Chapter Three : The Royal Ball

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"Finally we are here!" Isla exclaimed at Rose as they finally reached the threshold of the palace.

They were welcomed by Mr. Aldrick as if he was purposely appointed for their welcome. Rose stared at the place in amusement and her curiosity was calmed to see the place. She had never seen such wonderful ball which made her feel out of place.

The palace was decorated in deep blue, crimson red and velvet. The people were awestruck to see such beautiful decorations. Among the guests were many Royal people, dukes, mayors and knights and of course, the aristocrats of the city with a glass of rich rhenish wine in their hands talking to each other about their interests and plans.

Mr. Aldrick took Isla and Rose to the king for a formal introduction. Even though people of lower status usually didn't get a chance to meet the king personally but, it was his personal desire to meet her. Henry had already been eyeing Rose, since they entered the palace even though she was not aware of it. When they were presented before the king, Isla sheepishly bowed and Rose did the same but rather gracefully with a charming smile which can be considered enough to draw the king more to her. Mentally Henry smiled to see Rose before him this was what he actually wanted. She was breath taking and gorgeous.

Having done with the introduction, the king allowed them to enjoy the ball.

Isla gaily chatted about how beautiful the ball was and how fortunate they were to be there. Rose in response just nodded and smiled at her friend's excitement. Meanwhile, he couldn't help but watch her flawlessness.

After a while all the pairs gathered and the dance took place.

During which, Isla found her job mate. His name was Drake. A short slim man with green eyes and pale complexion. Isla and Drake were busy in their pleasant conversation and performing their dance while Rose sat on one of the chairs kept at the side of the hall. She didn't have any male friend like Isla had.

The King couldn't stop staring at her. He wanted her near him. But, asking a girl of common for a dance considering his position without any specific reason was questionable and would seem doubtful among the people so, he decided to wait.

There were many girls including princesses and even queens dying to ask him for one single dance but none had the courage to.

As Henry thought that now was maybe the chance, since most of the pairs had formed and she seemed alone but an unwanted man with lousy intentions came in between.

Ronald walked to Rose and asked her to dance with him. But, she was not ready as she doubted the him. Her sanity screamed a big no in her mind but Ronald was a clever and bad man as he threatened her by saying that there are punishments for those who do not obey the ones with high standards, referring to himself. Threatened by this abortive blackmail, Rose decided that a dance in this crowded place won't do her any wrong.

Ronald took advantage of this very situation and used all his cunningness to flatter her and change her thoughts about him."You don't know how beautiful you are.." Ronald continued, "Trust me, its just a dance. It wouldn't be considered very polite if I let a pretty girl like you sitting alone without my company." He smiled in a saintly way.

Rose smiled back and answered, "I can dance for a while, but I have to return soon." She stared around in nervousness and locked her lips which went dry. Not seeing any formidable harm,she decided to give it a try. May be everything would be alright.

"Sure, miss." Ronald replied and took her for the dance. While the king looked at them and his eyes narrowed. Clear annoyance, but he tried to hide it.

A moment later a petite girl dressed like a royal approached him to ask him for a dance which he without any hesitation accepted but his mind still lingered at the thought of her.

Soon, Ronald led her out of the sight of people said that there's another small hall and there were many other dukes and dutchess' that he would like to introduce her to. Rose thought it as a good opportunity to get to know the upper class people, she agreed.

He took her through the hallway feigning innocence but when he thought that they were close enough, Ronald twisted the door knob, pushed Rose inside a small dark room with nobody present and locked the door. He was clever enough to make it through the crowd being unnoticed even by the king.

Ronald wanted to carry out his intentions. He went to the girl, picked her up by her elbow and tried to grab her closer to him. Rose struggled hard and was afraid. She started screaming and pleaded to let her go but that cruel Ronald won't let her so he closed her mouth with his hand.

"Come on darling, stop fighting me." He said in a sick voice.

Fortunately, in a matter of time, the king felt the absence of Rose and left the ball room without being noticed, excusing himself from the princess that tugged to him not wanting to leave.

He started searching her across the corridors. He knew something was wrong. He made his way to the hallway and stopped when he heard the muffled screams of a girl.

"Please, please don't! Stop it!" He heard.

He was worried and knew it was her. He tried opening the door to the room where her voice sounded, but it was locked. So, he decided to break the door and forced a strong kick, the door made a loud noise and fell with a heavy thud on the interior of the dark, lonely room. He saw Ronald holding Rose by her elbow and was without his coat. Henry was agitated at the scene but was somewhat relaxed to see that Rose was not much harmed and still wasn't touched by that freak.

He pushed Ronald making Rose fall down. Henry caught him by his collar and punched him hard on his face. Ronald's face bled while he continued showering his punches and kicks on him as Ronald lay on the floor clutching his stomach and curled up in a foster position. Finally, when the king was satisfied a little, he called for the guards and Ronald was taken to the dreadful underground dungeon of the kingdom.

Rose sat up weakly and covered her face with her hands. She started weeping and felt dirty and embarrassed. It was her fault, she thought, she had to be more careful.

"You are safe now." Henry assured.
He felt pity for Rose.

He never had such emotions but this time he felt as if she was made for him to protect. He asked for her hand and covered her with his own jacket.

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