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I stand outside of the chipped apartment door. Moans and groans fill the hallway, I shiver in disgust. I breath in and out heavily. My gun is in my hand, and my other hand is on the door handle.

"One...two...three!" I slam through the door and find a man and a woman, engaged in sexual actions. I yell as if I were police, that's what I want them to think I am after all.

"Stop now! Get off! Get off now!! I will shoot if you two do not separate now!!"

The people throw one another off of each other . The man looks at me with wild eyes. The girl, who already looked as if she were crying scrambled away from him, starting to put on her clothes.

I keep my gun pointed at the man. I motion for the woman to come to me. She comes steadily, unsure to come to me or not.

"Ma'am, there is a car downstairs. There are clothes and money. I want you to get into that car and drive, drive wherever you can to become safe." She nods, tears strolling down her face.

After she leaves I close the door and put away my gun. The man, whose name I already know, is lying on the bed, only covered by a sheet.

"Dude, get some fucking clothes on." I say sternly.

He nods several times before doing so. I turn my eyes to the end table, which is filled with drugs and contraceptions. I roll my eyes. This dude may be difficult to work with.

I notice he is finished. And I motion for him to sit on a nearby chair.

"Jeremiah Beatrice Stone...you my sir, are not a good man." I say with my arms crossed.

"How...how do you know my name?" He mumbles.

"Because Beatrice, I have been sent to kill you."

In a flash I see him with a knife lunging at my throat. I dodge the attack, grabbing his arm and putting him into a choke hold.

He gasped for air, still clutched on the knife.

"Oh, Jeremiah, I wished to kill you in a simpler way, but this will be your fate if you do not let go of that knife."

It only took him a few seconds to decide. I let go and he gasps for air on the floor.

I grab the chair and take a seat.

"So...tell me about yourself."

"Mr. Stone. Tell me, if you had one chance to do anything in the world, what would you do?"

We sit on the cold park bench, watching the movements of nature.

I follow his gaze to the robins huddled around dropped food. A child with a bat goes to a nearby metal trash can, and hits it with all of his might. The robins fly in every way, trying to avoid the threat.

Mr. Stones gaze follows them as the fly upward.

He snickers, "Well, I've always wanted to fly..."

I already knew then, I wouldn't like this wish.

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