Chapter 29 : Lucy

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Hey Readers! I might be able to write at least one or two chapters, but after that I probably won't be able to type for a week or two :'( I'll type as fast as I can so that I can update more chapters!!! Anyhoo, here's Chapter 29, ENJOY!!!!!! ><


After everything that happened today, I decided to rest a little. I layed down on the hard, cold cobble stone ground and stared at my ring finger. A sterling silver ring with dots of diamonds around it layed on my finger. Just looking at it made me giddy. I was engaged! What girl wouldn't be giddy! I giggled and wiggled around, obviously too excited.  I stood up and looked out my window. The sun was setting, and the battle was tomorrow. I frowned at the sky, wishing for it to just freeze. I remebered the vision I had a while back when I fainted. A crimson, my beloved in battle, and a silhouette of a man and a woman. I also remebered a woman whispereing, "I'm alive, ducky." That thought was still on my mind. Is my mother really alive? And if she was, what does it have to do with the up coming battle. Suddenly, I heard foot steps from down the hall. Just in case, I grabbed my bow and drew my arrow. "Who's there?" I asked, projecting my brave voice. The foot steps got closer and closer, and finally, it was Fay. I lowered my arrow, confused. Fay gave me and expressionless face. "Let me in." She told the guards. The obeyed and let her in my cell. I slowly backed up, being very cautious. Fay got closer, I backed up even more until my back hit the wall. She got so close that our faces were only two inches apart."Are you happy?" She asked.

"Huh?" I asked, not knowing what she was talking about.

"Don't act stupid!" She spatted. "Are you happy?" 

I was silent for a moment, so i just nodded.  Suddenly, she started to chuckle. The the chuckle grew to a laugh, a malicious laugh. Suddenly, she slapped me so hard, I swear she left a red mark on my right cheek. "Ow! Why'd you do that?" I asked her, wincing at the pain from my cheek.

"Do you really want to know! You ruined my life!" She yelled. She started to pull my hair, and I shrieked with pain. "Guards! Stop her!" I told them, but they just stood their, doing their job. Soon, she started to kick me as well. My legs started to ache and bruise. With no choice, I yelled a spell to stop her. "Striga!" Suddenly, she stopped. She froze in place, only her mouth able to move. "What did you do!" She screamed.

"Vade!" I chanted, and her body began to move again. "Are you an idiot!" I yelled.

"Who are you calling an idiot! I'm a princess!" She yelled back.

"I'm about to fight to the death! And look what you did to me! A bruised leg, scratches on my face! Do you really want to die!" I screamed. She stood their silently, staring into my angry eyes. She looked down and her eyes went wide. At first, I didn't know what she was looking at, but then I matched her eyes to the object she was looking at.  My engagement ring. "W-what is that?" She asked.

"It's none of your concern." I told her.

"Just tell me what it is!" She screamed. I just stood their, surprised by her screaming. I was silent for a moment, but I thought that she deserved to know, since she's Nathaniel's ex. "My enagement ring." I said silently. She looked at me, shocked and speechless. I know that she wanted to slap me, to punch me, to kill me. It was all the emotions in her eyes. But instead of doing all that, she just stormed off, leaving an aura of anger in the room. I slid down the wall, sighing in relief. "Sana" I whispered. I was able to heal the bruising on my legs and the scratches onmy face in a matter of minutes. I sighed, wishing that I was out of this cell and walk through the Royal Garden. I started to play with my engagement ring, and suddenly, a thought popped in my head. If I marry Nathaniel, does that mean I'll become queen of Acelin? That thought made me start to hyperventilate a little. I decided to wait until the moment comes and dozed off into a deep slumber.

When I woke up, I saw Nathaniel face an inch away from mine. I quickly sat up, my heart beating so fast, gasping from surprise. "Woah, are you okay?" Nathaniel asked.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine. Just surprised." I assured him. I looked outside, and I saw the the dark sky and the full moon shining bright. "What time is it?" I asked him.

"A little past one." He told me.

"I've been asleep for seven hours!" I exclaimed.

"Seems like it." He told me. He grabbed a bowl filled with fruit and handed it to me. "You need the energy." 

"Thanks." I told him, taking a bite of a fuzzy peach. Nathaniel was staring at me with his beautiful eyes, which were distracting me from eating. "Why are you staring?" I asked him.

"Am I not allowed to?" He pouted. I laughed so hard, I allmost choked on my chewed up peach. Nathaniel started to laugh as well. When our laughing died down, I thought about the battle that would be today. "This will probably be our last happy moment together before the battle starts." I told him. His smile turned grim. I lied down on the ground and sighed. Nathaniel lied down next to me, and I scooted next to him close to his body.  "I'm scared." I whispered.

"Me too." He whispered back. He kissed my forehead, making me blush. Nathaniel chuckled. "Aren't you my fiancè?" He asked. "I'd thought that you would be over the whole blushing thing."

"It's still embarrasing." I explained.

"Well then, this will be more embarrasing." He whispered. His face leaned into mine, and our lips met, sending off sparks of lightinig. The little kiss turned passionate, and Nathaniel started to squeeze me tight. I probably only had two seconds to breathe within each kiss, which was alright with me. I wanted this to last forever. Suddenly, I heard the sound heels from down the hall. I pushed Nathaniel away. "Do you hear that?" I whispered.

Nathaniel was silent for a minute, trying to hear the sound of the heels. Finally, his eyes widened with surprise. "Yeah, I do." He whispered back.

 We both sat up straight, trying to listen to the sound of heels. "May be its your mother? Or Fay?" I guessed.

"Their fast asleep." Nathaniel told me. Suddenly, the sound of heels disappeared, and everything was silent once again. "Maybe it was just a maid?" I guessed.

"Maids are forbidden to go here." Nathaniel told me. Suddenly, tine metalic balls are thrown threw the cell. I stared at them with confusion. "What are these things?" I wondered. I was about to touch them, when all of a sudden, Nathaniel yells, "Don't touch them!" But it was too late. My hand touched the balls, and they started to light up. "What the?" I gasped. Suddenly, the balls started to inject a mysterious gas into the cell. "Don't breathe in the gas!" Nathaniel warned, covering his nose and mouthe with his hankerchief. I held in my breathe, but I didn't know how long I could last. All of a sudden, Nathaniel hands me his hankerchief, plus his jacket. "What are you doing!" I exclaimed. 

"Protecting you!" He yelled.

'We don't know what's in this gas! It could kill you!" I screamed, my eyes filled with tears.

"I don't care. As long as your safe, I don't care what happens to me." He assured me, flashing his kind smile.

Tears started to stream down my face. "Please don't do this." I begged. Suddenly, Nathaniel's body started to sway back and forth. "Nathaniel!" I screamed. Just before he fell backwords, I caught him. His eyes were still open, and he smiled at my face. He wiped the tears from my face, and I suddenly caught a tear streaming down his face. Soon, his eyes began to flutter, and they were shut. "Nathaniel!" I screamed. I removed the hankerchief from my face and cried my eyes out. Suddenly, just before I was about to never see the light again, I saw a shadow in front of me. It was a sihlouette of a woman, who just chukled. "" I gasped. I fell to the ground, and the last thing I hear was a woman's malicious laugh.

My head was dizzy, almost throbbing. I slowly opened my eyes, and I found myself chained to a wall. I'm alive?! I looked around to find Nathaniel, but he was no where in sight. I wasn't even in the cell that was provided for me. Instead, I saw a room filled with bones. Besides the skulls, the room sort of looked nice. A purple clean (sort of) rug, black curtains, a diamond chandalier,  and a green wall paper. But what really looked weird was the giant black cauldron in the center of the room I didn't know wher I was, but I definetley didn't wanna stay. "Nathaniel!" I called out. "Nathaniel!"

"He's not here." Said a female voice.

I looked around, still not seeing anyone in sight. "Who are you?!" I screamed. "Show me your face!"

"My, aren't you a disobediant child." The female's voice snickered.

"Just show me your face and tell me where I am!" I screamed.

"Fine, fine. If that's what you want." The female's voice sighed. Finally, I saw a woman appear from behind the curtain, but what I saw didn't make any sense. I saw a pale woman, probably as pale as me. She had long blonde hair that went to the floor, amost like Rapunzel. She wore a long black dress that had long sleeves and revealed most of her breasts. Her blue eyes were staring at mine, and her smile was a seductive smile. "Hello, darling." She said with a smile.

At first, I couldn't speak. But when I was able to speak, only one word was able to come out of my quivering mouth. "Mother?"

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