Chapter5: Conflict

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If you enjoyed drop a vote id appreciate it. Also. . . Comments? 👀 Anyway here's chapter 5!

Chapter5: Conflict.

In the alps a familiar looking Droid could be seen dragging itself across the ground desperately digging it's fingers into the dirt so it could drag itself further.

It's lower half of its body was gone leaving behind a mess of wires where it's waist was that sparked slightly with blue electricity.

Droid: Ex. . .term. . I. . Nate. . .

The sound of metal footsteps could be heard as the droid looked up to see robot who was walking through the night with his eyes glowing a bright vibrant green color.

Robot: Hello, my name's robot. And I will be requiring your assistance.

Droid: E-Ex. . .termi. . . Nate. . .

Robot tilted his head to the side before reaching his hand out releasing an electromagnetic pulse that stunned the droid.

Meanwhile. . .

Beeping filled a hospital room as a badly beaten Y/n could be seen laying in a bed unconscious.

The room was empty outside of him, Y/n's eyes fluttered and he opened his eyes sitting up well attempting to. His gaze flicked down to the oxygen tubes in his mouth and nose.

Y/n grabbed the tubes and forcefully ripped them out with a loud cough.

Y/n: Ugh. . .I feel like shit.

He blinked his watering eyes which he wiped using the palm of his right hand.

The door opened with a woman in a nurse outfit trying to stop him from ripping the pads off his body.

Nurse: You can't do that! You're not completely healed!

She squeaked when Y/n looked at her with a blank look that made her heart stop for a second.

Y/n: If I'm awake then I'm healed enough. Thanks for the hospitality.

Sliding his feet off the bed Y/n ignored the nurse trying to stop him as he marched out the recovery room.

As he went for the exit a blue flash appeared Infront of him with Cecil just popping out of thin air looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

Cecil: You were beaten pretty badly, you think you should be up?

Y/n: I've been through worse. Albeit it was a really long time ago but my point still stands. I'll be fine.

Cecil: Why don't you get your ass back in bed and heal all the way?

Y/n: I'll do that. But it will be my bed at home. See ya!

He shot past him flying out the door leaving an annoyed cecil pinching the bridge of his nose.

Cecil: Can't listen at all. . .

Outside the hospital Y/n was sailing through the sky heading to his place the sun was down with only the moon illuminating the night skies.

When he got there he dropped from the sky landing in the front yard. As he walked for the door, he saw Debbie coming out hers and Nolans home. She held a case in her hands as she entered her car.

The two of them made eye contact as the car started the drive away. And Debbie seemed a bit nervous making Y/n raise a brow before he shrugged and entered his home.

The moment he entered he noticed something was wrong. Although he couldn't put his finger on it. .

His brown eyes narrowed in suspicion as he looked around.

A whirring noise filled his ears and Y/n smacked away a ball of energy that was sent towards him but the power of the energy made the whole house go up in an explosion.

Burning debris was thrown up into the air as Y/n flew upwards into the sky Dusting off his shoulders annoyed.

Y/n: That house cost me 236,000 you prick!

A scowl was stretched across his face as he looked down at his attacker which was an armored individual, it had a bipedal appearance and the armored chest had holes in it which shined with purple light. The head was covered in a metal helmet that had a visor across the eyes.

Attacker: Viltrumite. . .you took. . . everything. . .from. . . Me. . . And. . .my. . . People. . .

Y/n raised an eyebrow and looked around before rubbing his neck with a perplexed expression etched across his face.

Y/n: You know how little that narrows it down?

The attacker leapt into the sky pulling it's arm back and threw it forward in a punch that Y/n caught before a bright blast of energy shot out the armored attackers hand creating an explosion.

A surprised Y/n flew backwards smacking into the street creating a crater. He stood up with a bit of blood dripping down his chin that he wiped away using his right hand.

Y/n: This. . . Feels familiar.

He leaned back ducking under a spinning 360 kick catching his attacker by the ankle and spinning before releasing sending them flying.

The armored attacker twisted its body in the air so it landed on its feet digging it into the ground slowing its descent.

In the corner of Y/n's eye he could see Nolan in casual clothes on his front porch watching for a second before he shot into the air heading somewhere.

Attacker: You. . .will suffer. . . For what you did!

Y/n: Empty claims my friend.

The attacker threw its arms open as energy collected at the tips of its metallic fingers which were released in multiple missiles that followed Y/n who was sidestepping them.

A sense of deja vu hit Y/n as he dodged all these energy missiles and the viltrumite shot upwards into the sky as the armored attacker got covered in an aura of blue energy shooting after him.

Y/n: Swear I've fought someone who did this same stuff. . .

Y/n coughed slightly when a ball of energy was slammed into his sternum ripping a hole through his shirt and grinding into his skin making it red slightly.

The attacker followed up with a headbutt to Y/n which did nothing as the viltrumite grabbed both sides of its helmet before he started to put pressure on it making it start to cave in.

The attacker panicked and used its left hand to tap the back of its helmet which loosened and ripped its head free barely as the helmet was crushed into a chunk of metal.

Y/n's eyes lit up in familiarity as he got a look at his eyes attackers face before a grin crossed his face.

It was a krielian, it's eyes were completely blood shoot, it's blue skin seemed faded, the left side of its face was covered in burn tissue as well.

Krielian: . . .Do you. . . remember me? Y/n?

Y/n: Not you specifically, but I do remember your race, I thought you animals went extinct two hundred years ago after your failed rebellion.

Krielian: We were forced to adapt. . .some of us escaped. . .

Y/n: I'll pay the rest of you a visit soon then wiping the rest of your miserable race out.

The krielian blinked it's blood shot eyes before a look of rage crossed its face as it opened its mouth which glowed with energy shooting it at Y/n who lifted his hand letting it hit it.

Fear filled the krielian as Y/n started to push his hand forward forcing the beam backwards back into its mouth.

Using his other hand Y/n forcefully kept the krielians mouth shut as its body glowed with energy. The viltrumite had a smile on his face as he ripped his knee back before slamming it into the krielians stomach making its body explode into a burst of blue blood and gore.

Y/n: Pathetic.

He raised a hand to his face wiping it free of blood and pieces of flesh before looking at the burning wreckage that was his home.

Y/n: . . . . .Guess I'm staying at a hotel tonight.

A boom could be heard as he shot off throwing himself through the skies of earth, after a few seconds of looking he found a hotel that he clocked in at for the night.

Timeskip. . . .

A yawn tore itself free from Y/n's lips as he sat up rubbing his eyes with a grunt. When he sat up in bed he saw his father sitting in a chair against the wall reading a book.

Y/n: How the hell did you even know where I was?

He raised his eyebrows in confusion as Nolan scoffed and closed his book.

Nolan: Your house was destroyed and I know you're too lazy to buy a new one so I checked all the hotels across the city until I found you here.

Y/n deadpanned at his father and ran his hand through his disheveled and sweaty hair.

Y/n: . . . . . Alright then. . .but why are you here?

Nolan grew a serious look on his face, a look that Y/n has last seen decades ago.

Nolan: Debbie knows I killed the guardians. . We had an argument. . . .Y/n it's time we finish our mission.

A sigh left Y/n's mouth and the younger viltrumite leaned his head back in disappointment.

Y/n: I basically just got here.

Nolan: Don't you see Y/n? This place changed us. . .it made us. . . . .human. . .

Nolan gripped his fists tightly as he said that before looking at Y/n who stared at him from his spot on his bed.

Y/n: Yeah Yeah, I know. . . we're taking Mark with us aren't we?

Nolan: I refuse to leave him here with these. . . .insects. . .

Y/n: Mmm, yet you banged one of those insects and had him.

Nolan glared at Y/n from his seat. The first born of Nolan only rolled his eyes.

Y/n: Don't get mad at me for telling the truth. . . .Also could you leave the room? I sleep naked and I want to get dressed.

Nolan scowled at Y/n before flying directly through the wall outside as Y/n tilted his head to the side.

Y/n: Ugh, he's more pissy then usual.

Y/n threw off his blanket and slid out of bed completely nude as he walked to a dresser and opened it pulling out a pair of clothes that he stole.

The viltrumite shot off into the sky with a loud boom that shook the building.

Y/n blitzed through the skies of the earth with no real direction in mind until suddenly a pair of fighter jets started zooming towards him.

They fired missiles towards him that did nothing as Y/n just stared at the jets circling him.

Y/n: Fine then. This is on you.

Two explosions went off as Y/n tore through the jets with his body causing them to erupt in flames.

Y/n turned his head and saw a sphere like camera floating in the air making him let out an annoyed groan before grabbing it looking directly into its lens.

Y/n: You really spying on me Cecil? Fine let me out this into words you can understand. . . . .back. . .off. . and we won't have problems.

He punched the sphere making it explode.

Meanwhile. . .

Standing in a control room of sorts with multiple people sitting at monitors with a big screen in the middle of the room was Cecil and Debbie.

Debbie looked like her whole world was coming down crashing down on her while Cecil had a solemn look on his face.

Cecil: As you can see Debbie. . .he's a threat. .he wasted no time killing my men.

Debbie: You provoked him and you know it. . .You sent those two to their deaths.

She glared at Cecil who shook his head with a sigh.

Cecil: They were gonna die regardless, don't you understand he was just seeing if they could hurt him . . .Those men understood what they were getting into. . .their families won't.

Cecil closed his eyes with a sigh as one of his men spoke up from a seat as the footage was the large monitor changed.

Agent: Sir, Omni Man has returned home and killed all of our men. . He's heading to Donald's location.

Debbie: Oh God. . . .Nolan. .

The monitor showed a wall exploding with Nolan floating through with a disgusted look burned into his facial features.

He spun around looking at a monitor against the wall shoving off various cameras placed in his home and what footage remained of Y/n's before it was destroyed.

Nolan: You've been spying on me. . .on my family?

Donald stumbled backwards towards a table as Nolan floated towards him.

Donald: I-It was for your families protection.

Nolan: You were always so pathetic donald. . .Cecils little lap dog. . .

Upon hearing that from the monitor Cecil rubbed his temple with a hand but kept his eyes locked onto the screen while Debbie covered her mouth in horror when Nolan started to attack.

Meanwhile. . .

A young boy around 10 or 12 could be seen. He has shoulder length hair and tanned skin looking exactly like Rex just as a kid. This was Rudolph Conners also known as robot who had created a body for himself.

He looked at the viltrumite exterminating droid that was fully repaired but it was locked up. The chains holding it strained as the droid fought against its restrictions.

Robot: I am grateful for your help. . . because of you I can protect my home. . .

He held a hologram in his hands showing a blue print of the droid and how its body was built.

The human version of robot was about to close off the room he was in as the chains holding the droid shattered as it shot through the ceiling.

Robot: . . .This is bad.

A few minutes later and a few hundred miles away a piercing sound could be heard.

Y/n was blasting through the air at mach speeds as he twisted his body through the air to dodge a large capsule flying towards him that crashed into the ground creating a plume of dust.

Blood shot out Y/n's nose when a metallic fist crashed into it.

He got launched through the sky a few feet before he slowed himself to a sudden stop wiping the blood from his nose.

Y/n: Ah, I knew i should have just ripped you in two when we first met.

The droid floating Infront of him flexed it's fingers as the thrusters under its palms and shoulders burned hotter

Droid: You will be exterminated!

Y/n slammed his fist into the droids stomach but a purple glow flowed through its body before it sent back the power behind Y/n's attack back at him with a punch.

A cough broke from Y/n before he blocked a jab to the face and backhanded the droid which stumbked backwards.

Y/n: Harnessing kinetic energy. . . Ow.

Quakes rocked the sky as the two of them battled each other.

The droid threw a kick that Y/n blocked before it took an uppercut to the jaw which threw it up.

Y/n's left knuckle dug into his targets jaw before his opponent released a burst of energy that knocked him back a little.

His hands shot up to his ears covering them as that horrible high pitched frequency reached his ears being emitted from the droid.

Blood trickled down his ears as he pushed himself towards the droid.

Droid: Exterminate!

Y/n: Y-Yeah you will be. . . In a moment.

Taste of blood filled his mouth as a metallic fist slammed into his face knocking him down onto his back creating a plume of smoke.

Droid: You will not hurt these people.

A laugh split the air as the smoke cleared with Y/n running a hand through his hair slicking it back as blood beaded down his forehead and down his nose.

Y/n: Don't worry there's not much you can do to hurt me. I appreciate the attempt.

A fist shaped dent formed in its stomach when Y/n punched it launching its body through the air as it stored the energy from Y/n's attack in its body.

Y/n came flying down at it with a tackle flying towards the ground but last second it twisted its body out Y/n's hold slamming the viltrumite into the ground creating large spiderweb cracks spreading across the ground.

Droid: Cockiness gets you killed.

The droid flipped Y/n on his back punching him across the nose giving him a bloody nose as well as busting his lip open before it took two feet to its stomach which threw it off him as It landed on its back.

Y/n: Nah there's a difference between cockiness and confidence.

Floating off his back and onto his feet Y/n smirked licking the blood off his upper lip as the droid used its thrusters coming out it's hands to keep itself suspended in the air.

Y/n grit his teeth when it used its high frequency to stun him. He fell from the air to his knees holding his ears once more in pain.

Holes opened in the droids stomach and Y/n noticed it as misses started to be released barreling towards him.

Narrowing his eyes Y/n ran forward since he couldn't fly and he felt like he'd lose his balance any second as he jumped onto a missile and leapt to the other in a rapid succession until he was Infront of the droid with his left leg pulled back.

Y/n: Eat shit and die!

His foot made contact with its dome as the high frequency suddenly cut as the droid got flung across the ground bouncing off repeatedly as thrusters shot off its body trying to slow itself to a stop.

Y/n had his attention focused on the droid which stood up and extended it's arms as a plasma sword of purple energy shot out it's wrists humming lightly.

Droid: This is the end, planet conqueror.

It threw itself towards Y/n with a slash that he dodged with a duck before countering with a knee to the stomach that sent it skidding back.

Y/n moved to the defensive using his hands to redirect the droids slashes so they moved past him allowing him to dish a few attacks in.

The droid shot its arm sword forward and Y/n raised his leg stepping on it when it got close directing the thrust into the ground as he delivered a combo of hits.

Y/n punched the droid across the cheek, hit it with a follow up elbow that sent it stumbling back before Y/n hit it with a strong jab to the stomach throwing it backwards digging it's feet into the ground creating crevices.

Y/n: What's wrong can't keep up?

Sparks burst from the droid as it raised its left arm making the energy sword start to flare with more energy and grow brighter as it grew bigger in size until it was the size of a tower.

Droid: This will kill you!

The energy sword came crashing down onto Y/n who raised his arms catching it by the shaft as burns grew on his palms while a crater opened underneath him growing deeper and wider as the droid put more pressure down.

Y/n grit his teeth as he pushed against it, his eyes were filled with annoyance before with a grunt and using more strength he threw the blade off him.

The droid stumbled backwards and fell slightly off balance as Y/n pivoted on his feet grabbing the blade and lifted it up again before slamming the droid into the ground creating a plume of dust from debris and dirt.

When the dust cleared the droid couldn't see Y/n and it's body was grabbed from behind by the wrists before a leg shot through its stomach with sparks leaping out the hole.

Droid: Bastard!

Y/n: How unfortunate for you that someone on earth repaired you. . .if you had a different material making up your body I'm sure you would have been a even bigger threat. .

He let go of the droids wrists and grabbed its head pulling on it before tearing it off along with a sort of spinal column that was a glowing blue color.

Y/n crushed its skull and ripped its body to pieces before throwing them into the vacuum of space.

Slight pants left his mouth as he stared off watching an orbital strike come down from the sky slamming into something in the distance creating a massive explosion as birds started to drop dead to the ground.

Y/n: Really throwing everything at us. . . .I. . Am I really pitying them?

Shaking his head Y/n shot off in a boom towards the headquarters of the guardians where the teen team were replacing them.

To be continued. . .

Bet you expected a longer and cooler fight with the viltrumite killer droid. Well unfortunately that's not what happened Anyway hope ya enjoyed it and the chapter drop a vote id appreciate it and I'll see ya in the next one peace!

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