Chapter Fifty Two : Golden Boy Returns

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The next morning, I awoke alone. The spot that Dakota lay in was empty and a momentary sadness lingered but I shook it off. I hadn't need to worry, I would see him today at school. But until then I had to wait, patiently like the good boy I'd always been. I sighed before rubbing my eyes and rolling out of bed.

As I dressed, I wondered if Mr.Moreau would allow Dakota to attend school today or if he'd continue to home school. And what did Dakota mean by being careful? Did that mean going back to how it was before he left? My heart fluttered at the thought of losing Dakota for a second time. Having to hide us again wouldn't work this time because one way or another, word would reach Mr.Moreau and the cycle would start all over again. I was going to have to break that cycle.


I was in third period and I hadn't still hadn't seen Dakota, I was beginning to worry. Maybe Mr.Moreau would be homeschooling him for his senior year. The thought was bittersweet. We'd be apart but at least he'd be right across the street from me.

"I hear the golden boy is back." Jane wriggled her brows with a smirk on her face. Michael spit out his pop, nearly choking on it and my heart jumped at the words that left her mouth.

"What!?" Gemma and Michael exclaimed in unison. I chuckled nervously, before slowly nodding my head in reply.

"Guess this means I won't be your co-captain anymore." Michael said with a shrug and a sad smile. I gave him a half hearted smile, a tinge of guilt washed over me. Michael and I played great games together and it was something I was going to miss but it wasn't a set decision on whether Dakota would attend high school.

"Um, pause! When did he get back?" Gemma's brows were scrunched together, waiting for me to reply. "Last night, he came to see me after the game." I averted my eyes to the ground, somewhat coy.

"Nothing, nothing happened." I said as I shook my head, avoiding their questioning eyes.

"Nothing? Are you sure about that?" Gemma asked with a suggesting smirk. I rolled my eyes and chuckled. "Nothing." As much as I wanted something to happen, I had refrained from going any further that night. There would be a time and a place for us to be intimate, I'd just needed to wait for the perfect opportunity. 


The summer's scorching sun burned against my hot sweaty skin, resulting in a very soaked jersey. It was as if I had walked through a rain storm but it was only my salty, hot, sweat.

"Is it weird I'm starting to love the burn?" Michael asked with a chuckle as he stood beside me, panting hard as we took a short breather. Practice was different without Alex, a part of me actually missed the prick. As much as I pushed the thought back, I wondered if it was possible to get him back on the team but my ego was too big to bring it up to coach. Not to mention that if Alex had found out I specifically asked for him, he'd rub it in my face until graduation.

"Guess who's back, ladies." Coach yelled from the sidelines as I turned around. Dakota stood beside him with a confident grin, full gear and ready to get back on the field. He was as attractive in his gear as I'd remembered.

"Moreau!" The seniors of the team shouted, crowding around him like a colony of ants.
"Alright, hug fest is over, back to practice." Coach said before blowing his whistle, making my ears ring.

"I missed hearing that sound." Dakota chuckled.

"Moreau, you got big!" Michael chuckled as he squeezed Dakota's bicep, staring at his muscle in awe, I swear I'd seen some drool.

"You too, Carina." Dakota grinned with a wink. I watched from a distance as Dakota did the assigned drills, the way he flexed his legs when he ran caught my attention. He'd sure gained a lot of muscle. I wondered if he thought of me the same.

"You have some drool." Michael said, coming up beside me. 

"Oh shut up." I said before shoving his shoulder with mine. 

Dakota had shown up near the end of practice and the twenty minutes we had left, seemed to tic by in the blink of an eye. I sat on the bleachers side by side with Dakota. Michael had left as soon as practice was over and as much as I'd wished he was able to stay, his father showed up on time every day to pick him up, leaving just Dakota and I. For awhile we sat in silence, I took comfort in the fact that he was with me again, living and breathing beside me. I turned to face him, just as he set down his water bottle.

"So you're dad is letting you attend?" 
"Yeah, there was one exception." He paused. "I wouldn't talk to you." I rolled my eyes and scoffed. "You couldn't stay away from me, even if you tried." 

"Luka, you've gained some confidence over the years." Dakota chuckled, grinning from ear to ear. "I could! I just don't want to try." He leaned over towards me, staring deeply into my eyes with his that I'd missed so much, tempting me to strip off all his gear and take him in the field. Instead I pecked the side of his face before smirking and wrapping an arm around him.

"So, no Alex?"
"Nope." I shook my head, putting emphasize on the p.
"And no Queenie?"

"Well, butter me up and call me popcorn. This year won't be half bad." He said with a chuckle. I nodded in silence, before changing the topic to one that'd we'd have to have eventually.


"I don't want to hide us again, I just can't do it." I said as I averted my eyes from his, part of me wondering where I'd gained this new found confidence from. Before I'd cower at the thought of anyone knowing about me and Dakota but now, I want everyone to know that Dakota Moreau, was mine.

"Luka, I don't either but..-" 
"I'm scared of being apart too but if it's to happen again, I'd wait." I said cupping the side of his face that was already full of worry.

"I love you, still." Dakota said before pressing his lips against mine, soft tender skin that sent shivers through out my body, giving me goosebumps. A simple touch but to me, it was everything I'd ever wanted.


"Did you put in some extra practice today son?" My father asked as he set the dining table. 

"Yeah, sorry I'm late. I'll just wash up real quick." I said, slipping out of my shoes and scurrying into my room before he could ask anymore questions. By now, he and my mother must know of Dakota's return. It wasn't something I needed to hide, but part of me was wary to tell them that Dakota came to see me.

I closed my bedroom door behind me, stripping out of my football gear and heading to the shower for a quickie. I turned the knob of the shower and hopped in, not bothering to wait for it to warm up. I thought back to the moment my mother and I shared, we hadn't spoken much about it but she'd apologized and that was enough for me. Still I had to wonder how she'd be now that Dakota was back, would she still think of me the same if Dakota and I held hands in front of her. My father on the other hand seemed completely fine, too fine and made me second guess him. We'd talk about it during dinner, I said to myself before sighing deeply.


"So, how was practice?" My father said with a smile, a smile that hid something else.
"Fine." I nodded my head, cutting into my meatloaf. 

"Anything exciting?" My mother asked with a smile and wide eyes. 
"No." I shook my head, shoving a piece of the meatloaf in my mouth.

"What about Dakota?" My father asked, making me choke on my meatloaf. 
"Oh, gosh." My mother patted my back while my father handed me a glass of water.

"Sorry." I said after catching my breath. "Yeah he was at practice today." 
"And you two are still.." 

"Yes." I nodded with a coy smile, avoiding their stares. "But I wanted to know.." I paused.

"Are you two really okay with Dakota and I?" The question seemed to have come to a shock to them as they both stayed silent for a moment, it was beginning to feel uncomfortable.

"We've talked about it and we've both agreed that as long as you're happy, we're happy." My father said, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Really?" I asked, turning to my mother, who nodded in response. My body filled with giddiness and I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs, professing my love for Dakota but I opted for a nod of my head and a thumbs up. "Great."

I knew that it wasn't the end of the battle that me and Dakota would have to fight. There'd be many but for now, I was happy to have won this one.

A/N The end is nigh! I keep saying that but there's so much more to be written for these two! I've enjoyed writing the lives of these two characters so much! Don't forget to vote, comment and tell me what you think!

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