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1:when you make a form please make sure it's serious,and also don't talk in every rp scene I have on this book and if you don't talk normally and you just repeat the same words in each rp scene,your going to get muted and all your comments will be deleted

2:I tag you when you don't tell me when your gone,and you can tag me or spam me if I don't say I'm gone

3:I still don't allow wings on characters now cause I don't like it anymore

4:I'm only allowing one person to be a family member of the afton family and that spot is already taken

5:you can not be a person from a differnt fandom cause I'm not doing crossover things

6:your parents can't be from differnt fandoms either cause there not from this fandom

7:you can no longer turn purple for your oc cause if you didn't know the skin color purple is when your skin rots  and William is just purple in the mini games but he isn't purple in real life

8:you can't have crushes on multiple people cause it confuses me way to much

9:yes you can tag me your dang oc so stop asking me

10:I can't rp in dm's so stop trying

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