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Chapter 32

'Happiness is holding someone in your arms and knowing you hold the whole world. Life is very interesting. In the end, some of your greatest pains become your greatest strengths, Romance is the icing, but love is the cake. About all you can do in life is be who you are. Some people will love you for you. Most will love you for what you can do for them, and some won't like you at all. Three life rules: 1. If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. 2. If you don’t ask, the answer will always be no. 3 If you don’t step forward, you will always be in the same place. When you walk to the edge of all the light you have and take that first step into the darkness of the unknown, you must believe that one of two things will happen. There will be something solid for you to stand upon or you will be taught to fly. 


Dean became scared when he saw Jason's eyeballs changing, he didn't know when he moved back, putting enough space between them, Dean looked at Jason and nodded his head. He knew he wasn't a match for Jason, so not to anger him further now that he was in his millennium wolf state, he agreed to do as he had ordered.

"Because you are the Millennium Wolf I will do as you have ordered." Dean said slowly as his eyes rested on Rae's.

Jason covered Rae with his body, standing right in her front. "You are talking to me not her, your eyes shouldn't be on my mate understood." Jason said with anger.

"Of course my Prince." Dean said and smiled diverting his eyes from Jason. "But that doesn't mean I will not come again."

"Are you daring me Dean?" Jason asked with venom as his large fangs in his mouth showed.

"No my Prince." Dean responded a little bit afraid.

"Good, now stay away from this house and my mate." Jason said.

"Just one question before I leave my Prince." Dean said.

"Which is?" Jason asked in clenched teeth.

"How can Rae be your mate when the priestess of the gods said you can't have a mate." Dean asked the question bugging him.

"It is none of your business Dean." Rae answered stepping out from Jason back and going to meet Dean. She stopped in front of him, "He is my mate Dean, and even if he wasn't destined to have a mate, then too bad because this wolf guy behind me, is who I have imprinted on." Rae said and patted Dean's head gently like a dog. "Go home now before what happened the last time happened again." She added with a smile.

"Does it mean I came too late? Why didn't you imprinted on me instead of Jason?" Dean asked in pain.

"It's who the gods chooses we imprint, beside you have Kate." Rae said.

"I have Kate yes, but I like you a lot." Dean confessed.

"But I don't even like you at all, I am only allowing this conversation because you are a Prince, now do what my soulmate told you to do, leave here at once." Rae said.

"I will be back for you Rae." With that Dean left in anger.

"Don't forget to greet your girlfriend for me when you see her." Rae shouted after the retreating back of Dean.

She turns to look at Jason. "And that's how you chase someone out of your house without a fight." She said going to meet him.

"He wants you Rae, I can see the desire in his eyes." Jason said still looking at the direction Dean had taken.

"And I want you Jason, and no one else." Rae said and pecked his kiss.

"Will I be insane if I say I want you only to myself." Jason said placing his two hands round Rae's waist and drawing her to him. "Though I don't get what you mean by 'what happened the last time to happen again', care to explain to me what you mean by that?" Jason asked.

"Well, I was coming back from a place and I met him kissing his girlfriend, and you know me, I poke my nose where it is none of my business. I asked him to follow me gently so that I can introduce him to his girlfriend's mother, he refused and I fought with him." Rae explained as she placed her hands at the neck of Jason.

"You fought with Dean?" Jason asked with wide eyes. "And you beat him?"

Dean of all people was beaten up by a girl, not just a girl, his mate. Jason was smiling.

"Well, not exactly in that way you put it because he wasn't down, he only stopped when he realized I wouldn't give up, so I guess you could call that fight a tie." Rae explained.

Nodding his head. "I understand, so can you beat up Jorkallun if I ask you too, please?" Jason asked hopefully. He can't wait to see if Rae could actually fight with Jorkallun as she did with Dean, although Dean own was very surprising.

"Not even a chance, why would you ask me to fight with Jorkallun? In case you don't know, he is my brother from another parents." Rae answered with a raised eyebrows.

"I was only joking." Jason said kissing her forehead and leaned down to kiss her lips when he heard a clearing throat behind them.

"We know what you want to say old woman." Jason said turning to face Lillian. The flower in his hands that Dean bought for his mate caught fire, burning, he threw it away without a second thought.

They entered the house before Lillian will say a word. He sat down on Rae's favorite seat and made Rae sits in his lap which she did without arguing.

"I can't believe a tribrid will have a mate." Lillian said still surprised. "Unless, Tamara is hiding something from us."

"I think so grandmother, something is fishy here." Rae said after her, agreeing with her.

"And what about you Jason, what do you think about what Tamara had said?" Lillian asked him.

"Right from the onset, I don't believe a word from that priestess, my wolf doesn't trust her neither do I, plus, I hate everything about her and wish her dead a thousand times." Jason said and quickly added when he saw the look Lillian had thrown at him. "Sorry for saying that, I forgot she is your sister, you asked for my opinion though."

"Grandma, I want to know why the rest of the Mer-folks were killed and Avonmora was frozen?" Rae asked.

"I don't know that answer child, only the gods can answer that."

"So Rae." Jason began stroking her black hair, "What business did you have with Dean?" He asked changing the topic.

"Jealousy will not kill you for me." Rae said laughing out. "First it was Jorkallun and now Dean?"

"Well you wouldn't blame when i have such a beautiful mate, I understand Jorkallun is now your brother, but Dean, what does he want from you anyway?" Jason asked.

"He want Rae to teach him how to fight." Lillian supplied the answer.

"What?" Jason was shocked.

"I was as shocked as you when I heard it from his mouth." Lillian said. "Now I know why he wants Rae to teach him how to fight."

"But, how can be asked you to teach him how to fight when we all were trained by one person, Jorkallun, Dean and I were trained specially, it still sounds strange." Jason said with thoughts.

"Let's forget about him and discuss about us." Rae said.

"Okay Rae, just wanna let you know that you have a nice ass." Jason said and dodged the fireball spell Lillian sent in his direction. "Hey old woman, won't I appreciate my mate ass again."

"That is it, get out of my house, right now." Lillian shouted and used her magic to levitate Rae out from the lap of Jason.

"You are just doing this because I do not have magic." Jason said and stood up to go, he quickly kissed Rae on her lips before dodging another fireball sent to his hair. "See you in school tomorrow Love." Jason said winking at his mate before he vanished.

"Granny, you can put me down now." Rae said and Lillian nodded her head and removed the spell holding Rae in the air. Rae fell down with a loud thud, not expecting it. "What was that for oh great and mighty grandmother? Do you want to break my waist?"

"That was for kissing Jason in my presence after my warnings." Lillian answered.

Getting up to her feet she sat down on the sit Jason had sat a few moments ago.

"So tell me how you and Jason became... whatever thing you both are, tell me." Lillian said with all her interest.

"Well it all started when I healed Queen Rosa, she was very sick and I healed her that night the King invited me to come." Rae said.

"Rosa was sick and none of us know? How? Why?" Lillian asked very surprised, this was the first time she is hearing it. "And you healed her?"

"The Priestess Aka your sister told the King not to reveal it to anyone." Rae answer. "Yes I healed the queen."

"Tamara asked Roen not to tell anyone even the Witches, this is totally unbelievable." Lillian said still not believing it.

"I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the queen laying helplessly on the bed, I saw myself healing her." Rae said.

"And Jason was there?"

"Yeah, he saw everything, he promised never to tell anyone, that was why I had fainted and he lied we were playing hide and seek game." Rae explained.

"I see, so how do you know you have the power of healing? I mean only mermaids are true healers back then before they were killed." Lillian said. "Any way, your mother was the strongest healer who took after her mother Selena." Lillian added.

Rae suddenly remembered that mermaid she met in the cave, the one who had told her with a sweet voice her name.

"Granny, please, I really need to go somewhere right now, I promise I will be more careful and will return before the sun sets." Rae said getting up to her feet going towards the front door..

"Where are you going?" Lillian asked surprised.

"Going to meet someone, the person who had told me to heal Queen Rosa, I will explain when I get back." With that Rae opened the front door and stepped out, closing the door behind her. She ran towards the direction of the mermaid Kingdom.

Hoping to see Selena, she has some questions that needs answers.


Lolly appeared and met the cave scattered, she saw her mother's face and knew all was not well.

"Mother, what happened?" Lolly asked softly.

"Jason ruined my plan, I would have gotten the answers I needed about Rae and used it against her if Jason hasn't turned up." Tamara explained.

"What about the bones, any hope yet?"

"Not really, I haven't set my eyes on Tharollin since he came here last. My master was here, he told me the gods are coming down to earth soon."

"Then we must do something quickly before they come." Lolly said.

"Yes, I am thinking very hard right now." Tamara said. "My master said he will have to kill Jason's father so that Tharollin can give him back his bones." She added.

"You know it's not possible, I don't want Roen to die, he is my beloved father, and killing him would make Jason hate you more and it will affect me a lot." Lolly said. "So I won't allow that to happen."

"I am in the middle of the sea now, I don't know which one of you I will follow."

"You will follow your daughter." Lolly said, her voice changing into a deep growl.

"Of course I will Lolly, I was just saying." Tamara said somehow afraid.

"We need to find that bones as soon as possible, and as for Killing Roen, tell your master, it is a no go area." Lolly said knowing fully well her mother won't say a word.

Tamara nodded her head. "I will try my best to convince him."

"Good mother." Lolly said smiling her voice coming back to normal. "Any way I came here for you to give me potion I put in my father's food, the one you gave me last, has finished." Lolly added.

Saying a spell, a tiny bag appeared in Tamara's palm which she gave to her daughter.

"I will think of a plan mother, and it will
involves Rae." Lolly said collecting the tiny bag from her mother.

"What kind of plan?" Tamara demanded.

"I don't know yet, but I am going to make Rae hate Jason first, before anything." Lolly said and disappeared.


The buzzing of sound interrupted the hot kissing session of Jorkallun and Sarah.

Jorkallun got up and walked over to the table to collect the mirror as at the same time, Sarah levitate the mirror to her.

"Oops, I have forgotten you can do that." Jorkallun said with a smile.

Returning his smile, she opened the cover, Sarah saw her mother.

"What happened, did you tell him or not?" Lydia demanded once she saw her daughter. She had thought something had happened.

"I told him everything mother and he is very okay with it, right Jorkallun." Sarah said as she swallowed the tiny ball which transformed her back to her human centaur self.

Jorkallun went over to meet her, you sat beside her and brought his face close to the mirror. "Your daughter is safe and her secret safe with me."

Lydia nodded her head and studied the red haired boy with her daughter. "That is very good of you son, so what kind of creature are you?" Lydia asked.

"He is a dragon mother, my Dragon." Sarah answered for Jorkallun.

"A dragon?" Lydia asked surprised. "I never picture a mermaid and a dragon together, it is very rare to see your kind and our kind together but if you dare break my daughter heart, I wouldn't mind you are a dragon, I will hunt you wherever you are and kill you, hope I am clear?" Lydia added with seriousness.

"Don't worry ma'am, I promise not to break your daughter heart, I love her with every fiber in my body and will want to be with her forever." Jorkallun said with the same seriousness.

"Good to hear that." Lydia said. "Your red color of hair means you are either a Prince or you are related to one."

"You are right mother, he is the Prince of the dragons." Sarah said smiling.

"No wonder." Lydia said studying the red hair before turning her gaze back to Sarah. "What's today news, you haven't updated me in two days now." Lydia asked.

"Forgive me mother, I haven't given you any news yet. I am always with Rae, I don't see any harm coming to her yet, and even if it does come, her boyfriend will protect her, including I and Jorkallun."

"Okay, keep an eye on Rae, so any news about my sister yet?" Lydia asked.

"No news about her mother, but I am trying to search for her and Jorkallun has promised me to ask his father since they both work together once before." Sarah said.

"Okay my dear, update once you have a news or something about Rae, take care." Lydia said and the mirror Sarah was holding turn back to a normal mirror.

"How would you know if Rae is in harm's way?" Jorkallun asked.

"I don't know, but I don't trust that priestess that is why I made this to follow her and hear her conversation." Sarah said and her eyes shone blue, the blue ball which had appeared after Tamara had disappeared to carry out her disguise plam, appear in her palm. "I will know what she is planning with this." Sarah added and hit the blue ball with force on the ground. It broke into two and a blue light shone from within and pointed on the wall where it showed Tamara, the water man and a man whose face wasn't capture.

Jorkallun and Sarah were silent as they listen to the entire conversation the three people seemed to be having.

The blue light on the wall faded when Tamara disappeared.

Jorkallun and Sarah both turned at the same time staring into each other's eyes.

"Who is Tharollin?" They both themselves asked at the same time.


Entering the main palace where the palace library was, Tharollin hid in a corner and took the form of a 10 year old little boy and quickly ran inside the building. He started going through the books, checking out the names and dates of each book section in the library.

He had hoped that Roen had written down in any of the books about where he had kept the rest of his demons.

He was so engrossed with searching for that particular kind of book that he didn't notice one of the wolves who was the librarian, coming in and saw a little child going through all the books in the library, scattering them. The wolf went out and came back with four guards.

"That's the street rat in the palace library." The librarian said pointing at the child.

His voice brought Tharollin back to his surroundings.

"How did you get in street rat?" One of the guards asked as he held the little boy in his ears.

Tharollin wanted to kill the guards especially that one holding his ear tightly, but couldn't, who knows how many werewolves are already out there. So he decided to go along and came up with some stupid lies.

"I jumped through the fence." He said hoping his little voice was filled with fear.

The one holding him in his ear pulled in off the ground as if he weighs nothing, still holding the ear.

"You're lying street brat."

He turned and came out of the library, he flings the little boy on the ground. The three guards followed him outside, the librarian started rearranging the books back.

Before his body would touch the ground, Jason caught him preventing the boy's head from hitting the cemented floor. He stood the boy up right as he bent down to his height.

"Are you okay?" Jason asked gently.

The boy nodded his head. "I am fine now." He answers and turn to look at the wolf who had thrown him to the ground and turned his gaze back to Jason.

"Paul, this is not how you treat people you meet, especially when they are children, this should not repeat itself again." Jason warned.

"But my pri-" the guard started to say but Jason cut him off.

"Leave before I do something drastic to you." He ordered.

The guard left quickly, Jason turned to look at the remaining three guards.

"And you three are here looking at the way he is treating the young child, get out of my sight this minute." Jason said narrowed eyes and the three guards ran away. "Three idiots."

"Thank you for saving my neck." The boy little voice brought back his attention and he glanced down to look at him.

Jason smiled at him. "You are welcome, so tell me how you entered the palace and what you are looking for in the library?" Jason asked.

"I jumped through the fence, I am looking for a book and since no Kingdom has it, I decided to trek down here to look for the book." The lies rolled out easily from Tharollin, the white haired boy seemed to have a strange aura surrounding him.

"What kind of book are you looking for?" Jason asked and starting walking towards the gate of the palace, the little boy following him.

"A book about demons." Tharollin said hopefully casting his luck of net.

"Demons, I don't really know anything about demons, but I will ask my father." Jason reply.

"You think he will answer you?"

"Why not." Jason said with a shrug shoulder. "Come tomorrow by this time and I will give you an answer." He added

"Okay I will come, can you try and ask him what happened to the demons that remained, I read in a book they went for war and the story ended there." Tharollin said hoping he wasn't pushing his luck so far.

"I will try to find out for you." Jason said as they reached the palace gate. He gestured with his head to the guards stationed there to open the gate for them.

"Thank you, can I be your friend?" Tharollin asked, if he agrees, he will have free access to the palace, it seemed the guards feared him. His father might be an important person in the Wolf Kingdom.

Bending to his level and looking at the black eyes staring back at him with interest. "We are friends already, don't forget to come tomorrow." Jason said softly.

"I won't forget." The little boy said with a smile and turned to leave, he was already outside the gate before Jason's voice stopped.

"I never get to catch your name my little friend."

"I am Tharo." Tharollin said. "And what about you, what's your name?"

"My name is Jason, see you tomorrow, my little friend." Jason  said and waved his palm before vanishing.

He didn't see the stunned look on the little boy face.

So, he has been talking to Roen son all these while?

Tharollin thought leaving the palace ground, once he was alone, he changed back to his real form and turned into his smoke going to the one place he would do anything to change the past, the Mermaid Kingdom.

To Be Continued
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