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And here is the chapter I just promised you all.
Enjoy!!!!! 💃💖.....

Chapter 43.

'Life will break you. Nobody can protect you from that, and living alone won't either, for solitude will also break you with its yearning. You have to love. You have to feel. It is the reason you are here on earth. You are here to risk your heart. You are here to be swallowed up. And when it happens that you are broken, or betrayed, or left, or hurt, or death brushes near, let yourself sit by an apple tree and listen to the apples falling all around you in heaps, wasting their sweetness. Tell yourself you tasted as many as you could. Sometimes people are beautiful. Not in looks. Not in what they say. Just in what they are. Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark in the hopeless swamps of the not-quite, the not-yet, and the not-at-all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish in lonely frustration for the life you deserved and have never been able to reach. The world you desire can be won. It exists.. it is real.. it is possible.. it's yours.'


"I told you we are not telling father anything for now." Lolly reply.

"Lolly my daughter, your father is the only way right now." Tamara said and moved closer to meet her daughter. "Don't you want Jason again? Don't you want him to be yours? Don't you want to wake up by his side everyday of your life? And finally, don't you want to become the Queen of the whole Supernaturals? Don't you want all that Lolly? Trust me on this my daughter, we need to tell your father." Tamara told her daughter.

"Your mother is right Lolly, whoever your father is, needs to know the situation you are in and he will help us out, you will have Jason all to yourself forever and I will have Rae all to myself. Don't you want forever? Because I want it, and it's with Rae." Dean said touching Lolly's shoulders.

Lolly In deep thought, leaving their midst, her back turned to them.

"Fine, I want everything mother, I want everyone to be under me, to obey my command with Jason right beside me." Lolly finally said killing the tension around them.

Tamara smiled. "That is what I had always wanted to hear you say Lolly." She added still smiling. It has been long she has heard or seen Lolly's father. Sbe only goes when he calls her.

Lolly turned and smiled back at her and faces Dean. "It's a long journey to reach where my father is. Have you make up your mind to support me and not back out at the long run?" Lolly said with a hard look.

"I have crossed my heart since, there is no turning back now." Dean replied.

"Good, because if you betray us, I will personally kill you and eat you myself." Lolly said with a charming smile.

"I am not a betrayer Lolly, I keep my words." Dean said back.

Lolly nodded her head and raised her two hands in the air, a portal made with fire which opened appeared above her head where her hands are, it has sharp teeths which was made with fire. Bringing down her hands. She faces her mother.

"It's time, I will go first." Lolly said and jumped higher into the portal which swallowed her body quickly, the portal teeth closes as soon as she had disappeared and reopened again.

"Scared Dean?" Tamara asked staring at the vampire Prince as she taunt him.

"No ma'am, I can go through fire for Rae, this is nothing compared to the love I have for her." Dean answered and walked towards where Lolly had stood and jumped higher like the way he saw Lolly did a few moments ago.

Swallowing his body, the portal reopened it's mouth and Tamara didn't waste time in  jumping higher.

As soon as it has swallowed Tamara, it disappeared leaving the cave empty.

10 Minutes Later……

The water being appeared in the cave but couldn't find Tamara as he had expected. He couldn't feel anyone or hear a sound. The cave was quiet, too quiet.

Where could have Tamara went too? The water man thought as he looked everywhere with caution in case he had missed something.

He hoped he did not come too late to stop the fight between his son and Tamara.

But looking at the cave, it appears no fight ever happened.

He waited for a few minutes more before he disappeared back to his cave.


"You mean to say, the soul in there belongs to your mother?" Tharollin demanded. He was shocked.

"Yes skull man, it is." Rae replied.

"How do you know the soul belongs to Avonmora?" Tharollin demanded again.

"That's because it has the same feelings I felt when I saw my frozen mother and touched her cheeks. Believe it or not, but this is my mother's soul." Rae answered her father.

Lillian gasps out loudly drawing the two attention to her. She now remember where she had seen the crystal stone.

"What is it Lillian?" Tharollin asked.

"Your daughter is right Tharollin, that's Avonmora's soul trapped inside it." Lillian finally revealed the reason for her loud gasps.

"Why do you say so Lillian?" Tharollin demanded.

"Because on the day the Mer-clans were killed, I remember vividly when Tamara brought out this very stone and put Avonmora's soul in it before freezing her. According to her, the gods requested for her soul." Lillian explained. "But if the soul was to be given to the gods, why then is it with Lucifer?" She added.

"Obviously, that was a lie, the gods didn't ordered for the killings of the Mer-clans, neither did they requested for Avonmora's soul, it was a lie all along and you all foolishly brought it. I am going to kill her once I see her, she won't be spared Lillian." Tharollin said in anger. "But before I do that, I will first visit my father to know why he had the soul and why he lied against the King (Roen)." Tharollin added and began transforming into his dark smoke.

"Hey skull man, don't forget you are following me to school tomorrow to scare some frightened students." Rae said watching with fascinating eyes as her father's body quickly dissolve to the dark smoke.

"I won't forget, I will see you in school tomorrow Rae." Tharollin and the smoke consume him entirely dissolving.

"Wow, will I ever be able to do that grandma?" Rae asked immediately. "You know turn into a smoke like he did?"

"Yes since you carry half of his blood, you will have to tell him to teach you how to do that." Lillian replied her before crossing her arms. "So young lady, are you now going to sleep or do you want me to carry you to your bed cause I will gladly do so." Lillian said and Rae quickly stood up from her seat.

"I am going to my room now granny, thanks for your offer." Rae said and ran out of the sitting room, climbing the stairs and going towards her room.


Queen Rosa heard a knock on her door. "Who is that?"

"It's me, Jason." The voice reply back.

Using her magic to silently unlock the door lock, "Open the door son, it's unlock." Queen Rosa said.

Jason entered and closes the door behind him. He went over to meet his mother, hugging her.

"Good afternoon mother." Jason greeted as his mother kissed both his cheeks tenderly.

"Afternoon son, how is school today?" Queen Rosa asked her son.

"Good mother, where is father? He is not in the palace." Jason asked.

"He has gone to get your cousins with his brother and wife. They're coming for the Wolf festival that will commerce in a few days time." Queen Rosa replied.

"Okay, I didn't see you in the garden then my little friend came and after he left, I came here straight away." Jason replied.

"Okay." Queen Rosa said smiling at her son. She went back to her bed and sat down. She tried to put her mind in her conversation she is having with her son but couldn't. She had broken the bond between the first Tribrid and his vampire mate. Now she has a Tribrid as her son.

Are the gods trying to tell her something she doesn't know? Is this fate? What if history repeats itself? She will try everything within her powers to prevent whatever that will befall her son. She made a mistake years ago and she is sorry for that.

How could she tell Roen and her son that they had been living in a lie. What if, Tamara break up the spell she had used on Roen which made him believe they were mates. Would Roen still love her or hate her? Will her son still want her after all the lies?

Now that she remembered who she is, damn Tamara's spell. She will tell Roen and her son the truth, whatever are the consequence, she will gladly accept it.

But…. She has to visit Lillian and confesses everything to her, probably the Queen of all the witches might have a way of pleading with Roen to forgive her.

She loves Roen with all her heart and couldn't bear to see herself living without him. She loves her son and hope they forgive her.

Jason saw the uneasiness in his mother's body he couldn't help but get worried.

"Mother, what's wrong?" Jason asked going to sit on the bed.

"Nothing my son, I just recalled my past." Queen Rosa said sadly.

She will finally die if her son turns his back on her when he eventually hear the truth.

"Are you still remembering your past mother? If it is what is making you sad, please stop thinking about it." Jason said. He knows about his mother's past. How she was Tamara's slave until she introduced Rosa to Roen as the gods had prophecy about her giving birth to the Tribrid. Tamara had always rubbed it on his face ever since he was young until he became of age and warned her. It was one of the main reasons he hates that stupid priestess.

"I am afraid of what the future may bring if my past resurface again son. What if you don't love me like the way you do now? What if you hate my guts and hate me?" Queen Rosa said as her voice cracked in tears. "What if you wake up one day and discovered you have been living under a lie, what if your father hates me as time goes on?" Queen Rosa said allowing the tears to flow freely from her eyes.

"Mother, it hurts me to see you cry. Believe me when I say there is nothing on Earth that can make me hate you. And even if tomorrow I found out you are the devil's daughter, that won't change the love I have for you." Jason said as he cuddles his mother, cleaning her tears.

"Thank you my son. You've lifted up my soul by these words, your love means a whole lot to me." Queen Rosa said.

"I will always love you mother and nothing can change that, always remember that."

Rosa smiled.



"You mustn't kill anyone Michael, just do what I just said. Go back to your room and forget about the mermaid." King Aaron said as he went to meet Michael. "Who told you that these Mermaid of yours would even wait for you after all these years that went by?"

"I know that she will wait for me, I was foolish then, but I am not any more. You must not use your position to control me every single time. We are brothers for crying out loud, why can't you for once since you were crowned the King, support me like a brother would do. Everytime, Micheal do this….. Micheal do that, I am tired of being your puppet. You used the second in command position to make me deny Selena and you want to use your armies to stop me from seeking out my granddaughter and helping my daughter and finding my lover? It won't work this time Aaron." Micheal said and faces the angels blocking the door. "If you know you don't want to die, step aside or face my wrath." Michael added no angel moved, he won't feel guilty for their deaths.

"Kill him." Aaron voice sounded behind his back as the angels that are more than 200 ran towards him.

The Angel throne room was very large that it will fit more than 1,000 people in there.

"Fighting is what I love doing." Michael said and ran to meet them. The magic bag open and his sword entered his hand. Swinging his sword to one side, electric light came out of the sword and touched about 20 angels.

2 Minutes Later….

Micheal turned to face his brother Aaron who wasn't surprised by how quickly his brother was done in killing the angels in the throne room, they took after their late father after all

"Stay of my lane brother." Micheal warned before running out of the throne room. His wings came out from his back and he flew down to earth.

This isn't over Micheal, Aaron thought as he clapped his hands and some angels came to clear the bloody floor.

As long as he lives, Selena can never be yours.

Aaron thought.

She met him first but choose to ignore his advancing and fall in love with his younger brother instead.

"I will be an obstacle to your love Micheal." Aaron said lowly with a cruel smile.


The portal of fire opened and Tamara saw Dean and Lolly ahead of her. She quickened her steps to meet with her daughter.

They walked for a long time and in silence as everyone was in their own thoughts.

Finally Lolly stopped in front of a path that was covered with overgrown bushes and trees.

She bent down to pick a sand under her feet, she throws it on the air and the bushes and trees give way to as the ground beneath the bushes opened up, staircase begin to form.

"Let's go in." Lolly said going down the staircase. Dean followed before Tamara. The ground closed over their heads and they were covered in darkness.

No need of light because they could see clearly.

The stair leads them to a room, which was filled with lit candles in all corners, lighting up the room.

In the room Dean saw a man who was sitting down and reading a book, everywhere in the room was filled with books. Looking at him, Dean knows the man in front of them was a Hellhound creature.

His hair was green and long, it was plaited in cornrows. And his ears looked pointed and sharp, an elf perhaps. He was muscular as you could see it since he was not wearing a shirt. And, he was the most handsome young man Dean had ever encountered, though he knows this man in front of him is very old. Between him and Jason, he didn't know who will win the most handsome if they contest, including Jorkallun.

"What is it Lolly dear?" The green haired man asked still not taking his eyes from the book.

"Something is eating me up father and I really need your help." Lolly replied.

The statement made the green haired man to close his book and look at his daughter fully. Dean noticed his eyes color, they were mixed in green and purple.

"Come here my child." He said softly as Lolly quickly went to meet her father. He stood up and Lolly sat on his chair. "Tell me what troubles you my precious daughter."

"Am in love with someone father, and he is about to be taken away from me." Lolly said with teary voice.

"And who wants to take him away from you?"

"Her name is Rae Fey." Lolly supplies. "She has a mate connection with my man and I am here to know if you have any ideas on how to break the Soul Mate connection they have. My friend here want Rae and I want Jason." Lolly added.

"I can do that." The green haired man said. "I can do anything for you my child even if it means breaking the bond of a soulmate for you, I can do that." The green haired man said.

"But how do you intend to do it father?"  Lolly asked in shock.

"Yes sire please don't get offended by my question, how can you break off a soulmate bond?" Dean asked. "I was told that the only person who could do it was a druid who died when the first Tribrid mate was killed."

The green haired man was silent for a long time that Dean was scared if his question had angered the man. He was about to open his mouth to say sorry when the man spoke.

"I am the Tribird in the story you were told." The green haired man said finally, he was going to ask Tamara later on what Dean had meant 'The first', he was the only Tribrid and will ever be. "But….the druid who had killed my mate is not dead yet, I know her face and will find her wherever she hid and end her life. She has forgotten that I am an elf. I heard the words she had used and know who she is, so she isn't dead, she is still alive and iut there." He said.

Lolly eyes showed shock which he saw.

"I told your mother never to reveal it to anyone. I was already mad, living in madness and killing every soulmate until your mother brought back my sanity and I grow to love her." The green haired man said and turned to face Dean. "My name is Taloc." He introduced himself.

"I am Dean, the Prince of Vampires." Dean also introduced himself to him.

"So father, when will you break the bond between my lover and the girl, I want Jason right away." Lolly said.

"You have to get me their blood first and leave the rest to me." Taloc replied his daughter.

"If you succeed in breaking up their bond, won't Jason still remembers her?" Lolly asked, that was her greatest fear.

"Leave that to me." Tamara spoke for the first time she was in there. "I have something that will wipe off all his whole memories of Rae." She said referring to the white stone which she had used on Lika.

The druid lady had said the stone was to be used twice. She had used it once on the Druid lady, so it still remains the last one.

They will use that memory wiper to wipe Jason's memories of Rae.

To Be continued....
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