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The following weekend, there was a carnival that was set up on campus. Taehyung told me that he was taking Cindy and Bella, so I decided to go as well. I didn't want to be too obvious, so I called Hoseok, Yoongi, and Jungkook to go with me. I had originally called Namjoon, but he was busy working on his book.

We wandered around the grounds, buying Jungkook all the snacks he asked for--I wondered how the kid's stomach didn't explode. Still, I was grateful that he had chosen to accompany me. He told me that he knew Bella and I would get back together, and that made me feel better.

After an hour of walking around, I spotted Taehyung and Cindy getting off the Ferris wheel, but I didn't see Bella.

Excusing myself from the guys, I walked up to them. "Hey. Where's Bella? I thought she was here with you."

Tae averted his eyes.

Cindy placed her hand on my arm. "Seokjin, don't get upset. She's still on the ride. By the way, the flowers were incredible."

"Hmm." I glanced up, trying to find her. But when the Ferris wheel stopped and she stepped off, I saw some guy was with her. "Who's that?"

Cindy's hand gripped my arm. "Calm down. He offered to get on with her because the three of us couldn't go together."

"He's...touching her," I grumbled when I saw him lead her by the arm.

Cindy didn't have a chance to say any more because Bella and the guy reached us. Bella's eyes widened when she saw me, but then she took a deep breath.

"Hello, Seokjin," she said.

I glared at the guy next to her. "Who's your friend?"

The guy looked from me to Bella.

"This is Ryan Casiano," Bella said, then turned to him. "Ryan, this is--"

"Kim Seokjin," I interrupted her. I continued glaring at him.

"H-Hello," Ryan stuttered and held out his hand.

I ignored him and took a step closer to her. "Bella, come with me." I gestured with my head.

Her mouth turned down at the corners. "I'm sorry. Ryan invited me to go play some games--"

"Play some games?" I repeated as if the words were foreign to me.

"Yes," she replied and turned to the guy. "Let's go. I want one of those toys over there."

"Bella," I said through my teeth.

She looked at me with a serious expression. "I'll see you later."

The guy glanced at me when she grabbed his arm and pulled him along. His eyes darted from me to her as she led him away.

"Cuz, it's okay. He's just a friend," Taehyung said.

"Yeah. Just like I'm supposed to be a friend?" I asked. "I don't think so." I watched Bella and that idiot play the game. It seemed he made a lucky shot and won a small stuffed bear for her. She smiled at him.

That did it! I stomped over to the game booth, ignoring Tae's calls for me to wait.

I brushed past them and addressed the guy working the booth. "How much for everything?"

The guy blinked rapidly. "Huh? What do you mean?"

"How much for all the toys in this booth?" I asked, reaching for my wallet.

"I-I don't know," the guy said.

"Here," I said, shoving several hundred-dollar bills at him. "Is this enough?"

"I-I don't know," he repeated, clearly in shock. "I guess."

"And here's another hundred for you for your help," I added. "Can you bag them up?"

"Right away, sir!"

"Jin, what are you doing?" Bella hissed.

I smiled at her. "Getting you all the stuffed toys you want," I said. I pulled a large, stuffed alpaca from its spot on the booth. "Here. For you. All of it. For you."

She struggled to hold the giant toy. "Oh, my God. This is insane!"

I snatched the toy bear from her hand and tossed it to whatever his name was. "Here. You can run along now."

"No," Bella told him. "Wait." She turned to me. "Seokjin, why are you acting like this?"

"Like what?" I asked. "I thought you wanted a stuffed toy, so I got you a stuffed toy. I got you all of them." I grinned at her. "You're welcome."

"Ugh!" she grunted. "Ryan, let's go." She hugged the stuffed alpaca by the neck and stomped away. Ryan hurried after her.

I saw Cindy and Tae staring at me.

"What?" I asked. I was seriously confused.  

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