Chapter 20 : Nathaniel

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Hey, Readers!!! I've decided to make it up to you be uploading three chaptrs in a row!!!! Although it is hard to think up a chapter in the last minute, I tried my best!!! I still need comments on wether I should do a zombie apocolypse or a futuristic kind of thing for my next story!!! Anyhoo, heres Chapter 20, enjoy!!!!!!!! ><


I was kind of angry that Lucy would make me spend time with Fay, but I tried not to show it. After almost two hours of hearing Fay talking about how great her kingdom is, I decided to just block her out. All I could wonder is why Lucy is making me do this. Suddenly, Fay tapped my shoulder. "Did you hear me, Nathaniel?"

"Oh, um, sorry Princess Fay. I was just thinking about something." More like someone.

Fay groaned. "I was talking about your personal maid, Miss Lucy. I think you should fire her." 

I gave her a shocked look. "Why on earth should I fire her?"

"Because she's to..........relaxed. She acts so familliar to you, which is very odd indeed. Plus, she hums the most strangest songs, which creeps me out." Fay explained. 

My anger began to rise. "I dont think thats a very good reason to fire her. She's been of very good help to me."

"I also went into her room." Fay told me.

"You did what?!" I growled.

"I went inside her room while you and the three sisters took her to the infirmary. She has some strange things. I looked through this old photo album, and there were alot of pictures of her with a man." She told me.

That caught my attention. "What man?" 

"I dont know, but he was quite a dashing man. Spiky blonde hair, a tan like skin, and beautiful blue eyes. The most recent picture was yesterday, apparently. Do you think that he's her lover?" Fay wondered. Suddenly, my anger burned, but not for Fay. Was I just the other man to Lucy, another man she could just play with? Holding in my anger, I got up and walked away from Fay. "Where are you going?" Fay called out.

".....Just for a walk. Alone." I told her.

"Oh, then see you at dinner!"  Fay said. And with that, I stormed away. I was so angry, I swear I saw smoke arise from my skin. I ran to Lucy's room and busted the door open. I frantically searched through every part of the room, trashing it mostly, and finally found an old photo album. I opened it, and indeed found pictures of Lucy and a man similar to Fay's description in the album. But what caught my attention the most was the picture of Lucy andthe mystery man kissing. I looked at the bottom to see it was yesterday's date. I never knew I could be this angry. I could feel my heart being engulfed in anger. "What the hell happened!" I heard a shriek. I look to see Lucy and Adabel standing outside the room, Lucy looking shocked and Adabel looking worried. "Oh my." Adabel gasped.

"What in God's name do you think your doing!" Lucy shrieked. 

I walked up to her and slammed the album in her arms. "Do you think I enjoy being played with?" I asked her.

"What are you talking about?" She asked.

"Dont pretend like you dont know what I'm talking about!" I shouted. "I'm talking about you using my feelings!"

Lucy gave me a scared look. "Nathaniel, I really dont -"

"Do you think I enjoy being with your kind!!" I shouted.

Lucy suddenly went from scared to angry. "What do you mean my kind!"

"The kind that like to use men for their money!" I yelled.

"What makes you think I do that!" She yelled back.

"Because your a slut!" I yelled back.

Lucy's angry look went blank. Suddenly, tears started to stream down her face. "Can you please tell me what your talking about." She asked in a hushed tone.

"Look in the album." I ordered. She looked at me blankly and opened the album. Her eyes widened as she flipped the pages. But what caught her attention the most was the last page. "Now do you know what I'm talking about."

I could see her hands shaking, and then her whole body. "Are you an idiot." She murmured.

I looked at her with shock. "Excuse me!" Suddenly, she threw the album at me, hitting my nose exactly. "What the hell do you think your doing!?"

"This is not me! This is my mother and father!" Lucy screamed. Suddenly, my anger burned out. "This was taken when my mother was pregnant with me! Are you really that dense to think I was with another man?"

"Well, Fay said -" I explained.

"Now you start listening to Fay! She doesn't know anything about me! And apparently, neither do you!" She yelled, and then stormed out of the room. The room was filled with an awkward silence between Adabel and I.  I looked at her, and she gave me a surprised look. "Don't look at me! I just create love, not help it. I'm not your therapist." And with that, she skipped out of the room, leaving me with a bruised nose and a trashed bedroom.

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