Chapter8: It's not the same.

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Yo been two months maybe three? But hey I'm back with another chapter if you enjoyed drop  a vote means a lot to me and other writers.

Two brown eyes opened and Y/n sat up in a king sized sitting in a regal looking bedroom with white pristine walls.

Wiping the tiredness out his eyes Y/n slid himself off the bed and left the room.

He put on the clothes given to him by Koriand'r since his old ones were stained with blood and had tears in them.

Y/n stood in a white colored shirt that had gold accents around the cuffs and hem, matching pants with black shoes.

His eyes flicked to look outside the window towards the orange colored skies.

Y/n: Why did I even come here? I could have gone back to viltrum. . . . .

The mentally tired viltrumite walked for the door and pulled it open before stepping out.

The halls were empty as Y/n roamed them in silence with nothing but his thoughts floating through his head.

His footsteps were heavy and weary as he turned a corner pausing at the sight Infront of him.

Standing In Front of him was a woman that looked a lot like Koriand'r except she had black hair and purple eyes. The outfit was similar except it was black and more revealing which meant nothing since she wore a metallic looking under armor.

???: So you're the viltrumite my little sister brought here. . .such a brutish creature.

Y/n: You tamarenians aren't any different. Most of you look like a bunch of cavemen who haven't advanced past the usage of stone tools.

The black haired tamarenian smiled and put her finger under Y/n's chin pressing it upwards.

???: Charmer~ I'm Kommandr.

Y/n: Y/n, anyway what did you need? You clearly wanted something if you were waiting outside my room.

Kommand'r: Nothing I simply wanted to see what the boy my sister brought home looked like. .and I must say. . .I'm liking what I'm seeing~

She leaned in close to Y/n who just looked at her with a calm composure.

Y/n: Uh thanks. .where is your sister anyway?

Kommand'r leaned back crossing her arms under her bust before rolling her eyes.

Kommand'r: Koriand'r is not here at the moment.

Y/n: So it's just me here.

Kommand'r: Just the two of us~

Y/n ignored kommand'rs flirting and looked out the hole in the hall that served as a window. His eyes focused up at the orange skies of tamaran that had a few airships flying around.

Y/n: Koriand'r told me about this festival, you pushed the viltrum empire back.

Kommand'r: Uh Yeah? It's a famous part of our history. I thought you'd know considering ya know it's your people.

Y/n sighed and looked down, shoulders sagging before he looked up at her.

Y/n: Back home there's nothing to ever mention something like that.  Nothing to ever show that viltrum lost to anybody.

Kommand'r: Eh, maybe you just didn't look hard enough. You don't seem to be a history guy.

Y/n: You think I wouldn't know abo- Forget it nevermind.

Kommand'r shrugged and leaned a bit close to Y/n with her hands behind her back.

Kommand'r: So, I assume my dear little sister is gonna take you as her partner to the great festival?

Y/n: It looks that way.

Kommand'r: Mm, how unfortunate I was hoping to have you to myself. Ah well some other time. Now I must get going. I reckon I'll see you soon. Bye Y/n~

The black haired tamaranian walked off with a smile leaving Y/n all alone in the hall.

Y/n: Reminds me of Anissa. . .a little.

Timeskip. . .

The winds of tamaran blew gently against Y/n who was sitting on the ledge of the large fortress like castle Koriand'r and kommand'r lived in.

The sun was down and the night sky was littered in stars.

Y/n was sitting with his legs crossed watching the great festival take place in a market place that had been built specifically for this event.

"Friend Y/n are you ready?"

Y/n looked behind him to see Koriand'r behind him smiling brightly. Her orange hair was braided behind her flowing with the wind.

Her green eyes had a certain glow to them and her orange skin was slightly sweaty. She was dressed in a purple long dress that fell down past her knees. It had a v cut revealing a significant amount of cleavage as had an orange hem.

Y/n: You look nice.

Koriand'rs smile got even brighter and she spun around making her dress spin with her lifting with the small current she made.

Koriand'r: Thank you friend Y/n, this was my mother's dress she used to court my father before she passed.

Y/n: It's a beautiful dress. Now are we going?

Koriand'r: Yes, we're gonna go to various shrines and I'm going to show you more of my culture and learn more about you.

Y/n: Koriand'r you'll learn things you don't li-

Koriand'r: I don't care. You are my friend.

Koriand'r had a surprising stern look on her face as she looked at Y/n who stared at her stunned at her sincerity.

Y/n: . . You're such an odd woman.

Y/n shook his head with a slight laugh and Koriand'r grinned at him with her hands on her hips.

Koriand'r: So, shall we go?

Y/n: Yeah. . We're wasting enough time anyway.

Koriand'r floated upwards and started to fly away at a steady pace as Y/n followed her.

Koriand'r: Let's get something to eat first. Is that alright?

Y/n: I don't mind .

The two of them defended In front of a vendor outside one of the shrines and Koriand'r used what money she had to buy some food.

Y/n flew up a little joined by Koriand'r who held  two meals wrapped in purple leaves that had a bit of a charred black look to them.

The two of them flew off a little towards a rocky cliff overlooking the market where the festival was taking place. Y/n sat down with his legs dangling over the edge with Koriand'r doing the same.

She unwrapped both of the meals she bought revealing the same thing.

Cooked inside both was some sort of  creature. It had multiple legs like a spider and a long tail. Its body was a golden brown color and wrapped in a sort of a deep fried batter.

Koriand'r: These are called face huggers, they are a delicacy here on tamaran. They have acidic blood but it's harmless.

Y/n: Harmless? Okay, how do I eat it?

Koriand'r smiled and grabbed the face hugged by its tail before cracking it like a lobster ripping the tail out its exoskeleton in one smooth motion exposing its creamy white flesh inside.

Koriand'r: Just crack it open and pull it out.

Y/n looked down at his laying on its leaf cover and did the same as Koriand'r pulling the tail out from its exoskeleton. He looked at the tender white flesh and opened his mouth taking a bite out of it.

It was surprisingly soft and his teeth sank into it with ease letting him rip a chunk out of it. The taste was similar to a blend of poultry and seafood with a bit of a smokey flavor.

Y/n: It's. . .good.

Koriand'r: That's great to hear! It fills me with such joy knowing you enjoy the food of my people!

The two of them just ate their food, consuming the tail in its entirety.

Y/n wiped his chin of all the juices from the face hugger and looked at Koriand'r as she snapped the legs of hers off and ate them as well.

Y/n: Cant say I'm surprised.

Koriand'r: Hmmm? About what?

Y/n: Nothing. So. . .this festival. . .can you tell me more about it?

Koriand'r: Of course, it's as I told you yesterday it celebrates the day tamaran pushed back the forces of the viltrumite empire thousand years ago. It was a ruthless war that took many lives. . .

Y/n: No offense but how did your people fight back, from what I saw most of you seem to be. . A bunch of savages.

Koriand'r: Like your own?

Koriand'r giggled as Y/n opened his mouth she cut him off and leaned her cheek on her palm with a smile.

Koriand'r: Kidding. But I do see what you mean.  Tamaraneans aren't the smartest nor are we that gifted in strength. But a certain few of us were blessed with the ability to harness U.v light to enhance our bodies.

She lifted her hand creating a green light around it glowing brightly as Y/n looked at it .

Y/n: And those that could fought against the empire. . .got it

Koriand'r: You are correct, most of them died. .but their sacrifices are what we celebrate this day.

She created a bolt of light in her hand and shot it towards the sky, having it explode illuminating the night as a purple one joined exploding in the sky shot from the direction of the castle.

Y/n: . .You must be grateful to them.

Koriand'r: I am. Without them I'm sure I wouldn't be here. Now what about you?  What's viltrum like?

Y/n: Desolate. There's barely anyone there. . My race is practically dead thanks to the scourge virus. . About only 50 of us left, excluding myself.

Koriand'r: How awful. . Well. . . viltrumites have done terrible things but-

Y/n: It's fine Koriand'r.

Koriand'r: Is there anybody you care about there?

Y/n rubbed his head with a sigh and he looked up at the sky littered with millions of stars.

Y/n: Kinda. . I have this friend I grew up with she's my rival. . .and-

Koriand'r: Lover am I right?

Y/n looked down at the ground letting out a laugh as he looked at her with eyes filled with mirth.

Y/n: Yeah kinda. . .I left her ten years ago and haven't seen her since. She's gonna beat my ass when I see her again or just flat out try and kill me.

Koriand'r hummed softly and tilted her head to the side while looking at Y/n who leaned back placing his hands on the ground.

Koriand'r: I can't say I understand the situation you're in but it sounds like you do care about her.

Y/n: Care. . . .right.

Koriand'r: What? Am I wrong?

Y/n: No, not at all. . .she's definitely a handful though. . .

Koriand'r: Earlier you Said i'd learn things I wouldn't like.  Like what killing people?

Y/n: Enslaving planets, destroying them, ending countless lives. .

Koriand'r: Do you feel bad about it? Regretful of the things you've done?

Y/n: I don't know. . There's guilt I guess but I was doing what I was raised to do.  I never thought twice about it until i spent time on earth. . .but now it just feels. . . Disgusting.

Koriand'r: Because you know it's wrong. I don't think you're a bad person you've just made mistakes

Y/n: A mistake is something you do once and learn from. .I've done this multiple times over the span of centuries koriand'r.

The black haired viltrumite laid on his back as Koriand'r looked down at him in thought.

Koriand'r: I guess you didn't learn your lesson then. Only recently you did, think of it as you just finished learning something only to discover it's wrong and you have to do it all over again a different way.

Y/n: And what is this "Different way?"

Koriand'r: Why don't you find out with me?

Y/n: . .I'll think about it.

Koriand'r: Okay then!

The two of them looked down towards the market place from their spot on the cliff ledge. There was a play going on showcasing the war between tamaran and viltrum.

Y/n: Do you not care about the things that I have done? You just let me come here and gave me food, shelter and come to talk to me.

Koriand'r: Of course I do. As a viltrumite I know you have done awful things But that's the past. I want to change you, help you be your best self.

Y/n: Best self. . .Ha!. . I wonder how'd you do that?

Koriand'r: I'm the princess of this planet I'd find a way.

Timeskip. .

A few days have passed and Y/n is in a desolated clearing on tamaran.

There was no life outside a few small creatures running around. He stood in a destroyed ruins of what used to be a town.

In this destroyed town were destroyed war ships that were either broken down into piles of scrap or half destroyed penetrating the ground sticking up.

Y/n's eyes flicked around taking in all the damage.

Y/n: So those are our original war ships. Their infrastructure looks way weaker then our current ones.

"So you found the battle field eh?"

Pivoting on his feet Y/n found a man around seven feet tall. He had long red hair falling down his back bruised into a pony tail. A scruffy beard that falls past his neck. He has orange skin and wore viking like armor with a brown pelt around his waist.

Y/n: And you are?

???: One of only survivors from the war centuries ago. Name's Fring.

Fring looked Y/n up and down who looked back up at large man.

Y/n: Well Fring, it is a pleasure to meet you.

Fring: Yes, Yes I ought to say the same. . It's been longer then I can remember since I last saw a viltrumite are all of you that small?

Y/n: . .  .what?

Fring: No matter. I suppose you are here to see the remnants of a war.

Y/n: Yes, I am.

Fring opened his arms in a welcoming manner while facing the wreckage as if showing it all off to Y/n.

Fring: This. . .is tamaran's greatest achievement. . Driving back the forces of the viltrum empire. .but that's not all we did. Come.

Y/n followed fring towards a somewhat destroyed building and stepped inside with him. The tamarenian pressed his hand against a stone in the wall and a hidden door slid open.

Y/n noticed the power cord in the ground flowing with energy which traveled through the hall he and fring walked.

Y/n: What's the cord for?

Fring: You shall see.

A few minutes of walking would pass and the two of them entered a room filled with various technology.

There was gauntlets and greaves hanging off hooks in the walls and sets of armor as well. The cord that was outside the room was coming out the wall with the ends branched off into two parts sticking into two crown like helmets.

Y/n: Incredible. .

Fring: Yes indeed, all of this could only be built because he used the scraps from the old warships to build our own technology Incase viltrum comes back.

Y/n: We've- They've evolved with their technology. It's even stronger now.

Fring: Aye, but with all this we have a better fighting chance instead of relying on those blessed by light. .I was on the battlefield ya know. . The atrocities I've witnessed. . . The wails of terror and all the bloodshed. . .I can't let  something like that happen again. . .

Y/n: . . .I understand, if they do come back. . .

Y/n paused and looked down at the ground for a second before feeling a large hand on his shoulder making him look up to see the smiling fring.

Fring: Aye, you need not say more lad. I'll be with you fighting alongside against the oppression.

Y/n: Surprised you're even giving me a chance instead of trying to strike me down on sight for what my people did to you.

Fring: You had no part in it. From what I could tell you were not yet born. . .the one who truly deserves my anger and rage is the viltrumite known as conquest. . But I have my peace after chopping off his arm and blinding him in his right eye.

Y/n's eyes bulged and he looked up at fring in amazement.

Y/n: You did that?!

Fring: I did, the proudest moment of my life as well.

Y/n: . . how. . .strong are you?

Fring: Not as strong as I used to be I'm afraid. . But these old bones do still pack a punch? Do you wish to see?

The battle hungry blood inside Y/n's veins boiled from within and a grin stretched across the young viltrumite's face.

Y/n: Definitely. I hope you can keep up with me.

To be continued.

Welp there you go peeps chapter 8 of first son. Hope you enjoyed! If you have any questions just let me know and don't forget to vote!

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