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Chapter 40

'While discovering the others, we get to know ourselves, find inner peace, and, so acquire poise and self-reliance to face up to the undisclosed or anonymous, out there. You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching, Love like you'll never be hurt, Sing like there's nobody listening, And live like it's heaven on earth. The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it's indifference. When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it--always. You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go'


The beast slowly carried her head up, painfully, and stretch forth it's two claws hairy hands and the bones snapped back in place. Doing the same to its hind legs, the broken bones snapped back into place. The beast stood up and walked over to where the body of Lolly which lay limp on the ground and her eyes closed in death is, picked it up, and wore the body like cloth. The body swallowed all the beast hairy body as it breathed life into the limp body. The eyes closed in death suddenly opened.

"I asked a question Lolly and you haven't given me an answer yet, should I involve your father in this?" Tamara said repeating her previous question as she slowly stood up to her feet. She placed her right hand on her neck and the pains she was feeling all over her body ceased at that moment as she used magic to heal herself.

"Not yet mother, father shouldn't be involved in this yet." Lolly answered with a tight voice as she remembers her fight she had a few minutes ago. "Who is he mother?" She asked as her eyes were transfixed at the wall of the cave.

"He is Tharollin, the one I told you who opened the Gate to bring out the bones of Lucifer." Tamara answered.

"Lucifer son? No wonder he could easily defeat me." Lolly said in anger. "Has my father and him ever fought before in the past?" She asked.

"No they haven't fought before, he wasn't around during your father's days." Tamara replied as she slowly went over to meet her daughter. "What are you thinking Lolly?"

"How to kill him or find a way by punishing him, he is very rude and arrogant mother. I am very tempted to tell Father." Lolly said as her anger faded.

"I have some information which his father told me once before." Tamara said all of a sudden.

"What kind of information mother?" Lolly demanded.

"Tharollin won't be defeated so easily, I don't know who will win between your father and him, but Lucifer once told me that the only way to get to Tharollin is through someone he cares deeply for."

"And who can that be?" Lolly demanded immediately.

"That my beloved daughter, is what we are going to find out since his Mate is still frozen." Tamara answered. "For now, I will focus on Rae."

"I am leaving now mother, somehow, I have this feeling that things will soon be in our favor." Lolly said.

"And if it doesn't end in our favor then?"

"That's when you involve my father, see you soon." Lolly said and disappeared leaving Tamara alone.

Breathing in deeply, she started arranging what was scattered around the cave and redoing the cave like it was before with her magic.

What lie would she tell Tharollin since he had threatened her he will be back? Tharollin will know when she lie.

What would she do now? She couldn't tell Lolly's father yet because her daughter had told her not to tell him yet. She doesn't want to provoke her daughter the more.

Will Tharollin tell Lucifer what he heard now?

Who had even told Tharollin about the Demons being in her possession? As far as she knows, she made sure everyone didn't remember the demons, especially Roen, so how come Tharollin knew the Demons was with her?

The remaining Demons she collected from Roen were being killed and eaten every single day by Lolly's father.

No, she has to come up with something fast before Tharollin comes back.



"I heard your conversation you were having with our son Jasmine." King Darin said as he appeared in front of his beautiful wife. He was there all along listening to his son and wife.

"He is so stubborn Darin, I am afraid of the consequences he is about to make." Queen Jasmine said going to sit on her bed as Darin sat on the bed beside her.

"He should have listened and be thoughtful at times. If I were to be in his shoes, I would have thought just one thing. Why would my parents who had been supporting me all my life and decision suddenly kick against this?" King Darin said.

"I won't be a part of it Darin and you know my visions always come to pass." Queen Jasmine said.

"I know that is why I am afraid Jasmine, and I will never support Dean, and like you told him, if he continues on the path he is about to embark on, then the day he will need our help, he won't get any of it." King Darin said sadly. If only there is something that can be done to change his son's heart.

"I tried reasoning to our son Darin, but he will not listen." Queen Jasmine said. "My only concern is who will help him to break the bond between Rae and her mate."

"I don't have an answer to that my dear, but let's hope and pray to the gods, whoever it is, they should blind our son from seeing such person." King Darin said and places his hand on her neck. "So darling, how was your trip?"


Prince Dean entered his room after having his discussion with his mother.

He swore to himself as he walked over to the balcony of his room to have Rae all to himself.

He won't give up his search of finding the person who will help him break the Mate bond.

Rae is mine and MINE alone, she will come to love me after everything.

Dean thought as he breathed the fresh air. Tomorrow, his search for the Mate Bond Breaker will began. His parents, especially his mother had said there is no one in the whole Supernaturals who can be able to break the bond.

Dean smiled at that. He was going to prove to his mother and father that there is someone out there who can do such work. He just has this insane feelings that whoever it is, is already waiting for him, he just has to make his appearance known to the person or people.

He picture himself and Rae as a perfect couple.

He just has to find him or her to break the bond between Rae and Jason. He didn't care he was going to repeat history again, and even if Jason becomes an untamed beast who kills people, there is always someone out there who can stop him….just like Tamara.

Tamara had tamed the first Tribird and stopped his massive Killings and the Tribird disappeared forever, well that was according to what his mother told him.

What if he seeks the face of the priestess? What if she can break off the Bond that binds Jason and Rae just like one of the druids did to the first Tribird and his vampire Mate.

The vampire died after the bond was broken, right? But it won't happen to Rae. Rae seemed different and a special young lady after his own heart, he just know Rae won't die like the vampire had done, she will fight not to die.

Once the bond has been broken, he will have sex with her and make sure he breed her so that she will carry his child, their child.

He smiled to himself, nothing or nobody can stop him now.

Tomorrow, he will first of all seek the face of the priestess of the gods, if he had no positive answer, then his search for the Mate Bond Breaker will begin.


Tharollin appeared in front of the Gate of Darkness and was surprised when he couldn't see his Mate frozen body again.

He had to clean his eye twice to confirm he was seeing right.

He was very sure it was here he saw Avonmora, who could have taken her?

He closed his eyes and breathed in deeply as an unfamiliar scents filled his nose. Opening his eyes sharply, whoever the scents belongs too, took his Mate away.

One scent reminded him of a mermaid and the other one… it reminds him of those who live up in the sky.

The only person he knows who could have sent the person who took his Mate his father.

He disappeared, going to visit his father in his cave.


Michael landed Lydia carefully on the ground once they reached the Great Sea of Nile. He gave Lydia his daughter which she carried with care.

"I need to sought things out with my King, then I will be back to look for whoever it is that took my daughter's soul." Michael said.

"You know where to find me as usual Michael." Lydia said. "I will keep her safe until you return." She added.

"Thank you Lydia." Michael said and flew upwards, disappearing into the sky.

Lydia started taking Avonmora's limp body to where she will be safe, her hideout.


Jorkallun make sure he reaches Sarah's home before leaving her.

"I and my father has to go for hunt today, I will come back later in the night, don't close the window." Jorkallun had told her before he peck her forehead and kissed her on her lips a little bit, changing into his dragon, he made himself smaller and flew away.

Sarah was smiling as she watches her dragon until he was out of sight, sighing in a contented way, she brought of the spare keys that is always with her in case she didn't meet the old woman, her grandmother, in the house.

Opening the door, she entered her house and closed the door behind her. Going to her room, she quickly took her bath and have a change of clothes before going down to the kitchen to cook something for her and her grandmother to eat.

It didn't take her long to prepare the meat broth soup. Taking her own share, she left the kitchen and walked to her room.

Opening the door, she had the buzzing sound as her magical mirror which serves as a connection between her and her mother, vibrated.

Going over to the table where the mirror is, she dropped her plate of food on the table before opening the mirror cover.

"Good day mother." Sarah greeted as she levitate her bed to come closer to her, which it did, she sat down on it and look back at the mirror, she saw her mother thinking eyes. "What is it mother? What are you thinking?" Sarah asked concerned.

"I will tell you that in a moment, is there any abnormal thing that has been going on in the Supernaturals?" Lydia asked.

"Not really." Sarah said. "Mother, I spied on the Priestess recently and find out she is working with a water being. A man appeared in their midst suddenly and I heard her lying, telling the man it was King Roen who had ordered for the massacre of the whole Mer-clan. Something doesn't seem right, why would she and the water being lied to this young man's face? I don't get it." Sarah said with a sign. "I and my Jorkallun has been searching for the man to tell him the whole truth before he makes a huge mistake in killing the Royal family that are innocent." She added.

"Did you happen to catch or hear his name?" Lydia asked.

"Yes mother, the priestess called him Tharollin." Sarah said and watches as her mother's eyes grew wide like a socket. "From your facial reactions, I think you know the man, who is he? Mother you have to tell me so that I can search for him." Sarah added.

"He is back." Lydia whispered.

"Who's back mother?"

"Tharollin, the fool who had opened the Gate of Darkness which cost the life of your aunt and her people." Lydia explained.

"He is the Demon King?" Sarah asked with wide eyes open.

"Yes my child, I didn't tell you who Rae's father is, right?" Lydia asked and Sarah nodded her head.

"You only told me about my aunt and her mate who opened the Gate and who is the Demon King." Sarah said. She had always bug her mother to tell her more about her cousin's father which she refuses.

"The man you said you saw, his name is Tharollin and he is Rae's father." Lydia revealed.

"This is a lot to take in, which means Rae is a half mermaid and a half Demon, right?" Sarah asked in smiles.

"Yes, and also she is partly angel." Lydia said.

"Angel? How do you mean by that mother?" Sarah asked confusedly.

"Avonmora's father is an Angel which makes your aunt a half mermaid and a half Angel. And Rae might also be an Angel." Lydia explain to her daughter.

"Wow, surprising. If she is partly angel, it means she is three in one like her boyfriend, Jason who is a Tribrid." Sarah said. "If Rae gets to know about her true identity, I wonder between her and Jason who will win if they asked them to fight." Sarah wonder in thought.

"Jason is a Wolf, Vampire and a Phoenix Sarah, and not to mention, he is the legendary Millennium Wolf." Lydia responded. "The one who commands all super-creatures."


The water man sat down on his made look throne that was made with rocks.

He raised up his water hands and looked at them. He couldn't wait to feel his bones again. He had been in this water form since he was defeated, that was a long time ago.

If his son had given him back his bones, he will powerful and unstoppable.

A brief flash of light interrupted his thoughts. He waited until another flash of light appeared before it faded.

What did Hermes wants from him now?

The brief flash of light is Hermes own way of telling him to come.

Getting up to his feet, he didn't waste time to ponder why Hermes might be calling him, he disappeared immediately.

It was at that moment, Tharollin appeared in the cave his father stayed.

"Father!!" Tharollin shouted. "Father!!!" Be shouted again.

No answer, only his echoes was heard.

Breathing in to feel the scent of the cave, tharollin noticed he was the only one In the cave.

Where has his father gone too? Tharollin thought as he went to sit on the made look throne. Has he gone to meet those who had taken his Mate body?

Looking around him as the minutes pass by as he waited for his father to appear wherever he went too.

Few minutes pass and when Tharollin realize his father wasn't coming back any sooner, he stood up to leave.

He bent down to clean the tiny dust that was in his boots, at that moment, his eyes landed on a Crystal stone beside the made look throne.

Tharollin saw something inside it. Picking it up as the crystal transparent stone shone a little bit, he realized it wasn't just something inside it as he had thought, it was a soul inside it.

A soul? Whose soul is this? Why would his father keep a soul inside a Crystal stone?

Tharollin thought as he held the crystal with his two hands, it felt as if he was holding something very precious to him. It felt familiar to him, he wondered why he suddenly felt attached to the soul inside of.

Looking at the crystal stone carefully now, he saw the soul thrashing inside the walls of the crystal, as if it wanted to come out… Tharollin place the crystal ball on the throne rock to look at it very well, and the soul that was thrashing itself, trying to come out, stopped moving immediately.


Tharollin lifted the crystal stone up and was surprised when the soul which had stopped started thrashing itself against the wall of the crystal again.

One thing he hated about Crystal's is that they block whatever or whoever they held their scent.

This soul inside only seemed to move when he touched and not to mention, it felt very familiar to him, he wanted to protect it.

Whose soul is inside it that makes him wants to protect it?

Tharollin thought as he carefully kept the crystal stone inside the head of one of the skulls so that he won't lose it.

His father has a lot of questions to answer.

First was his Avonmora body disappearing and now this soul in the crystal stone he is sudden attached too.

He disappeared, going to Lillian's house.

He will visit his father again.


Queen Rosa kept tossing in her bed, as disturbing images kept flashing through her mind.


She saw herself hiding and running away from an already destroyed kingdom. Everyone in the kingdom were massacre.

She counted herself lucky that she was able to hide herself before she is killed alongside her people, her people, yes she was running away from her people.

She ran for her dear life and entered a cave, there she met a young lady who introduced herself as Tamara.

"I am Tamara and a witch, who are you and how do you find your way to my cave?" Tamara asked.

"I am Lika, a druid, I am running away from my kingdom that was destroyed by the Tribird beast." Lika said.

"A druid? You mean to say all druids are dead?" Tamara asked with surprise.

"Yes they are dead, my kingdom, has been destroyed, I am the only surviving Druid left. If I hadn't thought of my escape earlier on, I would have been dead with the rest of my kind." Lika said. "It is all my fault, everything that's happening now is all my fault, I shouldn't have done what I did."

"What did you do?" Tamara asked.

"I am sorry, I can't say it out." Lika said.

"It's okay, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to, I understand."

"Thank you Tamara." Lika thanked.

"You can stay here and make yourself feel at home until you are set to go your way."

Lika nodded her head appreciative of Tamara's hospitality.

Few days later…..

"So, are you now ready to tell me why you said it is your fault?" Tamara asked as they both were making magic potions together.

"Not yet Tamara, I will tell you when I have made peace within myself." Lika answered.

The water man appeared at that moment and Lika suddenly became alert. She looked at the water man, she hasn't seen anything like this before.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" Lika asked, she was afraid if the water being had followed her here. Did he know what she did?

"He is my master Lika, show some respect." Tamara said.

"I am sorry, I thought you were after me." Lika apologize.

The water man ignored Lika as he focus on Tamara. "We have to stop the beast, he is now getting out of control. If you stop the beast, you will gain respect amongst your fellow witches and everyone." He said.

"I am working on something my Lord." Tamara said.

"If I was completely whole, the beast will be easy for me to defeat, but what can my water hands and body do?"

"Perhaps I can help." Lika said bringing their attention to them.

"You can help us kill the beast?" Tamara asked.

"Not really kill the beast, I can create something that can wipe off the beast memory of why he was angry in the first place." Lika said, it is the least she could do for now.

"Who is this your friend?"

"She is the only surviving Druids my Lord." Tamara answered

"You can do as you have said, Tamara keep me informed." The water said and vanished.

"Go on and start preparing what you said." Tamara said facing her, the potion they were making forgotten.

Few Hours Later….

Lika presented a white stone to Tamara. "This is it, the magic is inside, just point it at the person you wish to have his or her memory removed." Lika said as Tamara collected the stone from her. "Take note Tamara, it works only two times, after it is being used two times, the magic is gone from the stone. The beast is powerful, it can hold him for sometime, so you have to come up with something else to hold the beast." Lika added.

Tamara smiled and suddenly pointed the stone to Lika.

"What are you doing Tamara?"

"Testing it on you to see if it works." Tamara said and before Lika could protest or protect herself, the light from the stone shone and touched her forehead.

After a while the light faded.

"What's your name?" Tamara asked anxiously.

"I don't know my name, I can't remember my name, who are you?" Lika said.

"It worked." Tamara said happily. "My name is Tamara."

"Why do I suddenly forgot who I am all of a sudden?"

"You will remember who you are with time."

"Okay, so who am I to you then?"

Tamara laughed at that. "Your name is Rosa and you are my slave."


Queen Rosa suddenly opened her eyes sitting up straight in her bed.

She remembered everything. Her past, who she was, everything was slowly coming to her.

She is a Druid, not just a druid, but the Druid who had broken the Soul Mate Connection.

To Be Continued
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