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Chapter 24

'He that cannot forgive others breaks the bridge over which he himself must pass if he would ever reach heaven; for everyone has need to be forgiven. Inner peace can be reached only when we practice forgiveness. Forgiveness is letting go of the past, and is therefore the means for correcting our misperceptions, we win by tenderness. We conquer by forgiveness. Confront the dark parts of yourself, and work to banish them with illumination and forgiveness. Your willingness to wrestle with your demons will cause your angels to sing.

❤❤❤❤ THE ROSES ❤❤❤❤

That silent Lolly for a while before she burst out in anger.

"You will ask the school to expel me!" Lolly shrieked out in terror. "Your bride to be?"

"You heard me right Lolly, whatever or whoever I talk to is none of your business." Jason said.

"I demand an explanation right now Jason, why did you bring her here? I am supposed to be the only one you allowed here and no one else." Lolly bellowed in anger.

"There are no rules of such here and you weren't the one who built this school, and even if you did build it, you don't own me Lolly."

"Yes I do Jason, I own you and you know that."

For once, he didn't like the way his name sounded from Lolly.

"You don't know what you are talking about Lolly." Jason said and sighed out, getting up from his seat he went over to meet her, stopping in front of her. "Why did you even agreed to this arranged marriage in the first place knowing fully well I don't love you?"

"That's because I love you Jason and I will do everything to make you mine." Lolly said possessively as she closed the distance between them, she was reaching his shoulder height, though she wasn't short.

"What if tomorrow you met a guy who is your mate, and you are still engaged to me, what will you do?"

"I will leave him for you, you are all I need and want Jason, why are you so blind to see that?" Lolly said bringing one of her hands up and started caressing his face, the other one placed on his chest.

"This discussion is over Lolly." Jason said removing her fingers from his face and moving back gently, giving them enough space. "Get out."

Huffing out in anger. "This isn't over yet Jason, you will come to love me, I swear you will." With that Lolly walked out of the class.

Jason shook his head as he watched the retreating back of Lolly, he will have to ask his mother why she had asked him to get married to Lolly all of a sudden.

Thinking of his mother healing brought back Rae's memory to him.

He smiled.


School have closed as everyone made their way out of their classes.

Rae and Sarah were seen walking out of a class together.

"Do you think he will forgive him?" Sarah finds herself asking.

"Why won't he, once they are friends again, all the awkwardness in the air whenever they cross each other part will vanish." Rae said a little bit happy.

"Do you think Jorkallun still loves Lolly?" Sarah suddenly ask feeling sad. What if Jorkallun forgives Jason and Jason tells him to take back Lolly, what will she do?

What if he still loves Lolly? What if he was just talking to her because of Rae?

So many what if ran through her mind as she awaits her friend reply.

"I don't think so my friend, he doesn't love Lolly anymore." Rae said.

Feeling a little bit better by that information, "But how did you know he doesn't love Lolly? Do you now see into the heart of everyone?" Sarah asked smiling.

"No but I wish I did, there is one particular boy I would have tested it on." Rae replied thinking of Jason. "Anyway, he told me that himself."

"He told you that?" Sarah asked. "When was that?"

"When I wasn't in school for almost a week, he told what happened between them." Rae answered. "Why do I have this feeling that you have a crush on one of them?"

"Well to be sincere with you Rae, I do have a crush on one of them."

"Who can that be?" Rae asked hoping it wasn't Jason but Jorkallun, she doesn't want to have Sarah as one of her new enemies, but within her, she knows it was Jorkallun.

"It's a secret and we are being heard, don't worry you will get to know him soon."

"Okay if you say so, but I will advise you to open up your feelings to your crush, tell him how you feel, who knows, the gods might surprise you with his answers." Rae suggested to her, she has seen the look between them.

"I don't think he will return my love back." Sarah said sadly.

"You never know unless you try." Rae said as she touches her bracelet and a portal opened. "I can't wait for tomorrow to come." Rae added with a smile and enter the portal.

Sarah waved until the portal closes before running towards the direction of her house.

Maybe she could do what Rae had suggested. Telling Jorkallun of her crush she has for him for a long time.

She hopes it won't turn out badly.


Appearing in his room, Jason quickly took a shower and change his clothes he had worn to school. He went out to look for his mother. He first went to the throne room and saw only his father sitting down, thankfully, he was alone and was going through a scroll in his hands. Closing the large Oak door behind him, he went over to meet him, greeting his father, he quickly ask for his mother.

"She might be in the flower garden or in her chamber, I left her in her room some hours ago, though she told me she planned on visiting her garden since it's been long she step her foot there." King Roen replied his son. "I hope there is no problem? Or did something happen in school?"

"No father no problem, I just want to see her." Jason responded and turned to leave heading towards the door and was already opening it when he stops and turns his gaze back to his father who has been watching him also.


"Yes Jason."

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Yes son, go ahead and ask, that's what I am here for." King Roen reply.

"How do you feel whenever you're near your imprint (mate)?"

Surprised by that question, King Roen answered with a smile. "My wolf always goes crazy and would want to do things with her. Why are you asking?"

"Nothing, I just wanted to know. Father how do one even recognizes his or her mates?" Jason throws in another question.

"Well, your wolf will know. When you imprint on someone, you would do anything to be with that person The moment the shapeshifter sees the one they are destined to be with, they imprint. It is described as having every connection with everything else severed and instead being only connected to this earth for the other person. After that, nobody else matters because you are only there for your other half, your soul mate and sometimes you have a fantasy about him or her, they will be in your every thoughts." King Roen said with a smile remembering Rosa as he spoke.

It is now making sense to him, what if his wolf had recognized Rae as his mate? Was that why he was having trouble controlling his wolf and couldn't stop himself from having such wild fantasies about them?

He was going to find out if truly he was Rae's mate.

"Why are you asking me, did something happen?" King Roen voice brought him back to the present.

"No father, nothing happened, I just wanted to know more about wolves imprinting." Jason replied.

"Okay, I have even forgotten that the Priestess had said your kind doesn't have mates." King Roen said as he remembered the words of the Priestess.

"Everyone is blessed to have someone who connects with you in life father, and besides that, I don't believe a word coming out from her mouth." Jason said. "Thank you father for your information about imprints, it really cleared up some things." He added with a smile.

"Any time son." King Roen said, he was happy his son asked him.

Nodding his head, he left the throne room and went over to his mother chamber, he was told she wasn't in her chamber but in the garden.

He quickly left and went towards the direction of the garden. He met his mother there who was smiling as she walked from one flower to another watering them and whispering some kind words to them.

He coughs out a little bit to alert his presence which capture Rosa attention.

"Hello son." Rosa said dropping her water can she was holding on the ground, she opened her arms and without being told Jason walk right into her arms, embracing her, Jason was taller than her, he was just like his father.

She was the only one Jason had shown his soft side.

"How was school today?" Rosa asked as they dispatch themselves and she bend down to pick her water can and start watering the flowers again.

"It was fine mother." Jason answered. "Your love for this flowers is immeasurable."

"Yes son, I have missed it for so long." Rosa said and pointed at an orange Rose flower. "The orange Rose flower will soon blossom, for instance, it means chastity, purity, and loveliness."

Jason smiled and pluck out a white rose flower. "And what of this?"

"Red roses symbolize love and desire, but roses come in a variety of colors and each has their own meaning. For example, the white rose’s you are holding is for purity and innocence, reverence, a new beginning, a fresh start." Rosa said and pointed at a Red rose. "Red rose means love, I love you." Pointing at a more darkened Red rose. "Deep, dark crimson rose means mourning." And pointed at another one. "Pink rose means grace, happiness, gentleness." Pointing at another one. "Lavender rose means love at first sight. And finally, this one." Rosa said as she pointed at a yellow flower. "Yellow rose means joy, friendship, the promise of a new beginning. You must know all types of flowers and their meanings." Rosa finally concluded.

"Wow, I think I will need the yellow and red rose flowers tomorrow for School." Jason said as he remembered Rae's wishes. The yellow roses stands for friendship, he hopes Jorkallun forgives him and let them start afresh. And for the red rose, he was going to give Rae.

"No problem dear."

"Actually mother, I came here to ask you something."

"And what can that be my son?"

"It's about Lolly."

"What about her?"

"Since you wrote we should get married, I don't see myself falling in love with her. I have tried and tried, I only agreed to marry her because of you." Jason said stating out his reason for his coming.

"So what do you want me to do Jason?" Rosa asked waiting to her son answer, her son's answer will determine a lot.

"I don't love her mother, I want to settle down with someone I see myself and future in her eyes everyday. I don't know if it is possible for me to break off the engagement. I...I-i think I am in love with someone else and she might be my mate."

"You have a mate?" Rosa's eyes were filled with shocked when she asked.

"I said might mother, but all I know is that I am beginning to fall in love with her."

"But Tribrid don't have mates, that's what the Priestess told us." Rosa said, that was what the Priestess had told her and King Roen the very day Jason was born, unless she was lying.

"It still baffles me a lot that you still believe the words of Tamara." Jason said shaking his head. He doesn't trust that priestess one bit.

"Follow your heart Jason, if you don't want to end up with Lolly, then break off the engagement, after all I wasn't thinking straight that day I wrote it." Rosa said. Telling Jason to break up with Lolly might get him angry as she was afraid he might have fallen in love with her, but his answers proved otherwise.

"Thank you mother, you're really the best."

"So who is this girl that has stolen my son's heart? Do I know her?"

"You might know her mother. I can't really tell you who she is exactly because I don't even know if she would return my love."

"Who wouldn't love you Jason, ask her out, who knows if she has feelings for you and might be hiding it."

"Thank you mother, I can always count on you."


The portal opened and Rae stepped out of it, facing her grandmother who looks angry

"What is it granny?" Rae asked.

"You have a visitor who is waiting for you in the sitting room."

"A visitor? Who?" Rae asked surprised.

"A vampire." Lillian said. "You never told me you were friends with a vampire, not to talk about being friends with the Prince of Vampires." Lillian said accusedly. "I thought we never hide anything from each other."

"I don't know what you are talking about granny, I am not even friends with one." Rae said matching towards the sitting room.

She was very surprised to see the vampire she had fought some days ago. What was he doing here?

"What are you doing here vampire?" Rae asked. "This is not Kate's house."

"I came to see you to teach me how you fight, and I also know this isn't Kate's house." Dean responded.

"You're a Prince and you want me, an ordinary witch, to teach you how to fight? Are you fucking serious?"

"Yes I am serious."

"Sorry, I can't be your teacher, go and meet Kate, she is a very good teacher just like her mother."

"But I want you to teach me yourself not her."

"What's your name Vampire?"


"Dean, I am not in any mood to talk right now, you can come back again and try giving me your offer once again."

"Okay, I will come back next time Rae." Dean left smiling as Rae closes the door behind her to see her grandmother standing close to her with a questioning look.

"Explain young lady."

"Well he is my friend I helped sometime ago." Rae said.

"Tell that sorry excuse to the birds, tell me why would Darin son come here to look for you?"

Deciding to tell her the truth. "Remember that day I told you about seeing Mrs Ash daughter and a vampire kissing?" Lillian nodded her head for Rae to continue."Well, I kind of challenge him and force him to meet Mrs Ash."

"No wonder she paid for the magic potions I brought in the store today and even escorted me halfway home." Lillian said. "Alright young lady, go and change I made you your favorite."


Waking up the next morning, Rae quickly rushed to take her bath, and clip her hair in a ponytail, she quickly went down the stairs and ate her food quickly surprising Lillian.

"What's the occasion today Rae?"

"Nothing granny, just feel like going to school early today." Rae answered as the portal open, entering it. "Take care grandmother."


Ignoring the looks she was receiving as she made her way towards Jason's classroom, she couldn't wait to see white haired boy today.

Opening the door, though not entering the class, she wasn't surprised when she saw him, he was probably the first student to come to school early.

Getting up to his feet, walk towards her. He wanted to grab her and kissed her so hard that she forgets her name. He placed his hands inside the front pockets of his jeans when he stood in front of her. He doesn't want his hands to do otherwise.

"Are you ready?" Rae asked as she looked at him. She wants to throw herself to him and beg him to kiss.

"Yes, though I am very nervous." Jason confess.

Forcing herself to look away from his lips, she nodded her head. "It's okay to be nervous Jason, it happens to me a lot of time." Rae said smiling. "Let's go."

He excused himself and went back to his desk, beneath the desk were two color flowers, a red rose and yellow rose flowers.

He walked out of his class, closing the door behind him and turning to look at Rae who was staring at the roses in his hands.

All the students eyes were on them now.

"Who has these flowers? Lolly?" Rae asked trying to hide her jealousy as he gave her his charming smile that makes her heart beats faster.

She loves Jason.

"No, the yellow rose is for Jorkallun it signify friendship and the red rose is for you." Jason said and gave the red rose to Rae.

"What does the red rose signify?" Rae said and scented it, she loves roses.

"Something you're not ready to hear yet." Jason said, how could he tell her the red roses stands for 'I love you.' "Do you like the…..rose?"

"Yes, I love it, thank you."

"Can I be bringing you the red roses everyday?" Jason asked hopefully and he wasn't disappointed.

"I would love that." Rae said blushing a little bit. They stared into each other's eyes for some time.

"I think we should see Jorkallun right away, I am not that nervous again." Jason said breaking his eye contact with Rae.

"Yeah, let's go." Rae said, turning to go as she wants to place the rose flower in her hair but was stopped by Jason.

"Wait a minute." Jason said stopping Rae, he went to meet her, standing so very close.

Rae found herself staring at his chest which was very close to her face. She could smell the fragrance oozing out from him as she felt his hand on her hair losing the clip that holds her hair.

"Ponytail doesn't suit you at all Rae." She heard his voice whispering over her head, and felt her hair falling down passing her shoulder blade and stopping at her waist. Collecting the red rose from her, and he placed it near her ears. He didn't know when his hands found its way to her waist.

Moving a little bit back with his hands still on her waist, looking at her, now she looks better with her hair down then when it was in a ponytail. "Leaving your hair like this…..makes you more beautiful Rae." Jason said looking straight into her eyes as she did the same to him.

They were so lost into each other's eyes, ignoring the surprised looks they were giving them.

All the students eyes were on them, they were speechless by what they had just witnessed.

To Be continued.

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