Chapter 33 : Lucy

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Hey, Readers! when I woke upthis morning, I saw that the viewer number went up over 50 viewers, I was like :D! I didnt know the chapter was that good! Anyways, Here's Chapter 33, ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!! >.<


I don't know how it happened, but I was taken from the Royal Garden to a giant field that was probably miles away from the castle. I could see the town over a large hill, and that made me worry about William and Annette.  It was only Cassandra and I. "Are you sure you want to do this, honey? Why don't you just join me, just so that  blood wont be spilt." Cassandra pouted.

"Join the woman that killed my father? I don't think so." I hissed.

Cassandra sighed. "Fine. If thats how you want it." She took out her silver and purple wand and pointed it at me. "Anino gumulantang!" She shouted. Black cirlcles surrounded me, and shadadows popped out and began to choke me. I gasped for air, but no air entered my lungs. "Circumcurrens lux!" I gasped. Light began to appear from my body, and the shadows shrieked and disappeared. I gasped and gasped for air. I quickly grabbed my bow and an arrow and shouted, "Sanctus ignis!" When I shot my arrow, a white fire began to surround the tip of the arrow. Cassandra tried to dodge it, but when the arrow it the ground, the fire surrounded her, sucking her up in the flames. "Mawala!" She shrieked. Suddenly, the white fire turned black and vanished in thin air. When I was able to see Cassandra, her dress was torn and her skin was red with burns. She looked at me with anger. "You little brat!" She screamed.  She ran up to me and started to choke me, making me gasp. "I should've killed you when I had the chance!" She screamed. Hearing those words made my heart ache. My own mother really wanted me dead. But I had to put that behind me. She wasn't my mother. At least, not anymore.I quickly grabbed her neck and started to choke her as well. She released her hands from my neck and tried to claw my hands off. "Oh no you dont!" I grunted. "Congelato divus!"  I blew on Cassandra's face, and her face  began to freeze. Soon, it spread all over her body, and she was motionless.  I thought it was over, but I realized that it was too easy for it to be over. Suddenly, the ice began to shake, and it soon broke into many pieces. Cassandra no longer looked like an angel, but the complete opposite. "Kamatayan engkanto!" Suddenly, black dots began to fall from the sky. My skin began to burn, and I screamed in agony. "Aah!" I screamed.

"Not so fun, isn't it." Cassandra jeered. She pointed her wand at me and screamed  "Tama ng kidlat!"  Suddenly, not one, not two, but three strips of lightning attacked me. I screamed in pain. I could hear Cassandra laugh a malicious laugh. I fell to the ground and just layed there motionless. I didn't know what to do. I was weak, and I've known that since the beginning. I jus wanted to die on this battle field and end it all. Suddenly, I heard a cry. " Don't give up!" I turned around to see Alice flying over to my side. "Alice..." I said weakly.

"What's this? A fairy? How's that gonna help you?" Cassandra snickered.

"Oh, you just messed with the wrong fairy!" Alice cried. She took out a bag from her pocket, and it turned out to be the bag of candy Borna had given her. She took out a piece of what look liked a piece of perperment and threw it in her mouth. Suddenly, she began to glow brightly, so bright that my eyes couldn't adjust to it.  I could hear Cassandra scream in terror. Finally, when the lights dimmed down, I could see Alice, and I looked in awe. Alice, the tiny fairy , was now what looked like a beautiful angel. Her wings were now as white as clouds, her sking was now a beautiful cream color, her hair long and blonde, and she now wore a beautiful white gown. I was speechless. Alice must've noticed, because when she laughed when she saw my face. "It's like the next stage to a fairy. But only certin fairies can achieve it."

"An angel! They should be extinct!" Cassandra shrieked.

"Not anymore." Alice said. She closed her eyes and placed her arms. "Oh Sancta Mater, commodo verificare hoc tenebroso mulier et dimittet eam ad tenebras infra." She chanted. Suddenly, a million white swords appeared and striked at Cassandra. She tried to dodge them all, but it was impossible. Suddenly, Alice cried, "Lucy! The red liquid!" At first, I didn't know what she was talking about. But then, I felt something in the pocket of my dress. I grabbed it and found the bottle of the powerful liquid Borna was talking about. I looked around the grass and found my bag that had my bow and arrows, three feet away. I slowly tried to crawl to it, despite all the pain I was feeling.  I finally reached it and spilled all the liquid all over the arrows. The arrows began to glow red, and I could sense all the power regenerating. I slowly stood up and drew on arrow. "Manes, impetum!"  When I shot my arrow, A gigantic bright light appeared instantly. I could see golden orbs, the dead spirits of children, surrounding it, giving it even more power. This was a shot my mother couldn't dodge nor block.Once the arrow made contact with Cassandra, there was a giant explosion. I could hear Cassandra shriek with pain and suffering. Once the light dimmed down, I adjusted my eyes. I saw a huge crater on the earth, a crater that was as big as a town. I slowly walked toward the crater and saw Cassandra laying there motionless, her eyes wide open. "Is she....dead?" I asked Alice. Alice flew over to Cassandra and felt her pulse. Alice shook her head. "She's dead." I should've been relieved and happy, but I felt tears coming down my face. I wasn't joyfull, but the complete opposite. "Why....?" I asked her body. "Why couldn't you have been our same mother!" I fell to the ground and cried out all my tears. Alice flew to my side and comforted me. "It's alright." She whispered. I sniffed a  little and cried softly. Suddenly, I realized what I was doing and snapped back to reality. "I have to be by Nathaniel's side." I told her. 

Alice nodded. "I can take you there in a snap." She closed her eyes and folded her hands together. "Transportantes." She whispered. Suddenly, a giant gust of wind appeared from no where and lifted us off the ground. We were suddenly flying through the skys. If we weren't in the middle of a battle to the death, I would've actually been smiling and having a good time. But sadly, we are in the middle of a battle to the death. Suddenly, I catch two figures on the earth, colliding with eachother every ten seconds. "Nathaniel!" I screamed.

The figure looked up, and thats when I saw his face. "Lucy!"  What I saw looked vaguely familiar. Nathaniel's head was seeping with blood. The moon was now a crimson eclipse. And the palace was now on fire, and I could hear the screams of many people. Where have I seen this before? Then, it hit me. This was the vision I had when I was first sent to the infirmary. It was all coming true. "Alice, take me down there!" I ordered. She nodded and lowered her hands, and were suddenly lowered to the ground. "Lucy! Get back!" Nathaniel called out.

"No! Never!" I shrieked. I grabbed and arrow and shot it at Madilim. The same thing that happened on Cassandra happened to Madilim. I could hear him scream in terror as a giant light explosion was put upon him. I shielded my eyes from the light. After the light dimmed down, it was silent. I turned around and saw a giant crater in the ground. "Is....he dead?" I asked.

"He's not moving." Nathaniel said silently. He turned around and looked at me. Tears started to stream down my face, and I ran towards him. I jumped into his arms and cry out, "It's finally over."

"I know." Nathaniel hushed. "I know." While we were sharing this touching moment, something still didn't seem right. I felt like something, or someone, was hiding. And that's when I saw it. Behind Nathaniel, Madilim was standing up, very weak and very beaten up. He was breathing heavily, looking at Nathaniel with death eyes. "Kamatayan Pintuan!" He yelled.

"No!" I shrieked. Black rays spilled out of his wand was heading straight for Nathaniel. I quickly pushed Nathaniel away and was hit by his spell. "Lucy!" I could hear Nathaniel cry. I turn to look at him, seeing tears streaming down his face. "I...Love....You." I said weakly. His face turned pale and he started running towards me. I don't know what happened after that, because soon enough, I feel to the ground. All I could see was black. I couldn't hear anything. I wasn't even breathing. Finally, I realized what had just happened to me. I was killed.

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