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Chapter 35

'But there's a story behind everything. How a picture got on a wall. How a scar got on your face. Sometimes the stories are simple, and sometimes they are hard and heartbreaking. But behind all your stories is always your mother's story, because hers is where yours begin. Stories are light. Light is precious in a world so dark. Begin at the beginning. Tell someone a story. Make some light. Stories you read when you're the right age never quite leave you. You may forget who wrote them or what the story was called. Sometimes you'll forget precisely what happened, but if a story touches you it will stay with you, haunting the places in your mind that you rarely ever visit. When we read a story, we inhabit it. The covers of the book are like a roof and four walls. What is to happen next will take place within the four walls of the story. And this is possible because the story's voice makes everything its own. There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.'


"Someone like me tried to break the vampire soul connection she had with her mate?" Dean queried and King Darin nodded his head. "Did the person succeed?" He asked wanting to know.

"Well if you listen to the story I am about to say, you will know if he succeeded or not." King Darin said and then continued. "Thousand years ago when the gods live on Earth with us, the gods gave us a prophecy that a Tribird would be born into one of the Royal's family. A tribrid is regarded as a saviour and is more powerful than any other supernaturals and god's put together. Every Royal family, wolves, Vampires, fairies etc, in fact every super creatures began to anxiously hoping and praying to the gods that the child should come to them. Hellhounds are like a demon, but in a dog form and their Queen gave birth to the Tribird. He was well respected and feared because of his three side creatures he has. He was a Hellhound, Fairy and finally an elve. When you are a Tribird, you don't have a mate unless you have the mercy of the gods. I think the gods decided to favour the hellhound and gave him a vampire mate who had her soul connection with him. Then a Davea creature by name, Paul, fell in love with the vampire (A Davea is a creature of shadow, a special type of demon)." King Darin paused and saw his son listening with rapt attention he continued his tale. "When his advances couldt be noticed by the vampire as she always ignored him, he opted for another means to break her soul connection she had with her mate. He went to seek for help from the druids kingdom, a powerful druid mad-." King Darin was cut off.

"Druids father? We have no druids, they don't exist." Dean interrupted his father.

"Actually, there was once a druid kingdom which was destroyed by the Tribird Hellhound, the druids history were closed, now let me finish the story." King Darin said. "Whoever Paul had met in the Druids kingdom broke the vampire soul connection the vampire had with her soulmate. What Paul didn't know was that, when a creature has his or her soul connection with their mates, and it got broken, they die a slow painful death, which the soul breaker didn't explain to Paul. The Tribird got to know what Paul did and that was when he destroyed the entire Druids kingdom and killed Paul. The Hellhound tried everything he can but he couldn't save his dying mate, the vampire died and since he was a Tribird he couldn't die. In his anger he chased the gods from earth and the gods ran made the sky their abode place. He started killing anyone who has seen his or her soulmate, in other words he became a beast, a terrifying beast that was out of control. Killing soulmates wasn't enough for him, so he started killing every creatures. Everyday we all lived with fear, praying that today shouldn't be our turn for his meal.

We buried our loved ones in tears and we became scared of finding our mates. I was young then, a young king, but would remember every detail vividly. The witches did their best to hold the Savage beast but all their spells weren't working on him, we used every weapon, every creatures on him, but none was his match. He was unstoppable and grew large in size. One thing about this beast, the more he devour people, the larger he becomes. We were running out of hope and had almost given up when Tamara came and told us she has a plan on how to defeat the Tribrid, we gave her a chance and truly, the beast stopped attacking us. We couldn't find the beast, It was as if it vanished into thin air and ever since then, we haven't seen or heard of the Hellhound beast. We asked Tamara what did she used to make the beast disappeared, she told us that it was her powers she used on the beast. The gods came down and thank Tamara for putting an end to the terror that was threatening the whole Supernaturals. We swore under an oath never to reveal it to anyone after that, the gods left since they had taken a liken to the sky where they reside, and later on Tamara was given the title of the priestess, that is why she is being respected till date because she dealt with the beast. We covered that history up and when Roen was given the prophecy that he would be the one to give birth to a Tribird, we promised ourselves never to allow what happened before, repeat itself again. Now Jason isn't only a Tribird but he will be the one to sacrifice the last mermaid and close the Gate of Darkness forever. Dean, do not allow what happened before happen again if you value the life of your people and yours." King Darin ended his story with warning. "I am not in support of whatever decision you want to take, the gods knows I am not supporting you." He concluded.

"This is so deep, so if I didn't tell you I want to break the witch connection Rae had with Jason, you wouldn't have bothered to tell me this story, right?" Dean asked.

Nodding his head to his question. "Yes, I told you we were under an oath never to reveal what had happened to the first Tribird or we even had a Tribird before. They are evil Dean, do not annoyed one. Since Jason has claimed Rae as his and she also has a witch connection with him, you don't stand a chance. What the Hellhound did to the Davea creature that had broken the soul connection can't be explained, and as far as it is Jason, he would do worse than that son. So for your own good, leave them alone and the gods will one day give you your own soulmate." King Darin explained to his son.

Getting up to his feet, "I have heard you father, I will think about what you told me." Dean said staring at his father. "I am taking my leave now father." With that he left his father.

"The gods knows I have tried my best, it is now left for him to decide which path to take." King Darin said to himself.


"Who is Tharollin?" Sarah and Jorkallun both asked themselves.

"I mean I understood that this Tharollin of a person, is with the bones of Lucifer which he took from the Gate of Darkness which was open by-" Jorkallun stopped mid-way as he gasped loudly and Sarah who had been listening eyes widened up.

"Tharollin is the one who had opened the Gate of Darkness one thousand years ago." They both said together.

"He is out." Sarah said her thoughts going through different direction.

"And he has the bones with him." Jorkallun said. "Since the strange water being with them said the bones were his, I think he is Lucifer." Jorkallun added.

"This is totally unbelievable, how can Lucifer be alive when his bones was thrown into the Gate of Darkness?" Sarah asked.

"I don't have an answer to that question Sarah, but we have to find out the face behind Tharollin, how he looks like is what we are going to find out." Jorkallun replied.

"And not to mention how Tamara lied to Tharollin telling him how it was the King who had ordered for the death of all the whole mermaids and-" Sarah pauses as if she remembered something. "Tharollin was the reason why Avonmora was frozen, if my calculations are right, then He is Rae's father." Sarah said.

"What? Are you sure of what you are saying?" Jorkallun asked with wide eyes.

"I can't really say, because according to what my mother told me, Avonmora was the mate of a demon King who had opened the Gate." Sarah said then continue. "Remember I told you Rae and I are cousins, that we were related."

Jorkallun nodded his head. He remembered but it flew out of his head when Sarah had transformed into her mermaid form. "I wasn't myself then but I think I heard that line."

"Rae is a mermaid, just like us and I think Mrs Lillian knows about it and is hiding it." Sarah said.

"I think you are right Sarah, because the night I had visited the witch house, I told her the hidden spell she placed on Rae is wearing out, that whatever secret she was hiding will be revealed if she does not tighten the spell." Jorkallun said. "If Rae is a mermaid like you, does that make her the last mermaid to be sacrificed at the gate for it to close according to our beloved priestess." He added.

"Yes, but she didn't know there were still Mermaids out there where I come from. She should have thought twice about her plans she had with that water man before carrying it out. She would have made enquiries before lying that they will need the last mermaid blood to use in closing the Gate of Darkness." Sarah said touching her forehead, drawing slow circle in the middle.

Jorkallun stood up from the bed and started pacing around the room slowly, "Which means she lied to us. What I saw and heard now shows she lied to everyone of us including Tharollin. And now she and the water man want to kill my friend father." Jorkallun said. "I will have to tell Jason everything, but won't tell him about your secret until you are ready to be revealed." He added stopping in her front.

"Yes, and we have to make sure we find out whoever Tharollin is and tell him the whole truth before he does something he would regret for eternity." Sarah said, getting up to her feet and standing close to him. "We won't keep quiet over this, thank the gods who made me wise enough to send my hidden listener to Tamara's cave. I just feel they are hiding something more. And come to think of it, why was only Avonmora frozen and her people killed?" Sarah asked no one in particular.

Pulling her against his body, he placed his head on her head and started stroking her hair that is no longer blue. "I have been thinking of that too my love, why couldn't she had killed her with the rest or better still frozen the others like she did to their queen, and now she is pinning the blame on the King, so that the Tharollin of a guy would feel angry over the king and his entire family, and probably his anger would have the best of him and he would strike before Tamara and the stupid water man has formed a plan." Jorkallun said over her head.

"True, so whoever Tharollin is must be found and be told the truth. But how will Tamara and the water man kill the king?" Sarah asked.

"The Wolf festival is around the corner, they might use that to strike." Jorkallun replied.

"But you saw how she disguises herself to be Mrs Lillian, what will she succeed in trying to be the queen of the witches?" Sarah asked.

"Maybe she is trying to find out something about Rae, probably asking her directly and Rae would answer without knowing she isn't the real Lillian." Jorkallun answered.

Stretching out her neck to look at Jorkallun's face, "Then I have to pay them a visit immediately and cunningly check if she is fake or not." Sarah said.

"Good, I will head home and ask my father to tell me if he knows the whereabouts of Selena." Jorkallun said and kissed her on her lips before he let go of her and walk over to the window. "I will see you later tonight my love, leave the window open." Jorkallun added and jumped out of the window, before his feet would touch the bare ground he had transformed into his red dragon, he made himself more smaller like a little lizard and flew away.

Sarah quickly left the house, locking the door behind her as she went towards the direction of Lillian's home.


Micheal eyes grew wide like a socket when Lydia finally revealed her secret.


"Yes Michael, she was pregnant when she left here." Lydia said.

"And you didn't even bother to tell me all these years, why?" Michael asked still in shock. He has a child with Selena?

"What will you do if I told you? Change my father's mind? Bring her back?" Lydia taunted him.

"Yes, I will bring her back and probably try to change the King mind." Michael said. "Where is my daughter, if truly she was the one I protected, I need to see her to explain things to her myself and ask my daughter for forgiveness." Michael added.

"Michael, there is a bigger problem concerning your daughter my sister had for you." Lydia said

"What bigger problem Lydia?" Michael demanded.

"Your daughter, Avonmora, gave birth to a girl that is my daughter's age." Lydia started saying.

"Wait a minute, you mean to tell me my daughter also has a daughter, which makes me a grandfather to Avonmora's daughter, I have two daughters, right now is that what you are trying to say?"

"Exactly, but that is not the bigger problem. Avonmora and her people were killed at the Gate of Darkness."

"What!" Micheal yelled. "They killed my own daughter!!?" He shouted shaking in anger.

"Don't block my ears with that shout of yours, saved it for the offenders." Lydia said. "She isn't killed Michael, it was her people who had been killed, she was frozen and has remained like that since a thousand years. Who you have felt you protected was your granddaughter Rae, probably she was in trouble and you helped her."

Micheal looked up at the sky and back to Lydia. "I still have more time before Aaron  would know I am not around. Please Lydia, can you take me to where Avonmora was frozen? I will fly you there, please Lydia."


Arriving at the mermaid Kingdom, Rae quickly entered the cave, this time she didn't use a light to guide her way, she could see clearing. Coming out in the large opening where various kinds of caves was, she went towards the large cave she had met Selena. And surprisingly enough, Selena was there, it was as if she was waiting for her.

She stopped her tail from splashing the water she was playing with and turn to smile at Rae.

"You found the right person to heal and you healed her perfectly Rae." Selena said still smiling.

"I now know who I am." Rae began as she steps closer to the beautiful mermaid "And I want to know who you are, how did you know I could heal the queen and why was I able to see you when I wanted to heal the queen?" Rae asked at once.

"I have told you who I am Rae, you healed the queen because you can, I only showed you what to do, you have the healing power hidden in you." Selena said.

"You still haven't told me who you are, I know your name but what connection do you have with me?" Rae asked curiously.

"Simple Rae, I am your grandmother, Avonmora's mother." Selena revealed finally.

"Impossible, how can you be my grandmother? This is totally unbelievable." Rae said very shocked to her bones. This beautiful mermaid is her grandmother.

"It is true Rae, I am your grandmother and that was I had appeared here the very first day you stepped your feet here. I am a myth amongst my people, I only appear to those who I wishes to see."

"If what you said is true, why didn't you free my mother from her frozen state? Why didn't you?" Rae asked staring at the mermaid waiting for her to say something before she fires back.

"I could have released my daughter, but I can't." Selena said her smile replaced by a sad one.

"And why can't you?" Rae demanded.

"I can free the body Rae, but not the soul, I leave it for the one who could do both." Selena replied and stared around them. "Someone is coming here, I can feel his presence nearby. I have to go now." Selena added, she knew who was coming.

"Who can that be?" Rae ask suddenly alarmed as she looks at her surroundings.

"I will call this fate Rae, see you soon." Selena said and entered the dark water in the cave. The water in the cave dried up quickly in front of Rae's wide eyes as she stared at the cave. Nothing showed it was wet before. Everything in the cave became bushy as others. It was as if she wasn't talking to a mermaid.

She sat down on the cave she saw Selena a minute ago to wait for the person since Selena, her newly found grandmother, didn't tell her to run like the other time.

Hardly has she sat down when Tharollin appeared right next to her.

Tharollin was surprised when he saw a girl sitting on one of the caves who was equally has surprise as he was. Who wouldn't, he appeared out of nowhere and his attire speaks more about death, all his clothes has human skulls attached to it. He wasn't in any mood for a tit tat, so he went straight to the point.

"What the hell brought a little girl like you far away from home to here?" Tharollin asked using his booming voice that makes one fear and would make one run for his or her dear life.

"I would ask you the same skull man, and besides my home isn't a 'far away home' like you foolishly put it, it's actually near." Rae answered without a hint of fear.

To Be Continued
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