Ch. 17: Bad Blood

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In the Human realm, Luz was in the woods, punching trees... like one does.

Punching and destroying them, taking out whole chunks with each punch.

None of them fell over as Luz's plant magic repaired them as quick as she destroyed them.

She was mad, she was FURIOUS! Not just at herself but at the gal of her second mother! How could Eda do this to them?!

The more she thought about it, the more enraged she got.

"RAAAH!" Luz screamed as she slammed her head against the tree, fulling knocking it over.

She was breathing heavily when someone walked up next to her.

"You done?" Tracey asked, spinning her staff and lifted the tree back up with plant magic to heal it.

"Huh! Huh! Maybe! Huh! Huh! What's your point?" Luz asked, breathing heavily from her rampage.

"This does nothing but kill innocent trees. Evens if you do heal them a bit, the pain remains." Tracey said, scolding Luz.

"If you're here to give me a lecture, you can head home." Luz said, rolling her eyes.

"Not a lecture, but a bit of an insight." Tracey said, "Yeah, you're mad, but this won't solve anything. You've done this with fuck all before, now you have some unlimited amount of Titan's Blood and suddenly it's impossible?"

"You don't get it, it's not just that, it's the betrayal I feel!" Luz said, stomping and making a small tremor. "Someone I considered family just threw me to the side to what? Protect me? What about the world I care about!?"

"You don't think they care about that world too or I don't!? No, they do and I do, but that works was only possible thanks to the blood running through your body and the bodies of your friends." Tracey said, pointing at Luz with her staff. "What do you think would happen to that world if someone sinister got their hands on that blood?"

Luz tried to speak but Tracey pushed the staff against her chin to shut her up.

"It would be disastrous." Tracey said, "Remember what you told me about the Collector? You're lucky he was a kid, otherwise there may not be a Boiling Isles. Imagine what happens if the archivist show up, do you think you could stop them?"

Luz growled as she pushed the goose staff away.

"Like you understand what's going on." Luz said, "You don't know what it's like being away from the home you love."

"Look at me." Tracey pointed at her face, her scars, "I had my entire life planned, but when this happened, my life was over, no one wanted to see a cheerleader that looks like she lost a fight to an out of control blender. I loved what I did, I love cheerleading, but that ended because of being possessed. So yeah, I do know what it's like to be away from the place I love... but I found another place, other people, people that didn't need care about who I was before, who didn't care that I was a bully, that didn't care about my status... I have real friends now, I have my family again. So are you going to be hung up on a place you'll get back to, or are you going to accept that you have a place here as well."

"Maybe you forgot, but people here don't believe in us." Luz said, motioning between the two of them, "They don't believe in magic, in witches, they sure as hell don't believe in Titans."

"You'd be surprised." Tracey said, "People still talk about what happened that one day at school, people are far more open to it now... guess you've been so busy enjoying your magical life, you forgot what it's like to be human... it can be nice to not have expectations... you're not a god here, you're just Luz Noceda, local weirdo... and boy do I miss that."

Luz just stayed quiet.

"Now, if you are still angry..." Tracey said held her staff up, while pulling out a glyph with her free hand, "Why don't we get it out of you?"

"Out of me? Like what, you wanna fight?" Luz asked, arching a brow.

"Why not? I mean, even if our relationship has gotten better, we're still not exactly friends. Why not take this chance to get this bad blood out between us?" Tracey suggested.

"You against me? Please!" Luz said, rolling her eyes.

"What? Afraid I'll kick your furry ass?" Tracey mocked as Luz glared at her.

"I'm a God bitch. You can't handle me." Luz replied, her eyes flashing with magic.

"Wanna bet, fuzz ball?" Tracey said with a grin, activating the glyph and crumbling it before dropping it.

Tracey stepped on the glyph and her body began changing, her skin becoming bark, plants growing on her, and most importantly, she grew to a solid 9 feet tall.

Luz had to admit... she was impressed of what Tracey was able to do with a simple plant glyph.

"Damn....." Luz said, looking up to the plant giant Tracey.

"Still think I can't handle you, little girl?" Tracey asked, an echo in her voice.

Luz then snapped her fingers and was in her hybrid form.

"Easily." Luz said.

Tracey smirked as she created a giant version of her staff, Goose Willis, in her hands and prepared to swing!

"RAAAH!" She yelled.

"ROOOOOOAH!" Luz roared as she jumped at her.

The two girls clashed, their power creating a shockwave of energy that made the entire forest shake.

Shaking that could be felt for miles around, making everyone that didn't know about magic think it was some sort of Earthquake.

Those who did, however, could only have one question.

"Where is Luz/Tracey?" Vee and Masha asked.

While they were curious, It was safe to say that everyone else figured it out really quickly.

"Should we go-" Gus stopped when he felt the ground shake again! "Stop them!?"

"Nah... I think they need this." Masha said, shaking their head now that they think about it.

"But if their fight leaves the forest?" Willow asked.

"Then we'll cut in." Masha said, feeing their bat palisman some wood chips.

Back in the forest, the two were fighting with such ferocity.

Luz punched Tracey in the face before she was grabbed and thrown back, crashing against some trees!

"That all you got?!" Luz shouted before taking a deep breath! "WEEEH!"

Her Bi Blast fired at Tracey, who crossed her arms and took the brunt of the attack as she slowly slid back.

"You think that shit works on me?!" Tracey shouted before opening her mouth as charging up a green energy beam. "RAHHHH!"

The green beam of magic flew at Luz, knocking her back and crashing into some trees. Luz growled and ran at Tracey. Tracey stomped her feet on the ground, making her feet grow roots and keep her in the place.

Luz jumped up and punched Tracey in the chest, making her grunt but not fall as she grabbed the hybrid Titan!

"Gotcha!" Tracey said before tossing Luz up and knocking her away with Goose Willus!

"AAAAH!" Luz screamed before pulling out her wings, stopping mid air and flying.

"You know for a god, you really aren't good at this." Tracey said, mocking her.

"You think you can do better, you wannabe Gaia!?" Luz shouted as she flew towards Tracey with a fire glyph ready!

'Okay, this'll probably hurt.' Tracey thought as her face fell.

Luz created a giant fireball and slammed it into Tracey's face, making her scream in pain before she slapped Luz to the floor!

'I need to put it out!' Tracey thought before she used her giant hand to draw a new glyph in the dirt.

It was three ice glyphs in an outer circle and a fire glyph in a center circle, connected by three curved lines that swirl into the center.

'Wait, when did she learn that one?!' Luz thought as Tracey's push it!

The glyph glowed before a giant water geyser erupted, showing water over Tracey and the surrounding area.

"Aaaaaah." Tracey said in relief, smiling.

"When did you learn this glyph?!" Luz asked as she stood up.

"From Vee. I needed fresh water to water my garden and this glyph is GREAT for that." Tracey said as she felt her giant plant body getting stronger. "I should really thank you for your very magical blood."

"You won't be saying that for long." Luz said before using the invisibility glyph to vanish.

Tracey smirked, her feet were still rooted into the ground, so if Luz tried to come at her from the ground, she'd feel it, so she decided to see if something stuck out in the air.

'Let's see if this works.' Tracey thought as she extending some branches from her body.

Meanwhile, still invisible, Luz was carefully flying through the branches.

It wasn't easy with her wings, so Luz used the safety hover glyph to fly instead without making a sound.

'Alright, time to break out the weed killer.' Luz thought, now above Tracey as she held up her hand up and created an ice glyph. 'I'll see you when you grow back in the spring.'

Luz became visible again and slammed her glyph on Tracy's head, making her jolt in surprise as her giant plant body was being covered in ice!

'Shit! I have to get out!' Tracey thought.

She did something she very much did not want to do... she had done it before... and it was painful... but she had to do it. She broke off the unfrozen part of her body, letting the frozen part shatter, before regrowing the frozen part.

Which was her entire bottom half, from belly button to legs. And then regrowing herself from the stomach up.

"Holy shit!" Luz said in surprise.

"Yeah, that fucking hurts though!" Tracy shouted as she glared up to Luz. "And you should know what happens when I get mad."

Tracey slammed her arms into the ground, making large trees rise from the ground, all trying to grab Luz.

"OH SHIT!" Luz shouted before flying around with her wings to dodge.

Until one the trees grabbed her leg and slammed her into the ground.

"Ugh!" Luz groaned in pain as she was thrown into other trees, large rocks, and into Tracey's giant fist!

'Is she really trying to fucking kill me or is she just this pissed off?!' Luz thought before she stood up and made a spell circle.

"Okay, let's see if this works!" Luz said, pointing the spell circle at Tracey and trying to control her in her giant plant form.

Tracey suddenly stopped moving, having a glow around her as Luz's spell took effect.

"Son of a bitch!" Tracey curses, her body no longer under her control.

"The one issue about you turning into a plant, you become susceptible to plant magic as well." Luz said, "Now, why don't we just..."

Luz began to compress her spell, reducing the overgrown weed into a medium sized cube.

"Well, Tracey." Luz used the plant cube as a seat, sitting right on top of Tracey's head, "I really think I needed that."

"Get off!" Tracey said.

"Nope. This is payback for all the years of bullying before you found my magic." Luz said, changing back to human form.

Tracey groaned, stuck as a cube.

"You're lucky we're on better terms now." Tracey said.

"No, YOU'RE lucky that I'm merciful." Luz said smugly. "I am a magic goddess after all."

"Ugh, you don't have to be so smug about it....Dear god, how the roles have reversed, huh?" Tracey comments.

"Yep." Luz said, trying to hold in a chuckle, "So... how's life?"

"Oh, you know, just have a god sitting on my head." Tracey said, "Fuck... I hope no one comes by and sees us."

"Don't worry, what's the worst that could happen?" Luz asked.

"People ask you, who has been missing from town for years because she "moved away for college", why you're in what looks like a war zone in the woods sitting in a wooden cube." Tracey said, blankly. "And then why the cube is able to talk?"

"Okay, fair point." Luz said, standing up before picking Tracey up, "Come on, let's get Willow to fix you... because I actually didn't think I'd actually be able to cube you."

"WHAT!?" Tracey shouted in shock and horror.

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