Chapter Fifty One : Haunted Party (Part-2)

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I was on holidays but seeing the comments, I decided to put up a chapter soon! XD

Enjoy and do answer the question at the end!


Rose's POV:

I stared into the gleaming transparent eyes of Byron and stuttered, "B-Byron?"

"Hi there, heart." His smile widened into a grin showing his pearly whites with his slight dimple popping up.

"W-what are you doing here?" I interrogated which turned out a little accusing. He brought a hand to his brooch that was neatly pinned to his brown velvet jacket, as though he was pretending to fix it. His face had an ugly bruise which had turned purple and some part of it still fresh. He had attempted to hide the wound with light make up but it was very obvious.

"What happened to your face?" I asked bringing my hand up to touch the wound but Byron suddenly gripped my hand and glared, "Enough with your fake concern. I am very used to it." He whispered making me withdraw my hand from his grasp.

"Thank your husband for this gift." He pointed at the bruise and made an irritated face.

With the next twirl, my partner was to be exchanged but Byron smartly moved aside pulling us out of the ring of dancing royals when the abductor was busy dancing with a girl and it looked like he took an attraction to her. Poor her.

"I-is Henry okay?" I asked and my eyes shone with hope. If Byron got the bruise then that must mean that Henry is alright and alive. I searched for answers but his expressions showed regret and sympathy. "I am sorry, Rose." I stilled at those words and in a moment of frustration, I pushed his chest hard.

"You're lying!" I snapped and sobbed, "You all are liars, how can he leave?! He cannot leave me! He promised to stay with me forever!"

Byron ran a hand through his hair in nervousness and pulled me away from the crowd, behind the pillar. Clamping me speaking mouth shut, Byron whisper snapped at me, "Calm down, Rose!"

"Hwo chh hm?!" My voice came out muffled due to his large hand covering my mouth, I punched his chest and it was appreciable the way he was enduring my outburst.

"Rose, please." He pleaded and removed his hand. Byron quickly took out his white handkerchief from his pant pocket and started wiping my tears. "I am really sorry for the loss, Rose but crying wouldn't help you out of this." I diverted my eyes away from him and leant against the pillar for support.

"I didn't have the heart to give you this but.." He stared down at his jacket then placing a hand inside, he pulled out a paper scribbled with a very bad handwriting.

In the midst of sobbing, I chuckled a little hysterically, "He has a very bad handwriting."

"Yes, yes he does." Byron smiled apologetically and I started reading the note from Henry.

'Life is never easy, love. It has many ups and downs but the one who stays stable wins in this race. Never lose faith in yourself, doll. I know you are strong, stronger than I am and it was you who led me out from the path of darkness towards the light.

Where we stand is a battle of the biggest of empires. There is dominance, hunger, lust and greed involved. Nobody said it was easy but none said it was impossible as well. It's a game we play with our minds. Even the one with weak body but a strong mind can win, we never know.

If ever the trouble or doom befalls on us, I want you to be strong. Remember my words, sweetheart.

Though I could never say it clearly but, I love you more than anything, Rose.'

I folded the paper close and a tear drop escaped my eye. I refused to cry. I wouldn't back off but I will take the revenge. Revenge from this demon who killed my love.


Third Person's POV :

She wiped her tears and placed the paper in a small pocket stitched in her umbrella skirt and stared up at Byron. "You can cry, Rose. I am here." Byron spoke with compassion but Rose quietly shook her head. "I am alright, Byron."

"As for your answers, I am a distant relative of Viscardi, though I never like associating myself with him.." He paused and peeked side ways to check if the abductor named Viscardi was still busy and not doubtful.

"He called me for his coronation and I wasn't aware his soon to be bride was you. Though I was doubtful. The major suspect was Jac Kovacevic but he turned out to be innocent. Viscardi was never suspected and I doubt Henry had figured him out because he is a hidden king who practices magic. Viscardi has a demonic origin, someone from his maternal line was a half demon and this fact is rare to be found. We, even though related but from the paternal line of family and that makes me a complete vampire. I never knew about him until one day when he called me for negotiations related to me leaving Henry's side and shake hands with him to rule beside him as a subordinate. I knew how much of a respectful person he is who didn't even spare his own mother..." Byron took a sharp breath and found Rose gasping at the absurd and murderous fact of Viscardi.

"It was better to remain with Henry than to rule destroyed kingdoms with slavery and doom. Plus, I knew I wasn't going to get my share. I asked for some time and refrained to answer him. But now that he has defeated his old enemy, I don't think I can refuse but I can surely help you out of it."

"What enmity did he have with Henry?" Rose asked reasonably.

"That's unknown. It's an age old thing but everyone thought they were neutral with each other. Henry didn't have any bad terms with Viscardi and it seemed like neither did Viscardi have it but he suddenly came up with his plan. He used to put up a pious masked but nobody knew about the demon that resided in him."

"Why is he behind me? Why just me? Is it because of Henry's wife?" She flayed her arms but spoke in a hushed tone.

"Partly yes but I am not sure that's the reason. After my meeting with Viscardi, I heard him speak that.." Byron stopped abruptly and pulled Rose towards the crowd. "Wait! Byron?"

"Shh.. Viscardi is aware of our absence. Merge in the crowd." He said and pushed her to the nearest corner where other ladies stood. Byron disappeared in the crowd after giving an assuring look to Rose from over his shoulder.

Rose awkwardly stood there and soon Viscardi came up with a glare on his face. "Where were you?!" He grabbed her forearm and snapped. "I-I didn't feel like dancing so, I stood here.." Rose said looking around.

Soon the scowl on his face was changed to a happy and bright smile. Viscardi placed a hand on her waist and whispered softly, "Then you could have told me. I would have personally escorted you to my chambers."

"N-No. I am fine." Rose smiled nervously and saw a servant reach them with a tray of wine.

Viscardi picked a glass and another one to offer it to Rose but she politely declined saying she never drunk wine or alcohol.

"Come on, love. It's our big day. It would be a shame if my bride doesn't celebrate with me." With this he forced Rose with the wine and upon pressure, she feigned taking a sip by bringing the glass to her lips.

A lady wearing a purple old fashioned gown approached them and started her conversation with Viscardi and a few more elites followed. Rose stood there like a wall flower and then she remembered Byron. He was nowhere to be found as she saw people putting on masks of various varieties. "Great.." Rose sighed and felt someone grab her hand.

"The royal masquerade will take place now and I want you to wear this." Viscardi produced a pretty pink and silver mask with encrusted jewels and two small feathers on the edges. He put on his signature gold mask and led her for the dance.

The people were provided the mask in the mid of the function for safety reason in order to assure that no interloper or unwanted being sneaks in.

"Don't think that you can escape. I can smell you from miles." He whispered in her ear and grabbed her waist roughly. The lights focused on the royal soon to be couple and others stood aside forming a circle around them. Some praised, some scowled while some stood their blankly like the couple at the side consisting of a lady in red gown and the man in a simple black suit with his hair attempted to be pulled back, they looked very familiar, like she had met them earlier. Rose danced with the demon for a few fleeting seconds but her mind constantly wandered on differed ways to escape him and take her revenge.

The lights brightened again gesturing that their dance was over and the crowd merged again. Viscardi found the same girl he was with before and started twirling her in his arms while Rose stood their blank until Byron showed up.

"Hey.." He smiled and moved with the music. "Byron! Thank God! You were saying.." She sighed and waited for him to speak but he smirked at her, "No time. Dance along." Before Rose could protest, he held her arm up and with her finger, twirled her round like a princess and suddenly pushed her to the next partner.

She gasped and stumbled on her toe but a pair of arms caught her waist and prevented her fall, "Careful.."

The black and grey masked man who looked like a royal pulled her close until their chests met and he ducked his head low to place a small yet soft kiss on her lips, "You look beautiful, doll."


Q) What creative words would you give for describing Viscardi?

(Let your imagination run free!) :P

Meanwhile you can check out my new story, "Spellbinding Zero Hours." :)

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