Chapter Seventeen : Touch

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A/N This chapter is a little PG I'm afraid, a little warning. Also thank you for 800 reads!

My phone had been ringing off the hook all morning, but I rejected each one, knowing it was Dakota. He'd been calling since yesterday, and I didn't have the stomach to listen to his excuses. I was tired of trying to figure out what we were and I couldn't wait forever for Dakota to decide on what he wants us to be. After all, he was still with Eva, and I couldn't handle seeing that. It would stir up emotions that I didn't want to deal with.

By Friday, we will forget this ever happened and try to continue being friends. I chose to turn off my phone after what sounded like the thousandth ring and covered my head with my blankets, closing my eyes. I wanted nothing more than to hide from the world.

I managed to sleep almost half the day away as I peeked out from under the blankets, my eyes had still felt groggy, and I looked at the clock that sat on my nightstand.

Almost 5 o'clock. That's around the time..

I heard the doorbell ring and could hear my mom getting up to answer it.

"Luka! Dakota is here." She called from the front door.

"Let yourself in Hun, but he has a fever so you'll have to be careful." I could hear her say from my room.

"Yes Mrs.De Angelis." I could hear footsteps and the door knob rattle before it swung open.

"Hey." Dakota said, walking into my room without knocking. I sat up in bed but didn't say a word.

"Coach assigned you co-captain." He smiled, like everything was okay now. I scoffed

"That makes things better." I chuckled sarcastically.

"I'm sorry, okay. How many times do I have to say it?" He came over to my bed and sat on the edge of it.

"I broke up with Eva."

"Ask anyone."
"So what do you want?"

"I want.." He paused for a moment and grabbed my hand, grasping it. He looked into my eyes longingly with his dewy hazel pairs that I never noticed how mesmerizing could be. His exterior was solemn and made me anxious as I glanced at our hands.

"I want to be with you."

The words came out low, barely audible. For that second I couldn't hear anything, I could only see the opening and closing of his mouth that was perfectly shaped and rosy, forming the words that I read as clear as day.

"I don't know how or when it happened, but I like you Luka. I think I've liked you since we were kids."

I blinked rapidly with my mouth gaping open. Am I hearing this right? My body filled with emotions that were becoming familiar to me now. Warm, and a fuzzy tingling that made me do nothing except smile in return.

"Say something, please?" He chuckled nervously, still holding onto my hand, stroking it with the other. But I only continued to stare at him, dumbfounded at his words.

"Okay, don't say anything."

Dakota moved in closer to me, wrapping his hand around my neck and bringing my face to his. His pink rosy lips pressed against mine with closed eyes. I didn't hesitate when I grabbed his waist and pulled him towards me, sticking a hand up his shirt I began to roam his toned body.

Dakota breathlessly moaned into my ear, his voice husky and ragged. I could sense the yearning coming off of him. He pinned my down to the bed, climbing on top of me and he felt weightless. After sliding off his shirt I placed my hands on his hips as our mouths connected, I could feel the warmth of his tongue as it recoiled in and out of my mouth.

My breathing turned heavy and I could feel my pants getting tight with excitement with each dart of his tongue. And although we were only kissing, and touching my entire body was in euphoria. I dug my nails into Dakota's back as he began kissing the skin of my neck, breaking the skin with his teeth leaving behind tiny marks.

I sat up and Dakota helped slide off my shirt. I leaned over him this time, leaving behind a trail of kisses down from his jaw to his neck.

"Luka." He moaned as I started sucking the skin. He had his legs on each side of me.

Our bodies were close, and I could feel the warmth coming off of him. His grip around my waist became tighter.

"Luka, Dakota, I've made dinner." My mom knocked at the door, giving me a heart attack. I jumped off of Dakota and ran to the door before she could open it.

"Okay." I said, hoping to sound normal.


I couldn't say a word at dinner, slightly embarrassed about what we did in my room. I had hoped that my mom didn't hear anything. Was Dakota loud? Was I? Next time we're renting a hotel.

My mom decided to lay off on fawning all over Dakota, probably fearing that she wouldn't see him again. It had been some time since he was here, our friendship was on a roller coaster lately. I only prayed that Dakota really did break up with Eva this time, wouldn't it be considered cheating?

"How is your fever Hun?" My mom asked me, breaking the silence.

"My what?"
"Your fever? How is it?"
"Oh I feel, a bit hot."

"I'll have to run to the pharmacy later." She tutted.

I looked down at my plate and poked at my food. Thinking back, he already had cheated on her, with me.


"So I'll pick you up tomorrow?" Dakota asked climbing out my bedroom window.


"Alright." He said, his picture perfect smile making an appearance. He leaned in over the window and pressed his lips against mine. My lips lingered on his, wanting to pull him back inside to finish what my mom had interrupted.

"Bye." He waved walking away from me.

There he goes, I thought. Reeling me back in.

A/N I've added a cast and I know Froy doesn't have hazel eyes but lets pretend he does. Anyway, please vote and comment telling me what you think :) it motivates me a lot!

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