Ch. 2: Playing Hooky

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The students left the school for the day, with Luz letting her wings out the second she was out the door.

"Finally, keeping these things in take a lot of energy." Luz said.

"You aren't the only one who knows that, you know." A voice said from behind Luz.

Luz turned and smiled.

"Hello, Beautiful." Luz said, taking Amity's hand, "Care for a flight?"

"Do you even need to ask?" Amity asked, her eyes changing to black and gold. "Let's Titan up."

The two went into their hybrid forms and let their wings stretch, before flying into the sky.

"So, anything exciting happen with you, honey bun?" Amity asked.

"Nope, just another boring day." Luz said, sighing. "Shame the cannibal club doesn't meet on Wednesdays."

"I still can't believe you joined the cannibal club." Amity said, shaking her head.

"Really? Because I can. Becoming a Titan REALLY expanded my culinary palate." Luz comments.

Amity thought back to when Luz first started changing and ate an entire raw chicken, bones and all, four years ago.

And it only got bigger from that, especially when she moved on to LIVE animals.

"Hey Amity, want to fly by the Owl House?" Luz asked.

"Sure, why not? Outside of it being your second home, you can see your second mom." Amity said with a grin.

The two flew to the Owl House, loving the sights. The town of Bonesborough had grown so much over the years, looking almost like a small city if Luz was to compared it to Gravesfield.

'Beautiful.' Luz thought, before smiling at Amity, 'But not as beautiful as you.'

Amity, over the years, has stopped wearing her cape when flying... she's learned that the hard way. The way to wind blew in Amity's fur made Luz see her as even more beautiful. After flying for a bit, they landed at the Owl House.

"Home sweet home!" Luz said, before looking at Amity. "Wonder if Cat's home yet."

Long story short, Cat moved into the owl house after Odalia's death and the confrontation with her family.

"Only one way to find out." Amity replied.

The two walked towards the door. Inside, was King, looking in a mirror.

"Uh, hi... dad... I... don't know if you're listening, but... oh this is stupid." King said, putting his head against the mirror. "How do I speak with him?"

Luz and Amity glanced at each other, feeling a bit bad for the now pre-teen Titan as he tried to contact his father in the "Realm In Between Realms."

Luz cleared her throat, making King jump a bit and see Luz and Amity in the mirror's reflection.

"Hey, buddy. Trying to talk to your dad?" Luz asked.

"What? Why... I... yeah." King said, kicking the ground, "Nothing I try works."

"I wish I could help, but he said that you have to find a way to connect to his spirit, it's apparently different for everyone." Luz said, walking up and kneeling next to him. "... I did it by dying, and I definitely don't want you to do that way."

"I know...but what about a NEAR death experience? Or a coma?" King asked.

"No." Luz and Amity said instantly.

"You'll find a way, I know you will... WITHOUT hurting yourself." Luz said.

The door suddenly opened and a very exhausted Cat walked in.

"Hey, Cat." Luz said, "Rough day at school?"

"I'm going to my room, unless it's about dinner, don't wake me." Cat said, "Remember, I just sharpened my hook."

"What if Skara calls in the crow?" Amity asked.

"Don't joke about that. My lightning queen only calls my scroll." Cat said, walking upstairs.

"What's her deal?" Amity asked.

"She's been pushing herself really hard lately, wanting to prove that she can still be a healer with only one arm." Luz said, "Plus, Skara not being here probably makes that more difficult."

"But they have their dream dates. And even before SHE happened, Cat was one of the best healers in Hexside. She still is, she doesn't need to push herself." Amity said.

"If you want to go tell that to her, be my guest." Luz said, "Just know that she will stab you."

"I can just turn into an abomination and let it go through me." Amity said, walking to the stairs.

"It's your funeral." Luz said.

Luz turned back to King, who was writing in a journal of some sort.

'That must be his diary or maybe something to do with trying to contact his dad.' Luz thought.

And speaking of parents...

"Hey, where's Eda?" Luz asked.

"Mom? She's out with Baba." King said, referring to Eda as his mother and Raine as his other parent.

"Oh, I see." Luz said, "Which means... they can't tell me no when I go catch dinner."

Once again, Luz's tastes grew beyond that of normal people or even normal demons as her favorite meals were mostly things she went and caught herself. Like a hunter in the wild.

"Oh boy. What will it be this time? Something from the forest or something from the sea?" King asked as he closed his book.

"Sea food and it will be FRESH!" Luz said, licking her lips.

Luz walked to the cliff and used her wings to glide to the water, but inside the house, Amity arrived at Cat's (Technically Skara's) room.

"Knock knock, I'm coming in." Amity said, knocking on the door.

"If you open that door, I'll hook you!" Cat said through the door.

"Cat, I'm a Titan, and more importantly, I'm your friend." Amity said, "There isn't much you can really do to stop me."

"You want to bet? I dare you to open that door." Cat said.

"Okay, I will." Amity said before she grabbed the door handle.

She opened the door, and caught Cat's hook.

'So she was serious.' Amity thought, seeing a strong wire attached to the hook as it lead all the way back to Cat in her bed.

"Seems like you upgraded your hook to be like a grappling hook." Amity said as she let go of the hook, letting it reel back to Cat's artificial arm.

"So what if I did." Cat said, twisting the hook a bit. "You never know when you need to scale down a cliff."

"And how would you know when you need to?" Amity asked.

"Ambulance calls." Cat said.

'Right...' Amity thought before she cleared her throat.

"Cat, I'm your friend, so let me be the first to tell you... stop pushing yourself so hard." Amity said, "You've already proven that you're the best Healer on the Isles. Hell, Hettie Cutburn said that herself!"

"I know that! But that doesn't change anything!" Cat said, looking at the wall.

"Why? Is it because of your birth family? You don't need to impress them when you have a new, better family." Amity said, walking to her bed and sitting beside Cat. "Cat, you are incredible, not just as a healer, but as a person. You have been put through literal hell, and you still have shown that nothing will hold you back. You don't need to push yourself."

"You and the others have." Cat countered.

"We're gods, we haven't found our limits yet." Amity said, "Besides, what's there to push yourself for? It's not like there's a war about to happen."

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