Chapter 31 : Lucy

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Hey Readers! I know the last chapter was short, but I really didn't know how to leave off from the chapter before it! :P Anyhoo, Here's Chapter 31, Enjoy!


I stared at my dead mother in the eye, stunned at her appearence. This couldn't have been my mother. My mother was pure. My mother would always wear her hair in a bun and would wear a white gown, like an angel. This person looked like a seductress. "Is it really you, mother?" I asked, tears coming out of my eyes.

"Yes, dear. It's me." My mother said with a smile. 

"How? I thought that you were -?" 

"Dead? Oh heavens no, I'm perfectly alive." Her mother said.

Suddenly, my happiness turned into anger. "Where have you been these last seven years!" I yelled. "Did you not love William and I?"

"I wanted to be by your side, Ducky. But I had to wait until your magic matured." My mother explained. She walked towards me and stroked my face. "You've grown so much.." She whispered. I wanted to embrace my mother with a giant hug, but then I remembered that I was chained to the wall. "Um, mother. Why am I chained to the wall?" I asked.

My mother's face grew grim. She stepped away from me and looked away. "Lucy, do you want to be with me?" She asked me.

"Of course! Both William and I want to so bad!" I said eargerly.

"Then join me." She said, reaching out her hand. Suddenly, the chains evaporated, disapperaing from my hand. "Join you where?" I asked.

"With the dark forces." She told me. I looked at her, confused at first. But that's when it hit me : my mother was working with the dark figure. My eyes grew wide with surprise. "Y-your working with the dark figure?" I asked, not wanting to believe it.

"I always have, every since I married your father. Or should I call him your fool of a father." My mother scoffed. My eyes grew wide with anger. "He's my father! Your husband! How could you talk about the deceased like that?"

"Because I'm the one that made me deceased." She said darkly. I could feel my tension spand snap after she said thos words. "You what?" I dared to asked.

She looked at me with annoyance. "Don't make me look like the bad guy." She whined. "I only killed him because he found out my true identity. I hid his body in the underworld." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My mother killed my own father? I could feel reality slipping away from my fingers. "How could you!" I screamed. I got up and pushed my mother. My mother looked flabbergasted. "What in the world are you doing? You should respect your mother!" She yelled.

"Your not my mother." I growled. My mother looked at me for a minute, and then her face turned dark. "You wan't me to play the bad guy? Sure, I'll be the bad guy." She grabbed her daggers from her waist and threw them at me. I dodged them with no problem. My mother closed her eyes and started to chant a spell. "Madilim na anino!" Suddenly, black shadows arose from her hands and launched themselves at me. "Protectionis!" I yelled. A giant shield appeared in front of me and blocked out the shadow forces. "I see you've been taught well." My mother complimented.

"No thanks to you." I hissed. "Fulgur percutite!" By the raise of one hand, lightning zapped out of my finger tips and headed straight for mother. Before my mother could move, it zapped her. She shrieked in pain, and fell to the ground. Smoke was flying out of her, proving that my spell was effective. "Who knew that my own daughter would zap me with lightning." She chuckled.

"I am not your daughter!" I screamed. "Spirituum, impetum!" White cirlces appeared on the ground, and white spirits arose and began to attack my mother. She dodged them with ease. Suddenly, I felt sudden pain in my head. I winced in pain, and my mother laughed. "Is my baby feeling pain all of a sudden?" She snickered. "It's because your not meant to be in this world. Because I'm your mother, I'll let you go. For now."  I tried to glare at her, my my headache got worse and worse by the minute. "Bumalik sa lugar kung saan kayo kapag aari." She whispered. Suddenly, wind started to pick  up. It started to circle around me, getting faster and faster. "Good bye, Ducky." I heard my mother said. Soon, I lost sight of her. Everything is dark for a brief moment. Then suddenly, I was back at the Royal Infermary. The sun light was seeping through the window, blinding me for a moment. Finally, I found Nathaniel on the bed, resting. I sighed in relief, joyful that Nathaniel wasn't dead. I quietly tried to get up, but I accidently bumped into a table, knocking over the vase. Nathaniel suddenly shot out of his bed and pointed his wand at me. I looked at him, surprised for the moment. When Nathaniel recognized me, he lowered his wand and relaxed his face. Suddenly, he ran out of bed and hugged me really tight, almost not being able to breathe. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He whispered.

"Shh. It's okay." I assured him.

"But I couldn't protect you." He said, sounding like he made the worst mistake of his life.

"Shh." I hushed. Our faces werre soon an inch apart, and Nathaniel gently kissed me. I kissed him back, missing his kiss, his touch, the rush. Suddenly, the door flew open, and I saw William, his eyes puffy and red. "Lucy!" William exclaimed.

"William." I ran up to him and huggeed him tightly. 

"I thought I lost you." He whispered.

"It's okay, I'm here. I'm here." I comforted. Tears started to flow down my face. He looked up at me, and suddenly , mother's face popped in my head. "Um..William. Since today is the battle, I'm sending you to Annette's house, okay." 

"Will you come back?" He asked.

"I promise." I told him. He nodded, and one of the maids came to send him away, leaving just me and Nathaniel. "I think I know how to find out who's this dark figure."

"What? How?" He asked me.

" Thanks to my so called 'mother.'" I told him.

"You saw your mothr?!" Nathaniel gasped.

"But she's different. She's on the dark side, Nathaniel. She kill my father." I said silently. Nathaniel looked at me with surprise. I could feel tears coming down my face, and Nathaniel pulled me towards him. "It's okay." He told me. I nodded, trying not to get too emotional. "Let's go find out who this mystery man is." Nathaniel said.

We walked through the halls of the palace, waiting for me to feel that shivering feel I had felt with my mother. I saw Alice flying through the halls. "Alice!" I called out.

"Lucy!" She called out with a smile. 

"Lucy can find out who the dark figure is. Please inform that to the Fate Sisters." Nathaniel said. Alice nodded and flew away. As we kept walking around, we also saw Fay, who noticed us right away.

"You!" She called out.

"Not the time, Fay." I told her.

"Who said you can say my name casually!" She shrieked. But we all just ignored and kept on walking. Suddenly, I felt the shivering feeling. "This way!" I told him. I started running toward that shivering feeling. Suddenly, we bumped into Dameon, who fell to the ground. "Lucy?"

"So it was you!" Nathaniel growled. Nathaniel grabbed him by the collar. "I'll kill you!"

"Nathaniel! It's not him!" I told him. Nathaniel looked at me like it was unblievable, but he dropped Dameon, and he ran away. "Wimp." Nathaniel said to himself.

"Just come on!" I told him. The feeling was getting stronger and stronger. The feeling led us to the Royal Garden, at the pond. We saw somebody by the pond, and that somebody was the dark figure. As we got closer, I figured out who it was. 


"Hey, Phillip! Have you see anyone suspicious?" Nathaniel asked, not getting the what had just happened.

"Nathaniel..." I said softly. Phillip said nothing and let his head hang low. "Hello? Phillip?" Nathaniel called out.

"Nathaniel...It's him." I told him.

"What are you -?" Nathaniel asked, but then it hit him. His face got pale as he figured out the situation. "Phillip?" 

All of a sudden, Phillip started to chuckle. That chuckle turned into a laugh. An evil, malicious laugh. "You've finally figured it out." He said, his eyes black with evil.

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