Chapter 25

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School was as boring as ever. I continue to stare at my French teacher, who spoke animatedly about something. French is my last class for today, and I am tired as hell from the previous escapade. Since being active was not my cup of tea, I need at least 5 days of rest.

The bell soon rings, and I find myself jolting up from my seat and immediately leaving. I want to go home and chill so bad. 

"Jane?" David calls from behind me as I was about to speed-walk towards the exit of the school. I look back at him, showing my sparkly smile. 

"Yo Dave. Wud up?" I said, trying my best to not snap at him for stopping me from going home.

"Are you alright? From yesterday?"

"Uh, yeah I'm fine. Thank you for worrying. I'm just tired, is all." I replied, slightly annoyed. But my smile towards him did not falter.

"Oh I see. Well, rest for now. There will be harder missions in the future. How will you even survive if you can't handle a puny mission like this?" He said, rolling his eyes. I nod, wondering how I will handle such profanity as well.

A random girl approaches us, and we both look at her. She was tiny. With her golden locks falling gracefully till her shoulders, and her big brown eyes, I wondered how a person could be so short and be in high school. Sure, she is pretty. But she was very short. Extremely.
Even so, she was beautiful.

"Hey.." She said shyly, looking at David, then at me. I smile at her, replying with a brief hello as well. "I just wanted to ask, but are you two dating?"

"And why is that any of your concern?" David retorted with a glare. I mentally slap him. His speciality lies in making situations more awkward. 

She looked at him, wide eyed. "You mean, you two are actually?!" She exclaimed, not finishing her sentence. David narrows his eyes at her, and folds his arms.

"I didn't mean—"

And she scurries off, without even listening to his answer. I sigh in frustration, but decide to forgive the poor girl for assuming stuff. 

"Well anyways, I'll talk to you later. Please inform me if they say anything about the file." I said, smiling at David. He nods, and walks away. 

"You mean, you are dating Mr. David Brawn?" 

A bold voice spoke from behind me. I look back, slightly surprised, to find Mr. Kasimir staring down at me. He was the only one in the whole universe who can catch me off-guard. I can usually sense people, but not him. His grey eyes seemed to glow, as his face was slightly shadowed. 

How intimidating.

Him being super tall magnified his level of intimidation.

I shudder for some reason, but gulp to calm down. Why is my History teacher so concerned about my love life? "Um, not really." I said, looking away from his eyes. 

"Really?" He asked, sounding somewhat angry. "Then why didn't you deny it? Why were you just standing there as the girl assumed stuff all on her own?"

"Why do you care, sir?" I asked, irritated. I couldn't help but ask him that. I slightly look at him, but he was even more pissed. I looked away instinctively.

"Because I don't want my favourite student to slack off on her studies just because of some romance she is involved in." He said, disgust evident in his voice. I want to complain so bad, but he is my teacher after all. 

"Yes sir." I said briefly. "Now, if you'll excuse me." 

I run off towards the exit. That damned teacher! He annoyed me so bad! What's his problem anyways?! It's literally none of his business. He desperately needs a hobby. Feeling both sour and bitter, I try to forget the events that happened today. I need to go home and study to cool off my head.


After studying, I read The Host for a while, and decided to sleep. It was 2212 hours, but it won't hurt to just go to sleep early once in a while.

Closing my eyes, I make a silent prayer to not have any nightmares today. 


Hmm? Where am I?

I look around, but I can't see anything properly. Strange. I never had any problem with my eyes. But everything looks so hazy now. Am I dreaming?

Damn, my prayer did not work.

Its bright here, but I still cannot see anything properly. I turn to look at another direction, but its still the same. My vision is so blurry. I try to make out something, anything. But I see nothing. Its not like everything is black or anything. Its just so blurry that I cannot differentiate things. 

Its a very creepy feeling. 

I'm unexpectedly scared.

Being blind is truly frightening.

I rub my eyes, hoping that something would change. But I still can't see a single thing. What is going on?! Please tell me this is a dream.

Taking deep breaths, I tell myself to calm down. I don't even understand why I'm panicking. Humans can be blind, so it's not like me being blind is sui generis.

Okay. I am panicking aren't I? My body refusing to listen to my rational brain, falls down on my knees, feeling tears form in my eyes. I feel so scared and alone and suffocated.

Nobody is here to help me. 

"H-help." I said, stretching my arms out. That came out too timid, and for a while I wonder if I'm in some other body. I feel disgusted at my own lack of strength nevertheless. Being weak was something I'm not accustomed to.
I just want to feel something. To hold something. To

I feel something hard. I grab it. 

Feels like I'm holding, a leg?

"Hello?" I said, looking up towards that person. I still can't see that person, but I can make out that there is at least something there. 

Its been a while since I have tasted fear. I don't want it to happen again.

That person grabs me by the shoulder, and gently makes me stand up. I try my best to stand upright without support, but fail. That person immediately grabs me again. I sigh in relief. At least someone is there. I feel my tears starting to form again. This time, my tears keep falling and falling like a waterfall. Shaking uncontrollably, I try to rub my eyes again. Will I be able to see where I am now? I truly pity the blind. They do not deserve to have this horrible experience.

That person stops me from rubbing my eyes. I blink, and my eyes start to hurt. Did I rub them too much? That person places his/her hand on my right cheek, and starts to wipe my tears with his/her thumb. My tears don't stop, my shaking doesn't stop, I'm such a mess right now. 

The person hugs me. I realise that this person is a man. Someone who can be easily mistaken for a wall. I hug back, much to my surprise, and bury my face in his chest. He brings his head towards my neck, inhaling deeply. In normal situations I'd find that extremely creepy, but currently I am not at a state to give a crap about what this person does.

"Yes. I like it like this. This is so much better." He whispered, his voice bold and breathy. Hmm, he also has a thick British accent. "You ought to be like this more often."

I open my mouth to say something, but nothing comes out. My throat feels too dry. So I shut up and try to listen.

But he doesn't say anything else. Gripping me harder, he buries his face in the crook of my neck, and started biting. I flinch, surprised by his actions. What is he doing?! Why the hell is he biting my neck? Actually, who is he?

I wince in pain, as he continues to suck at the same spot. I feel his sharp teeth graze my skin. Is he giving me, a hickey? 

His teeth felt really sharp though. It didn't go unnoticed by me. A vampire? But then he would try to suck my blood. He isn't doing anything. Actually, why am I even dreaming of vampires? I try to observe my situation a bit more, but that is impossible at the moment. I can't exactly breathe steadily for some reason.

Feeling my legs grow weaker and weaker, I grab onto him tighter, and he groans slightly. I can barely stand up. What's wrong with me?

He stopped, and brought his face in front of mine. I can feel him panting. And for some unfathomable reason, I find my heartbeat accelerating tremendously.

"Jane." He said, his voice filled with lust and need. "What do you do to me?"

And his lips come crashing down onto mine. I gasp, shocked. He, he is kissing me! Oh God, what the actual fudge is going on?! Is this a wet dream or something?!

I try to push him away, but he grabs the back of my neck, and continues to kiss me. As if he can't get enough, he shoves his tongue inside my mouth. I hear a moan, which awfully sounded like my own voice. I couldn't help it. He, whoever he was, was good at kissing. That means he is an experienced kisser, and a male vampire. Someone of the Higher Class. It would not be surprising if he had a whore or two at his place.

He brings me closer to his body, and I find myself doing the same. I was unable to control my own body, it seemed. 

I can't even think properly, heck.

I think my hair was in a bun or something, because he opened my hair and I could feel it flowing down till my back. Burying his hand under my hair, he just couldn't stop kissing me. But I, on the other hand, desperately needed oxygen. So I tried to shove him away again. He didn't move an inch, but he did remove his mouth from mine, gasping for air just like me. I gasped harder though, since this was basically the first time I had ever kissed someone. 

I reach out my hand to grab his face, and I could feel his sharp jawline and masculine face. He grabbed my wrist to stop me, and started kissing my palm. I shudder in.. I don't know. It was a mixture of fear, excitement, lust, nervousness, and yearning. 

"Who....are you?" I breathe out, still unable to calm down. I feel him smile as he continues to kiss my hand

"Hmm.." He mutters. "I am.." He bites my index finger. I wince in pain. "Your secret admirer."

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