Back From the Dead

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10 years later

"Hello-Hello? Kai, can you hear me? Your-your signal is very faint. Kai?"

Kai is waking up and sees a reflection of himself on the water. He stands up and looks of where he is. Kai brings out his drill and goes upstairs and there's coral. He found a doorway, but is blocked by the coral, he destroys it with his drill. He crouched and goes under pillar. When Kai entered Adonis Baths, a female blue fox Big Sister is jumping off the pillars and one fell. Kai walks on the left side to get to the door and he found an audio diary and plays it and the voice is by 'Big Kate' O'l Malley.

"Lesson one, mop jockeys. You are under the ocean now. If you feel a soft patter of rain on your hat, you're already fired. Lesson 2: You can jumpstart a dead generator with a direct spark, but clear the guest outta the pool first. Scares these rich pricks to make them still hurlin roll and thunder. You follow me?"

Kai moves on. He killed a female purple weasel splicer and a male blue pig splicer. He found an EVE dispenser and grabs one. He hears some voices. He goes into Plasmid Therapy and there's a machine. There is a writing saying from Viola. When Kai was getting close, he sees Viola as a big girl in a vision.

"Kai", Viola said in the vision.

Kai shakes his head. He grabs the plasmid and stick the shot and have the liquid in the shot and inserted into him. He starts grunting as electricity comes out of his hands.

To be continued

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