Chapter 21: SUNDAY...SIN DAY

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I spent the entire weekend on pins and needles. I wanted to call Bella so badly, but I also didn't want to crowd her. That was what went wrong last time. I would wait until she made the next move. Minda would disagree, but it seemed the right way to win Bella. Maybe I'd be more assertive next time.

I arrived for our usual Sunday brunch early. I had dragged my cousin Taehyung from his apartment even though he was barely awake.

Once we were at our usual table with coffees before us, I leaned closer to him. "So? Has Bella said anything about me? What has Cindy told you?"

He took a sip of his coffee then opened his eyes wider. "You're acting like a little boy."

I smiled. "Maybe. But, Tae, I think I'm finally on the right track. Bella and I had a great night on Thursday." His eyebrows went up. "No, not that great. Yet. I meant, we went to dinner and had a nice, long talk. I wanted to understand her and her feelings, and I feel I get her now. She's even more amazing than I imagined. She's independent and goal-oriented, like me I suppose. I feel proud of her for what she's accomplished, and I want her to know that I support her. I love her. And she loves me."

Taehyung smiled with a nod. "That's great, cuz. Cindy told me not to tell you, but Bella talked about you nonstop yesterday. She said that your dinner date went very well, and that she can't believe how considerate you've been. Cindy said that Bella wanted to call you so many times, but she had to force herself not to. Didn't want to seem pushy."

"She can push me all she wants," I said, "but, of course, I'll wait as long as I have to for her. Now that I see the light at the end of the tunnel, I feel that I can wait months, years--okay, not years, but you get it." I sighed. "Thanks, Tae. I'd rather act like a kid with you than around the guys."

"Sure thing."

A while later, Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok walked in and came to our table.

"Hey!" I greeted enthusiastically. Then I noticed that all three were frowning as they sat down.

Taehyung and I made uneasy eye contact.

"What now?" I asked.

They stayed silent while the waitress came by the table and filled their coffee cups. Then Hoseok looked at me.

"Okay then. Correct me if I'm wrong," he started, "but you did tell me that there was nothing going on with Minda and that you're not interested in her."

I sat up straighter. "You're not wrong. I'm not interested in her. We're just friends."

"Yeah," Taehyung spoke up. "He went out with Bella on Thursday. She was happy about it, and things are going well."

"What about yesterday?" Namjoon asked.

I blinked. "Yesterday? I was at home. Working on a project."

"Alone?" he asked.

"Yes. Alone," I replied. "Why?" I started to get the feeling that things were about to go south.

Namjoon and Yoongi looked at Hoseok, as if urging him to speak.

Hoseok took a deep breath. "Well, Allie had to go pick up Cori and Minda from a bar last night because they were drunk and apparently guys were hitting on them. Some guy was pulling Minda out the door when Allie got there."

"Oh, my gosh! Is she okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, she's fine," Hoseok continued. "She was all over the place with her emotions. She mentioned your name but was incoherent. She dropped her phone, and when Allie picked it up, she saw pictures of you."

"Of me?" I asked in disbelief.

"And her in front of Victoria's Secret. There were also pictures of her in lingerie. She was slurring her words and said that you bought her some stuff. There was also a blurry picture of a room, and Minda said it was your bedroom," he said, his face serious.

"No," I shook my head. "That's not...that didn't happen. Nothing like that happened." I felt four pairs of eyes on me, and I struggled to keep my composure.

"When she sobered up a bit, she told Allie again that you and she are just friends and to please not say anything to anybody," Hoseok added. "But Allie showed me the pictures, bro."

I shook my head again, then stopped. "Shit! Yeah! I remember she took a picture of me at the mall, and we were standing outside Victoria's Secret, but I didn't go in with her. I didn't buy her anything from that store. She went in by herself. I swear!"

"You went to the mall with her?" Namjoon asked.

"I told you all last week. I bought her clothes as a birthday present." I exhaled, feeling a growing sense of desperation. "But I didn't buy her lingerie, and I've definitely never seen what she bought for herself. Why would I?"

"And when was she in your bedroom?" Yoongi asked slowly.

I rubbed my face with my hand. "Ahh! That was, like, two or three weeks ago. Before Namjoon's party. I mean, she was at my place, but it's not what you think. We certainly never went into my bedroom. At least not together. She walked through to use the restroom, but I don't know why she'd take a picture."

"Why didn't she just use the guest bathroom?" Namjoon asked. Always the interrogator.

"She...she said one of the bulbs had gone out, and it was too dark," I answered. "Shit! I know how this all looks and sounds, but I've told you all before that nothing's going on with her. Is she saying that we're involved? Is that what she said?" I could feel my heart beating rapidly.

Hoseok frowned. "No, she's not saying that. Still, we know what she's like. It seems a little hard to believe that there's nothing going on."

"And again you all believe that, don't you?" I asked. The momentary feeling of relief transformed itself into outrage. "You keep doubting me, as always, and now you're doubting Minda. You all have some of the worst minds. I thought you were my friends. It's almost as if you want me to mess up," I huffed. "You know, I'm not hungry any more. You ladies can enjoy your coffee and your gossip. I'm out."

"Seokjin," Taehyung said as I scrambled to my feet. "We don't doubt you."

"Not you, Tae," I said affectionately. Then I turned a hard gaze to the others. "But my soon-to-be former best friends do, and I'm not going to sit here for it."

"Seokjin," several voices overlapped. But I spun on my heel and walked out of the restaurant. I had to leave while I was ahead.

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