Day before opening

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                        Foxy' Pov

I see Bea shivering so hard and sleeping the same time whie her dog
is warm and cozy. So I went to the storage room I grabbed a very warm blanket raced back to Bea and said "Night lass see yah in the morning."
and put the blanket on her and she stopped shivering.

             Time skip next day

I wake up 6:00 am in the morning because I herd an alarm.The whole pizza place woke up then we found out Vicent (The Purple guy) rang the bell because he said " Clean the pizza place work starts tommorow and we need to decorate so start! Oh and bea clean up your mess."

I looked at Bea's mess and there was wet paint on the floor were she slept.
Then I saw her go to the girls bathroom with her dog and and I think they are cleaning up thier selfs.

Then I could see everyone decorating and cleaning so I cleaned up pirates cove. Then I had to replace my ripped up curtans with a silk purple curtan with yellow stars on it after that I am done. Then Bea came out of the girls bathroom with melody all clean and started cleaning the dry paint and ash on the pillows and floor.

                      Bea's Pov

After many hours had past by the pizzaria looked the like the first day it opend.Then Vicent told me to put posters everywere in the city with Mike and Jermy.

Then we planned out were to go
then we left.

I have 2 huge stacks of posters so I put them in a wagon and left.

When my boss told me to advertise
I did it to the next level LOL.

First I put the posters on every single building and fence I passed by.Then
I told everyone that the Freddy Fazbears Pizzaria is opening.Lastly
I  went to a company who makes billboards yes I really mean it a billboard making company.Then I told them to make 2 billboards and put one in the famous part of the city and the regular part of the city.
They said it will be done in an hour and will be put up in 2:00 am.

Guys here is the picture of the billboard.

I also want to do this because my boss will probally get shocked.

After the billboard I race back to the pizzaria and I told everybody what I did.Every one was happy except my boss he was so shocked that he said  "
" You did what that is just crazy Bea."
He looked so funny that he looked like this


Time skip next day (cuz I can)

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