Chapter10: Who are you to judge me?

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Sparks flew into the air as an ore was struck by a pickaxe by slaves whilst the sound of exhausted breathing filled the air.

A tired looking Y/n was on his knees breathing harshly.

His eyes were completely blood shot and dried blood littered his forehead while his fists slowly beat against The ore in the ground.

As he continued to do his manual labor his mind was else wear thinking about the past.


Location planet boreas:

Centuries prior to all this a younger looking Y/n around his late teens could be seen.

He wore the traditional white viltrumite garb that everyone wore.

Y/n stood in a snowy and frozen environment with frozen mountains and glaciers sticking out from underneath a completely iced up ocean.

There were cracks on the ice Y/n stood on as he kept his arms behind his back.

"Y/n what are you doing here?"

The brown eyes of Y/n glanced to the side as a viltrumite approached him.

The newly arrived viltrumite was a female. She had a mature appearance with wavy brown hair and matching eyes. Her skin tone was slightly tanned and her body toned.

Like all other viltrumites she wore the white garb like Y/n except it was for for a female.

Covering the left side of her face trailing up her cheek over her eye was burn tissue that had been healed.

Y/n: Mother . . .Father was attacked by a ragnar. .

The viltrumite woman revealed to be Y/n's mother Barda gained a look of surprise as she leaned forward.

Barda: Is he still breathing?

Y/n: He is.

Barda scoffed at the response before she straightened her body.

Barda: Then he'll be fine. Its not like a few scratches will kill him. Besides this is nolan we're talking about.

Y/n let out a slight huff of air as he nodded his head while barda placed her hand on his scalp.

Y/n: Huh? What are you doing?

Barda let out a slight laugh as she ran her fingers through her sons hair before she lifted him off his feet squeezing his head slightly.

Barda: This is for making me end my battle early, Ya brat.

An alarmed look crossed Y/n's face before a fist buried itself into his guts making a wheeze leave his mouth alongside saliva as his body was blasted away through the skies.

Barda smirked as Y/n dissapeared into the distance as she clapped her hands together rubbing the snow off her palms.

Barda: That's that.

Flash back end.

The crunching of meat against rock could be heard as Y/n slammed his broken fists against it like nothing was happening.

His face was indifferent he didn't seem to care about his surroundings.

Y/n looked up ahead spotting a guard staring him down with its whip ready to strike.

The guard looked as if they were expecting him to continue. After a tense moment Y/n did.

His knuckles were worn away and ripped dripping blood over the hard layer of dried blood underneath.

His thoughts were focused on yet another moment of the past.

flashback. . :

The sky was an orange color burning a dim light. Sitting on a chunk of debris was Y/n who had his hands on his knees.

Sitting next to him on another piece of debris was Barda who had her hair disheveled cascading down her shoulders. Her viltrumite uniform was torn and ripped open dried blood littering her wounds.

Barda: Y/n.

The son in question looked to his side at his wounded mother who tilted her head to the side slightly.

Y/n: What is it?

Barda: Are you intending on laying with anissa?

Y/n: I already have.

Barda: That's good. Are you going to take her as your partner?

Y/n: She already considers us one. Why are you asking this in the first place?

Barda: You're only 293 years old you're still a kid i want to know what's happening in your life before my eventual demise.

Barda smiled the burn tissue over the left side of her face crinkling slightly as Y/n raised a brow at her.

Y/n: Mm, why do you suddenly care?

Y/n scoffed out looking away and at the orange sky as viltrumite fleets floated through the sky.

Barda looked down at the cracked open ground humming softly as her one good eye glanced at Y/n.

Barda: I've. . Recently seen how parents of other species's interact with their young and. . .found it interesting. I wanted to try it with you, affection truly is. . . . fascinating. I hope one day you can experience it too.

Y/n: Father says it makes you weak.

Barda: Forget what Nolan says, You're you. Not a clone of him garner your own views of something rather then relying on someone elses.

She slammed her fist on his temple sending him onto his knees with a grunt.

Y/n raised a hand to his head wiping away the small drop of blood running down his forehead.

Y/n: G-Got it. . .

Barda: Y/n, i do love you. . I'm not sure about nolan but i do know he cares enough to keep you alive.

A slight whistling noise could be heard as a faint shout reached the two.

Y/n deadpanned standing up raising his fists as barda laughed crossing one leg over another.

Y/n: Battle hungry wretch.

Zooming into sight was anissa who had her hair grown out falling past her shoulders. On her face she had a massive bloody grin and a blood dripping nose.

She crashed into Y/n creating a shockwave as her partner caught her fist.

Y/n squeezed Anissa's fist pushing it back before he knee shot out burying itself into his gut.

Anissa: I've been looking for you!

Y/n: Can't you go a few days without a fight?!

Barda: Stop wasting time talking and fight!

An annoyed grunt left Y/n who slammed his hands over Anissa's ears stunning her enough for him to grab her head and headbutt her.

Anissa countered by shoving two of her fingers up into Y/n's nose making blood drip down her fingers.

She hit Y/n with a right hook and followed up with an uppercut throwing him upwards.

Before he could go to far anissa grabbed Y/n's ankle before slamming him into the ground.

A foot was slammed into anissa's face by Y/n who flew upwards into the sky being followed.

Flashback end. . .

Y/n paused looking down at the ore he was supposed to be mining only to see broken crystals. He got too immersed into his thoughts that he had long finished mining only punching the ground.

Y/n: Why am i thinking about her now?. . . . Doesn't matter.

He paused when he heard screaming shooting up to his feet when he recognized it as koriandr's

Y/n sprinted forward towards the fortress he heard it coming from.

A insectoid looking guard swung its plasma whip at Y/n who caught it in his palms when it was snapped at him.

Yanking it towards him Y/n forced the guard close making it receive a clothesline.

Two more replaces the first as Y/n entered shooting balls of energy at him via small wrist mounted canons that looked barely functional.

The viltrumite bobbed and weaved through the blasts drawing close slamming his fist into the firsts temple launching him into the wall.

The second aimed its canon at Y/n eho grabbed his wrist spinning him around aiming the canon at his partner before a blast tore through the first guards stomach.

The second had its knee kicked in snapping through the exoskeleton as Y/n aimed its weapon at itself before purple blood splattered on the walls.

The screaming picked up and Y/n ran through corridors taking down the guards in his way.

Y/n turned around a corridor entering a large hall finding a massive canon aimed at him with cylinders spinning creating red sparks of energy.

His eyes widened before a blast of energy slammed into him creating an explosion.

When the dust and smoke died down Y/n could be seen laying on his back with burns covering his body and blood pouring down his chin.

One of the insectoid guards drew close aiming their energy spear at Y/n stabbing him through the side piercing between his ribcage.

Standing beside it was another watching just incase Y/n pulled something.

The screams from within the vault ahead went silent as Y/n let loose his own as he was struck in the leg with a hammer hard enough to make bone piece through skin.

His head hit the ground as he breathed heavily scowling at the filthy insects in front of him.

"Well would you look at that? Look how weak you are Y/n"

Y/n: Ugh. . . .Eat. . . . . . Shit.

A human looking hand covered in blistered red skin could be seen grabbing Y/n by his jaw forcing him to look into the yellowish eyes of a man concealed in a yellow garb like cloak with only faint traces of burns being made out from underneath the hood.

???: I've never seen you in such a vulnerable state. You're usually so arrogant and filled with such pride. . .did your time here dull you. . .make you realize that under that status you're killable.

The figure released Y/n who had his head slam against the ground while the cloaked man spread his arms in a welcoming manner.

White blood gushed out the cloaked mans back as a large stinger like tail shot out his back made out of metal.

Y/n: . . .You. . clearly know me. . .but.
.do i. . .know you?

???: Oh we do. . We do share a history together son of nolan. Unfortunately for you that history is coming to an end.

The stinger shot down towards Y/n just as the wall exploded throwing debris everywhere.

The cloaked man then received a fist to the skull covered in green U.V light which sent him rocketing through a different wall.

The injured Y/n barely had enough strength to look up to see Koriandr covered in a mix of her own blood and the purple blood of their captors.

Her red hair was stained a bloody color and her body was afflicted by various wounds. Their was a large burn going down her cheek onto her neck. On her stomach there was still healing slash that dripped blood.

Koriandr's eyes that burned with a violent green color flicked down to Y/n before her hair lifted into the air defying gravity before she released a scream creating a green barrier around her that threw countless orbs of uv light around her imploding everything in the radius.

Before Y/n knew what was happening he was being dragged through the void of space by koriandr who was rapidly zooming past stars.

All that was left in their wake was a trail of fading green light and frozen blood crystals.

Hours later. .

A few hours have passed since Y/n and koriandr escaped the slave camp.
The two of them were on a random fauna planet that had oxygen to breathe in.

Koriandr had an unconscious Y/n laid on a grassy plain. She looked down at Y/m with her left eye that had a blown. Blood vessel tainting it red.

Koriandr: Thank goodness. . .that we escaped. . .

Her hand reached out rubbing against his cheek as she leaned down her face drawing close to his own.

Strands of koriandr fell on Y/n's face as her lips parted slightly inches from Y/n's.

A gasp left her lips as Y/n's eyes snapped open. She attempted to pull her head back completely flustered before his arms wrapped around her waist pulling her into a searing hot kiss.

Her eyes softened and she kissed Y/n back who rubbed his hands up and down her back.

After a minute the two separated and Y/n let out a weak laugh seeing koriandr sit there cupping her burning cheeks muttering.

Y/n: Cant. . Say this. . Was what i. . Expected to be greeted with me when i woke.

Koriandr: Y-Yeah. . I'm sorry it was sudden and i wanted to share my gratitude to you for saving me. . .and. . .

Y/n: You like me.

If it was possible Koriandr's face would have gotten even redder as she nodded with tiny green specks of light flickering around her.

Koriandr: Y-Yeah. . I know it's a bit sudden and we haven't known each other all that long and-

Y/n flashed a grin at her and sat up putting his hands on the ground to keep himself straight since he was still wounded to a small degree.

Y/n: Relax, y'know humans back on earth have this thing called love at first sight. If you want you can use that as an excuse. I dont think you have to, since i love you too.

Koriandr looked at Y/n, he was a total opposite to her instead of being embarrassed and happy he seemed confident and excited.

Koriandr: You. . . . .are a odd viltrumite.

Y/n: Odd? I'd say I'm tame honestly.

Koriandr: Yes. Yes i have tamed you.

Y/n: Whoa don't push your ego. I've been tamed by earth not you.

Koriandr giggled poking Y/n's nose watching it bend inwards as he raised an eyebrow at her while still grinning.

Koriandr: I think you're making excuses.

Y/n: Definitely not. . . anyway where are we?

Koriandr: I do not know. It's a rouge planet i found in orbit of a star with an atmosphere.

Y/n: How convenient.

He turned his head to look into some bushes as a small weird alien creature stepped out. It was covered in a layer of brown furr and had two curved horns that branched off into another one.

Before it could make a noise it was consumed by a small blast of light from koriandr who reached dowm grabbing its smoldering corpse.

Using her strength she ripped it in half ignoring its innards as she gave a half to Y/n.

Y/n: No mercy huh?

Koriandr: We need food.

Y/n: Fair point kori.

Koriandr: Kori? What a nice. . Nickname. . Thank you.

Y/n: If we're gonna be together i want to at least have an affectionate name for you.

Koriandr hummed before snapping her fingers pointing at Y/n who ripped a chunk of meat from the alien in a large bite.

Koriandr: Then I'll call you N/N. . Is it good?

N/N= Nickname)

Y/n gave a thumbs up and nodded as koriandr giggled with a hand over her mouth.

Koriandr: N/N it is.

To be continued. . .

And there's the chapter. I was gonna make this prison slave camp a whole arc but decided against it. Kori and Y/n are a thing now lets go! I hope you enjoyed make sure to drop a vote if you enjoyed.

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