital owned by the government built for heroes that needed treatment. .

When inside Mark led Y/n to their fathers room. When they made it they found Debbie sitting in a chair beside a bed where an injured Nolan could be seen laying unconscious.

Invincible: Mom I'm back, Y/n is with me.

Debbie: Y/n You're back. . .how was your journey?

Y/n lifted his left hand and moved it in an Iffy motion.

Y/n: Eh, it was better then most space adventures so pretty alright.

Debbie: That's good, you probably heard but-

Y/n: Everyone in my team except Dad is dead. Yeah I know.

Y/n sat down in one of the chairs on the other side of the bed looking at Nolan who was breath softly with bandages wrapped around his head and stomach.

Debbie: Yeah, I'm sorry they were good people.

A sad smile crossed Debbie's face as she looked at Y/n who had a empty expression on his face with his eyes devoid of any anger or sadness.

Y/n: They were, didn't deserve what happened to them.

Invincible clenched his fists which made the fabric tighten audibly as he looked at Y/n with a determined look on his face.

Invincible: We'll put whoever did it to justice. . .right?

Y/n: Not we, me. . . .

Y/n stared directly at Nolan as he said that almost like he was talking to him with that last part.

Y/n: Get well soon.

To be continued. . . .

Hope you enjoyed, the droid scene where it pushed him back obviously doesn't mean it's stronger after all it has to use underhanded tactics. And well it's made to kill viltrumites so yeah. Anyway I'll see ya next chapter also go check out MrSkywalker69 story. It's a bardock in invincible book, a male reader story just like this.

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