Chapter Forty Three : Fiend And The Storm

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[Dedicated to BvckyBvrnes]


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- A. P

~And here's a lengthy update~


The voice of the dark lord boomed across the throne room with warning dripping from the simple two words, "What truth?"

"H-Henry." Karen stuttered as the hair on the back of her neck stood and senses disagreed to believe that he heard them.

"Why are the guards on hunt and where is Rose?" He took confident steps towards the trio who stood confused and dumbstruck. When they stood quite without any reason, he asked again, this time more calm and daunting, "Do you want me to repeat or have you forgotten how to speak?"

"Henry, I know its no good news but I want you to maintain your patience when I am done." Nigel pleaded in a peaceful voice that trembled slightly at the end.

Henry glanced at him with a small nod and waited for him to continue, "Rose... she chased you when you rode away on you horse but while you disappeared away.." Nigel inhaled sharply and took a pause.

Shooting a menacing look, Henry asked in a formidably quite voice, "What happened when I disappeared away?"

"The black masked soldiers appeared and-" Nigel was cut in the middle suddenly when a guard came running without permission into the throne room and intervened, "Sir-"

Aldrick squeezed his eyes shut and turned his head away from the sudden sight and a scared scream from Karen pierced their ears.

Nigel froze to the spot to see that his anger had already shot up.

The guard as he interrupted for no proper reason, was silenced in the most grotesque way as Henry in a blink of an eye, wrapped his hand around his throat and squeezed it, splattering the blood everywhere and the head rolled down the floor.

"Where is she?" Queer as it was, his voice still sounded calm and composed only thing it lacked was peace. It was as frightening as the silence before a storm.

His eyes flashed rage with a blazing red glow and his canines were visible.

Karen who had put hands on her mouth to prevent herself from making anymore noise closed her eyes and stepped behind Nigel. Whereas Nigel stood on his ground, slowly eyed the seperated head of the guard and raised his line of sight upto Henry to answer him stoically, "They took her away."

Nigel heaved a fearful sigh as he finally gave the answer he had been seeking for. "Where is Byron?" Henry suddenly asked and Nigel watched Aldrick to know if he had the news.

"He departed two hours ago right after Her Highness was abducted." Aldrick spoke and it raised a million questions making the absence of Byron suspicious. Since nobody except Henry had Byron on their line of suspect, they wondered for a second if Byron was in this. But how could he? It would cost his own life and kingdom.

Henry closed his eyes and his jaw twitched, "So careless." Nigel knew what was coming next so he took a step back and held Karen's hand.

The climate outside changed rapidly as if all the four seasons prevailed at once. The sky turned dark and the sun rays that entered through the large windows of the throne room were blocked, turning the chamber dark.

The sky and the dull sun hid behind the dark, thick layer of haunting clouds that grumbled against each other. The trees and the vegetation rustled its leaves widely and moved in a ferocious motion. The lightening struck sharply and a strange silence followed as if a hurricane was close.

A small spiral of wind swirled around his feet as it rose up till his lower body. His eyes a bright red and it gleamed fiendishly in the grey and black environment. His sinister look was enough to send chills down the spine and his calm composure made it worse.

The winds howled and the chandelier chimed and swung vigorously in air. He stood quietly with an unpredictable look as though he was lost in the depths of despair thus turning himself into the nightmare that he was.

Nigel quickly pulled Karen to his side and ran out of the throne room with Aldrick and closed the large doors behind. Locking them up, he rested his head against the doors and cursed under his breath, "Shit."

"This is catastrophic." Karen whispered in a strange voice. It seemed like the whole palace was dead with pin drop silence and the only sound that came were the muffled ones from the inside of the throne room which was undergoing heavy destruction.

The rain pelted it's drops against the glass windows and the thunder roared making Karen jump in fright and hold Aldrick's arm. Even though Karen was a vampire since birth, she was less of the scary nightly creature and more like any other human teenager seeing the world through rose colored glasses and living a life of lavish.

Seeing the rage of Henry was something she wasn't accustomed to. He had always been the nice and protective brother to her even though she had heard tales about his horror but never actually witnessed them. She was kept in a world opposite to that of a hellish vampiric world.

Closing her eyes and letting out a shaky breath, she glanced at Nigel who stood quite as unusual of him and watched the rain drops trickle down the glass.

"We need to control him." She suggested.

Letting out a humorless chuckle, he spoke, "We can't. Nobody can."

"He will end up destroying himself!"

Shaking his head, Nigel averted his eyes to Karen, "He won't. Not until he finds her himself. They have agitated his bad side by taking his precious. The scene will turn out blood-curdling and we can just watch. Let him take it out."

"It will turn into a massacre.." Aldrick swallowed hard losing his usual expressionless mask.

"Whatever it may be. He wouldn't harm the innocent but the ones who have their hands painted red in this." Nigel breathed out stepping away from the door.

What they hadn't noticed was that the pelting sounds of breaking substances had stopped.

Once again the strange silence prevailed and the rain had stopped along with the lightening. Only grumbling sounds of clouds could be heard.

Watching the weather calm, Karen heaved a sigh and placed a hand on her chest.

A while later the locked gates opened by low temperature wind, letting out smoke, dirt and debris. They watched in silence as the view cleared and the monarch, immaculate without any stain or soot on his clothing, stepped out with the blackest eyes with a small swirl of grey in them like a cyclone engulfing everything.

With one look at Nigel, he nodded and left without any word followed by Henry who disappeared in shadows in one swift motion.

The huge throne room had been badly rummaged. There were broken pieces of glass, wood and minute dust. It was a great mess. The curtains were burnt, some still on fire. The walls charred black and sooty. The window and large crystal chandelier shattered into a million pieces. One of the two thrones which belonged to the king was broken but the one for queen still stood the same.

It was a disaster.

Aldrick placed a hand in his pants pocket and clutched the silver cross. "May the Lord watch over her." He sighed in disappointment.


Rose POV:

The pain flowed through my whole body like electrification in wires.

My head spun and the ache on the back had now turned dull yet agonizing. One moment I was chasing him so that he would turn once and look at me. Just once.

The time he said those words about him deserving this fate of me with someone else, I shattered.

I love him so much that even the slightest pain in his eyes breaks me internally. He had a rough past and they said that his smile had turned to that of evil but when he was with me, he changed. Something more angelic, someone far from evil.

I wanted to hug him at the moment and kiss him all so that he can't even think of me away from him. So badly did I want to run my hands through his hair and caress him.

If only once he would have stopped...

I grieved internally and felt a tear trickle down my cold cheek. The place was cold and uninviting. My hands and feet felt a cold metal against them and the more I struggled, the more it pained.

I opened my eyes to search for any source of light but it was dark as it could be. Chained cuffs looped around the cold metal pole and clutched my hands and feet, locking me to the place.

As I could collect, it has been more than four hours since I fell unconscious. The room had a small casement window which smashed its sash roughly against the frame due to wind making dreary thud sound every time it collided. The temperature was unbelievably low and it made me shiver. My mind was fogged, a mixture of thoughts and it made me fear thinking about my abduction.

I struggled against the chains but it had only worsened the bruise on my wrists.

"Need some help, deary?" A strange, spine chilling, velvety voice followed and I sat up moving my head from side to side.

"It's too dark, isn't it?"

With a clicking sound of fingers, a deem yellowish green light flickered out of nowhere.

"Ah, there you are." The stranger spoke and the sound of his boots against the cold floor grew louder as he approached me.

I squeezed my eyes a little to adjust my focus and the silhouette of man, tall with well built body came in the view.

He took three steps ahead and his lower body was clearly seen. I noticed he had brown pants and hunter boots on. The stranger stopped right before me and knelt down to my level. His face was hidden behind a golden mask and his hair, a colour of golden blonde. He had baby blue eyes which were anything but vicious.

But no, he cannot be good. He abducted me.

"I was wondering when you would be awake. Now that you are, tell me how do you feel?"

Even though I couldn't see his face, I could easily make out the smirk appearing on his face.

"What kind of question is that? You hit my head and trapped me in a place so cold. How am I supposed to feel? Why did you do this?" I tried all I could to prevent myself from breaking. I am sure he is one of the enemies trying to hurt Henry.

"So many questions. One simple answer to all. Pain." He stretched his hand out and I flinched back against the wall.

"Look, what that gruesome vampire did to you. There's no need to be scared of me, I will be good to you, the condition is... only if you behave with me." He stroke my hair gently and sighed.

I glared at him and spoke, "Do not call him such."

"Do you want me to recall all that he did to you? No?" He leant closer and gritted his teeth.

I decided to keep quite and watch him. "Doll face, you deserve better. Not a monster who ruined you. I can keep you above all. In our own happy place. Rest, my love I don't want you struggling against the chains. You have already self harmed your arms more than I could." He ran his fingers on the red marks on my wrist and whispered, "I will come back and take you away."

My eyelids drooped low and my head became heavy as if someone just sang me a lullaby to make me fall asleep.




Tons of thanks to :

BvckyBvrnes for this beautiful cover art for TFMWTVK!

This is really sweet and beautifully made. Thank you so much for sending me this gift, I love it 😍!



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