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The Halloween party was in full swing. Bella and Cindy had thrown themselves into the planning and decoration. My apartment looked like a veritable haunted house. They had draped black fabric over most of the walls and had replaced bright light bulbs with purple and incandescent black lights. Strings of orange lights provided the only light out on the patio.

Besides Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok, Taehyung, Jimin, and Jungkook, the girls had also invited the guys' housemate Aaron, their old dorm mates Elsa, Bonnie, and Teresa. Of course, Allison was also there. With Cori. And Minda.

It was the usual: laughing, talking, drinking, dancing, eating. Cindy warned us that there'd be some games to play, so most people began drinking in order to deal with that. Bella stayed by my side for the most part while we greeted everyone. We were dressed in full Saturday Night Fever get-ups: a white suit for me, a red dress for her. Everyone complimented us.

Sometime around midnight, everyone finished the shots contest. Jimin won with Hoseok a close second. Bella handed them treat bags full of candy as their prizes. I noticed out of the corner of my eye that Jimin grabbed her hand and pulled her closer than necessary. Before I could say anything, she moved away from him with a small shake of her head.

After all those shots, the dancing became quite uncoordinated. Everyone kept bouncing around until Cindy yelled for everyone to quiet down.

"Our next game," she announced in her flapper costume, " is Truth or Dare...but with a twist."

I groaned and leaned down toward Bella. "Uh, please tell me I can opt out."

Bella turned to me. "No, Jin. Don't be a party pooper. It won't be fun if we allow people to refuse. Besides, it's just a game."

"What's the twist?" Jungkook, the only sober person in the room, asked.

Cindy's eyes flashed mischievously. "The twist is that I have prepared the questions for you. Everyone will pick a paper. On one side is the truth question and on the other side is the dare. That way we can't get mad at anyone for asking certain questions. Everybody ready? Okay, find a seat. Quickly! Bella, get the lights." The lights became brighter.

She walked around the room, holding out a large bowl from which we all picked small envelopes. "Remember, if you don't want to answer the Truth question, you automatically have to do the Dare. Got it?" Hoots, hollers, and annoyed groans answered her.

"Okay. Now the person with the red dot on your envelope goes first. We'll move to the right after that," she said. "Who's got the red dot?"

Jimin laughed and raised his hand. "I guess I'll start. He took out the paper inside the envelope and read silently for a moment. He frowned. "Uh, well. Truth question: What was a recent memorable romantic encounter?" His eyes darted toward Bella then down again. He laughed. "Ah! That's too long ago. I'll do the dare." Some people laughed. "Dare. Put your clothing on backwards. Ha, ha, ha! Here? You want me to do that here?"

Several of the girls squealed, and Cindy laughed. "Of course here. It's a dare!"

He was dressed as a pirate. He reversed his shirt first while a couple of girls kept squealing. Then he smirked and slowly took off his pants before putting them on backwards while everyone was hooting.  Bella was the only girl who was looking down.

"Ooooookay. Good. Next is..." The voice faded away as I lost interest in what was going on around me. I noticed that Minda was trying to catch my attention from across the room, but I kept looking away. I heard screams and laughter, but it seemed to be coming from a distance.

"Seokjin! It's your turn," Yoongi said. I had been zoned out for a while and had missed what was happening.

I nodded and opened my envelope. I stared at the Truth question. When was the last time you lied? I felt my throat seize up, and I swallowed painfully. I lie every time I don't tell Bella what happened after Namjoon's party, I thought to myself. Then I inhaled. This was just a stupid game. I certainly did not have to come clean in front of a bunch of drunk people.

"Well?" Namjoon asked. "What's the Truth question?"

"I'll just do the dare. That's more fun for you all anyway," I said and turned the paper over. "Dare: Kiss the person of the opposite sex whose birthday is closest to yours." I looked up. My birthday was on December 4th, and Bella's was February 1st.

The girls in the room began to call out their birthdates. June 5th. October 1st. May 19th. I smiled, thinking it would be Bella. Then I heard December 1st. My head snapped up.

Minda was smiling at me.

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