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The ginger tom padded along the outskirts of his territory.

Of course, there aren't actually borders, but old habits die hard. So he preferred to wake up early every day, padding around an imaginary line drawn out in his head.

This time though, one of his old friends had decided to join him.

The other tom had sensed something was bugging his friend, and had decided to start joining him on his morning patrols. There was not much spoken between the two, as just the other's presence was enough for each of them.

The ginger tom had sensed some kind of growing darkness, coming from the depths of the Dark Forest, greater than that of Tigerstar or Mapleshade.

But that's not all he felt. There was another... Thing. He couldn't describe what it was, or what it felt like. It was just this buzz, nagging at the back of his mind, like it was dying to be let out.

He knew for a fact that the buzz wasn't from any place he knew, such as the Dark forest or Starclan. It was from a different place, likely a place of which he didn't know about.

As the tom and his friend neared the Dark Forest border, a small light could be seen. Not a large light, but just like rays of sun poking through canopies.

The two toms quickly turned around, and sprinted towards the camp, desperate to report. However, when they neared camp, they saw the same amount of light coming from the center of the camp.

The two padded into the camp to see everyone crowding around the light. They padded towards the center to see five small kits curled up in the formation of a star. There was a tortoiseshell, two gingers, a brown tabby, and a white. Each kit had their eyes closed, as if they were sleeping, so no one could tell their eye color.

Suddenly, the kits were lifted up in the air, and started spinning. The spinning continuously grew faster and faster, until finally, the light, and the kits, just disappeared.

Firestar could only assume that the same had happened at the Dark Forest, just with different cats, that could potentially be evil.

And he really hoped that the five he had seen were able to take care of the others.

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